blob: 0ebbfe4f72e2573a83e3bc00d7fa6741f3b702e0 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS A transceiver added and stopped before the initial offer generation should not trigger an offer m-section generation
PASS During renegotiation, adding and stopping a transceiver should not trigger a renegotiated offer m-section generation
PASS A stopped sendonly transceiver should generate an inactive m-section in the offer
PASS A stopped inactive transceiver should generate an inactive m-section in the offer
PASS If a transceiver is stopped locally, setting a locally generated answer should still work
PASS If a transceiver is stopped remotely, setting a locally generated answer should still work
FAIL If a transceiver is stopped, transceivers, senders and receivers should disappear after offer/answer assert_equals: expected 0 but got 1
FAIL If a transceiver is stopped, transceivers should end up in state stopped assert_equals: expected "inactive" but got "stopped"