| <!DOCTYPE html> |
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| <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> |
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| <script src="resources/webxr_test_constants.js"></script> |
| <script src="resources/webxr_test_asserts.js"></script> |
| <canvas id="webgl-canvas"></canvas> |
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| <script> |
| |
| let testName = "XRInputSources with a target ray mode of 'tracked-pointer' " |
| + "properly communicate their poses"; |
| |
| let fakeDeviceInitParams = TRACKED_IMMERSIVE_DEVICE; |
| |
| let testFunction = |
| (session, fakeDeviceController, t) => new Promise((resolve) => { |
| let input_source = fakeDeviceController.simulateInputSourceConnection({ |
| handedness: "right", |
| targetRayMode: "tracked-pointer", |
| pointerOrigin: IDENTITY_TRANSFORM, |
| profiles: [] |
| }); |
| |
| // Don't set a grip matrix yet |
| |
| // Must have a reference space to get input poses. eye-level doesn't apply |
| // any transforms to the given matrix. |
| session.requestReferenceSpace('local').then( (referenceSpace) => { |
| |
| function CheckInvalidGrip(time, xrFrame) { |
| let source = session.inputSources[0]; |
| let grip_pose = xrFrame.getPose(source.gripSpace, referenceSpace); |
| |
| t.step( () => { |
| // The input pose should be null when no grip matrix is provided. |
| assert_equals(source.targetRayMode, "tracked-pointer"); |
| assert_equals(grip_pose, null); |
| }); |
| |
| input_source.setGripOrigin(VALID_GRIP_TRANSFORM); |
| |
| session.requestAnimationFrame(CheckValidGrip); |
| } |
| |
| function CheckValidGrip(time, xrFrame) { |
| let source = session.inputSources[0]; |
| |
| let grip_pose = xrFrame.getPose(source.gripSpace, referenceSpace); |
| |
| let input_pose = xrFrame.getPose(source.targetRaySpace, referenceSpace); |
| |
| t.step( () => { |
| // When a grip matrix is set, both the grip and pointer matrices |
| // should yield their set values (i.e. the pointerOrigin is *not* |
| // transformed by the gripOrigin). |
| assert_not_equals(grip_pose, null); |
| assert_matrix_approx_equals(grip_pose.transform.matrix, VALID_GRIP, |
| FLOAT_EPSILON, "Grip matrix is not equal to input."); |
| assert_matrix_approx_equals(input_pose.transform.matrix, |
| "Pointer matrix is not equal to its set value."); |
| }); |
| |
| input_source.setPointerOrigin(VALID_POINTER_TRANSFORM); |
| |
| session.requestAnimationFrame(CheckValidGripAndPointer); |
| } |
| |
| function CheckValidGripAndPointer(time, xrFrame) { |
| let source = session.inputSources[0]; |
| |
| let grip_pose = xrFrame.getPose(source.gripSpace, referenceSpace); |
| let input_pose = xrFrame.getPose(source.targetRaySpace, referenceSpace); |
| |
| t.step( () => { |
| // Verify that changes to the pointer origin are properly reflected. |
| assert_not_equals(grip_pose, null); |
| assert_matrix_approx_equals(grip_pose.transform.matrix, VALID_GRIP, |
| FLOAT_EPSILON, "Grip matrix is not equal to input valid grip."); |
| assert_matrix_approx_equals(input_pose.transform.matrix, |
| "Pointer matrix not set properly."); |
| }); |
| |
| resolve(); |
| } |
| |
| // Can only request input poses in an xr frame. |
| requestSkipAnimationFrame(session, CheckInvalidGrip); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| xr_session_promise_test( |
| testName, testFunction, fakeDeviceInitParams, 'immersive-vr'); |
| |
| </script> |