| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Warning: Problem parsing viewBox="" |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Warning: Problem parsing viewBox="" |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Warning: Problem parsing viewBox="" |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 2: FOO<span>BAR</span>BAZ |
| resources/pending-spec-changes-plain-text-unsafe.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/pending-spec-changes.dat: |
| 2 |
| |
| Test 2 of 2 in resources/pending-spec-changes.dat failed. Input: |
| <!DOCTYPE html><table><caption><svg>foo</table>bar |
| Got: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <caption> |
| | <svg svg> |
| | "foobar" |
| Expected: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <caption> |
| | <svg svg> |
| | "foo" |
| | "bar" |
| resources/plain-text-unsafe.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests1.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests2.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests3.dat: |
| 12 |
| |
| Test 12 of 24 in resources/tests3.dat failed. Input: |
| <!DOCTYPE html><pre>

A</pre> |
| Got: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <pre> |
| | " |
| |
| A" |
| Expected: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <pre> |
| | " |
| A" |
| resources/tests4.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests5.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests6.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests7.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests8.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests9.dat: |
| 16 |
| |
| Test 16 of 27 in resources/tests9.dat failed. Input: |
| <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi>baz</table><p>quux |
| Got: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <caption> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math mi> |
| | "foo" |
| | <math mi> |
| | "bar" |
| | "baz" |
| | <p> |
| | "quux" |
| Expected: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <caption> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math mi> |
| | "foo" |
| | <math mi> |
| | "bar" |
| | "baz" |
| | <p> |
| | "quux" |
| resources/tests10.dat: |
| 15 |
| 53 |
| 54 |
| |
| Test 15 of 54 in resources/tests10.dat failed. Input: |
| <!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g>baz</table><p>quux |
| Got: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <caption> |
| | <svg svg> |
| | <svg g> |
| | "foo" |
| | <svg g> |
| | "bar" |
| | "baz" |
| | <p> |
| | "quux" |
| Expected: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <caption> |
| | <svg svg> |
| | <svg g> |
| | "foo" |
| | <svg g> |
| | "bar" |
| | "baz" |
| | <p> |
| | "quux" |
| |
| Test 53 of 54 in resources/tests10.dat failed. Input: |
| <math><annotation-xml><svg><foreignObject><div><math><mi></mi></math><span></span></div></foreignObject><path></path></svg></annotation-xml><mi> |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math annotation-xml> |
| | <svg svg> |
| | <svg foreignObject> |
| | <div> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math mi> |
| | <span> |
| | <path> |
| | <math mi> |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math annotation-xml> |
| | <svg svg> |
| | <svg foreignObject> |
| | <div> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math mi> |
| | <span> |
| | <svg path> |
| | <math mi> |
| |
| Test 54 of 54 in resources/tests10.dat failed. Input: |
| <math><annotation-xml><svg><foreignObject><math><mi><svg></svg></mi><mo></mo></math><span></span></foreignObject><path></path></svg></annotation-xml><mi> |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math annotation-xml> |
| | <svg svg> |
| | <svg foreignObject> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math mi> |
| | <svg svg> |
| | <math mo> |
| | <span> |
| | <path> |
| | <math mi> |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math annotation-xml> |
| | <svg svg> |
| | <svg foreignObject> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math mi> |
| | <svg svg> |
| | <math mo> |
| | <span> |
| | <svg path> |
| | <math mi> |
| resources/tests11.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests12.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests14.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests15.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests16.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests17.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests18.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests19.dat: |
| 81 |
| |
| Test 81 of 103 in resources/tests19.dat failed. Input: |
| <!doctype html><div><body><frameset> |
| Got: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <frameset> |
| Expected: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <div> |
| resources/tests20.dat: |
| 31 |
| 35 |
| 36 |
| 37 |
| 38 |
| |
| Test 31 of 39 in resources/tests20.dat failed. Input: |
| <option><span><option> |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <option> |
| | <span> |
| | <option> |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <option> |
| | <span> |
| | <option> |
| |
| Test 35 of 39 in resources/tests20.dat failed. Input: |
| <math><annotation-xml encoding="application/xhtml+xml"><div> |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math annotation-xml> |
| | encoding="application/xhtml+xml" |
| | <div> |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math annotation-xml> |
| | encoding="application/xhtml+xml" |
| | <div> |
| |
| Test 36 of 39 in resources/tests20.dat failed. Input: |
| <math><annotation-xml encoding="aPPlication/xhtmL+xMl"><div> |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math annotation-xml> |
| | encoding="aPPlication/xhtmL+xMl" |
| | <div> |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math annotation-xml> |
| | encoding="aPPlication/xhtmL+xMl" |
| | <div> |
| |
| Test 37 of 39 in resources/tests20.dat failed. Input: |
| <math><annotation-xml encoding="text/html"><div> |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math annotation-xml> |
| | encoding="text/html" |
| | <div> |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math annotation-xml> |
| | encoding="text/html" |
| | <div> |
| |
| Test 38 of 39 in resources/tests20.dat failed. Input: |
| <math><annotation-xml encoding="Text/htmL"><div> |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math annotation-xml> |
| | encoding="Text/htmL" |
| | <div> |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <math math> |
| | <math annotation-xml> |
| | encoding="Text/htmL" |
| | <div> |
| resources/tests21.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests22.dat: |
| 1 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| |
| Test 1 of 5 in resources/tests22.dat failed. Input: |
| <a><b><big><em><strong><div>X</a> |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <a> |
| | <b> |
| | <big> |
| | <em> |
| | <strong> |
| | <b> |
| | <big> |
| | <em> |
| | <strong> |
| | <div> |
| | <a> |
| | "X" |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <a> |
| | <b> |
| | <big> |
| | <em> |
| | <strong> |
| | <big> |
| | <em> |
| | <strong> |
| | <div> |
| | <a> |
| | "X" |
| |
| Test 3 of 5 in resources/tests22.dat failed. Input: |
| <a><b><div id=1><div id=2><div id=3><div id=4><div id=5><div id=6><div id=7><div id=8><div id=9>A</a> |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <a> |
| | <b> |
| | <b> |
| | <div> |
| | id="1" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="2" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="3" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="4" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="5" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="6" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="7" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="8" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="9" |
| | <a> |
| | "A" |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <a> |
| | <b> |
| | <b> |
| | <div> |
| | id="1" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="2" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="3" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="4" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="5" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="6" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="7" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="8" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="9" |
| | "A" |
| |
| Test 4 of 5 in resources/tests22.dat failed. Input: |
| <a><b><div id=1><div id=2><div id=3><div id=4><div id=5><div id=6><div id=7><div id=8><div id=9><div id=10>A</a> |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <a> |
| | <b> |
| | <b> |
| | <div> |
| | id="1" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="2" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="3" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="4" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="5" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="6" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="7" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="8" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="9" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="10" |
| | <a> |
| | "A" |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <a> |
| | <b> |
| | <b> |
| | <div> |
| | id="1" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="2" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="3" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="4" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="5" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="6" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="7" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="8" |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | id="9" |
| | <div> |
| | id="10" |
| | "A" |
| |
| Test 5 of 5 in resources/tests22.dat failed. Input: |
| <cite><b><cite><i><cite><i><cite><i><div>X</b>TEST |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <cite> |
| | <b> |
| | <cite> |
| | <i> |
| | <cite> |
| | <i> |
| | <cite> |
| | <i> |
| | <i> |
| | <i> |
| | <i> |
| | <div> |
| | <b> |
| | "X" |
| | "TEST" |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <cite> |
| | <b> |
| | <cite> |
| | <i> |
| | <cite> |
| | <i> |
| | <cite> |
| | <i> |
| | <i> |
| | <i> |
| | <div> |
| | <b> |
| | "X" |
| | "TEST" |
| resources/tests23.dat: |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| |
| Test 1 of 5 in resources/tests23.dat failed. Input: |
| <p><font size=4><font color=red><font size=4><font size=4><font size=4><font size=4><font size=4><font color=red><p>X |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | color="red" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | color="red" |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | color="red" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | color="red" |
| | "X" |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | color="red" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | color="red" |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | color="red" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | color="red" |
| | "X" |
| |
| Test 2 of 5 in resources/tests23.dat failed. Input: |
| <p><font size=4><font size=4><font size=4><font size=4><p>X |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | "X" |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | "X" |
| |
| Test 3 of 5 in resources/tests23.dat failed. Input: |
| <p><font size=4><font size=4><font size=4><font size="5"><font size=4><p>X |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="5" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="5" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | "X" |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="5" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | <font> |
| | size="5" |
| | <font> |
| | size="4" |
| | "X" |
| resources/tests24.dat: |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |
| |
| Test 1 of 8 in resources/tests24.dat failed. Input: |
| <!DOCTYPE html>≂̸ |
| Got: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | "≂̸" |
| Expected: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | "≂̸" |
| |
| Test 2 of 8 in resources/tests24.dat failed. Input: |
| <!DOCTYPE html>≂̸A |
| Got: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | "≂̸A" |
| Expected: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | "≂̸A" |
| |
| Test 3 of 8 in resources/tests24.dat failed. Input: |
| <!DOCTYPE html>   |
| Got: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | "  " |
| Expected: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | " " |
| |
| Test 4 of 8 in resources/tests24.dat failed. Input: |
| <!DOCTYPE html>  A |
| Got: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | "  A" |
| Expected: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | " A" |
| |
| Test 5 of 8 in resources/tests24.dat failed. Input: |
| <!DOCTYPE html>⊂⃒ |
| Got: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | "⊂⃒" |
| Expected: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | "⊂⃒" |
| |
| Test 6 of 8 in resources/tests24.dat failed. Input: |
| <!DOCTYPE html>⊂⃒A |
| Got: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | "⊂⃒A" |
| Expected: |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | "⊂⃒A" |
| resources/tests25.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests26.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tests_innerHTML_1.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/webkit01.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/webkit02.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/doctype01.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/scriptdata01.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/html5test-com.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/entities01.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/entities02.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/comments01.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/adoption01.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/adoption02.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/inbody01.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/isindex.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tables01.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/tricky01.dat: PASS |
| |
| resources/scripted/adoption01.dat: |
| 1 |
| |
| Test 1 of 1 in resources/scripted/adoption01.dat failed. Input: |
| <p><b id="A"><script>document.getElementById("A").id = "B"</script></p>TEXT</b> |
| Got: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <p> |
| | <b> |
| | id="B" |
| | <script> |
| | "document.getElementById("A").id = "B"" |
| | <b> |
| | id="B" |
| | "TEXT" |
| Expected: |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <p> |
| | <b> |
| | id="B" |
| | <script> |
| | "document.getElementById("A").id = "B"" |
| | <b> |
| | id="A" |
| | "TEXT" |
| resources/scripted/webkit01.dat: PASS |