| <title>Test that an audio file in a video element should not have a fullscreen button</title> |
| <script src=media-file.js></script> |
| <script src=media-controls.js></script> |
| <script src=video-test.js></script> |
| video = document.querySelector("video"); |
| consoleWrite("** Playing the video **"); |
| consoleWrite("** Testing if the fullscreen button is hidden **"); |
| fullscreenButton = mediaControlsElement(internals.shadowRoot(video).firstChild, "-webkit-media-controls-fullscreen-button"); |
| testExpected("fullscreenButton.classList.contains('hidden')", true); |
| Tests that an audio file in a video element should not have a fullscreen button<br> |
| <video src="content/silence.wav" onplay="test()" controls></video> |