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<script src="RTCPeerConnection-helper.js"></script>
'use strict';
// Test is based on the following editor draft:
// The following helper functions are called from RTCPeerConnection-helper.js:
// generateAnswer
// assert_session_desc_similar
4.3.2. Interface Definition
[Constructor(optional RTCConfiguration configuration)]
interface RTCPeerConnection : EventTarget {
Promise<void> setRemoteDescription(
RTCSessionDescriptionInit description);
readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? remoteDescription;
readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? currentRemoteDescription;
readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? pendingRemoteDescription;
4.6.2. RTCSessionDescription Class
dictionary RTCSessionDescriptionInit {
required RTCSdpType type;
DOMString sdp = "";
4.6.1. RTCSdpType
enum RTCSdpType {
/* Set the RTCSessionSessionDescription
2.2.2. If description is set as a local description, then run one of the following
- If description is of type "answer", then this completes an offer answer
Set connection's currentLocalDescription to description and
currentRemoteDescription to the value of pendingRemoteDescription.
Set both pendingRemoteDescription and pendingLocalDescription to null.
Finally set connection's signaling state to stable.
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
const states = [];
pc.addEventListener('signalingstatechange', () => states.push(pc.signalingState));
return generateVideoReceiveOnlyOffer(pc)
.then(offer =>
.then(() => pc.createAnswer())
.then(answer =>
.then(() => {
assert_equals(pc.signalingState, 'stable');
assert_session_desc_similar(pc.localDescription, answer);
assert_session_desc_similar(pc.remoteDescription, offer);
assert_session_desc_similar(pc.currentLocalDescription, answer);
assert_session_desc_similar(pc.currentRemoteDescription, offer);
assert_equals(pc.pendingLocalDescription, null);
assert_equals(pc.pendingRemoteDescription, null);
assert_array_equals(states, ['have-remote-offer', 'stable']);
}, 'setLocalDescription() with valid answer should succeed');
4.3.2. setLocalDescription
3. Let lastAnswer be the result returned by the last call to createAnswer.
4. If description.sdp is null and description.type is answer, set description.sdp
to lastAnswer.
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
return generateVideoReceiveOnlyOffer(pc)
.then(offer =>
.then(() => pc.createAnswer())
.then(answer =>
pc.setLocalDescription({ type: 'answer' })
.then(() => {
assert_equals(pc.signalingState, 'stable');
assert_session_desc_similar(pc.localDescription, answer);
assert_session_desc_similar(pc.remoteDescription, offer);
assert_session_desc_similar(pc.currentLocalDescription, answer);
assert_session_desc_similar(pc.currentRemoteDescription, offer);
assert_equals(pc.pendingLocalDescription, null);
assert_equals(pc.pendingRemoteDescription, null);
}, 'setLocalDescription() with type answer and null sdp should use lastAnswer generated from createAnswer');
4.3.2. setLocalDescription
3. Let lastAnswer be the result returned by the last call to createAnswer.
7. If description.type is answer and description.sdp does not match lastAnswer,
reject the promise with a newly created InvalidModificationError and abort these
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
return generateVideoReceiveOnlyOffer(pc)
.then(offer =>
.then(() => generateAnswer(offer))
.then(answer =>
promise_rejects_dom(t, 'InvalidModificationError',
}, 'setLocalDescription() with answer not created by own createAnswer() should reject with InvalidModificationError');
/* Set the RTCSessionSessionDescription
2.3. If the description's type is invalid for the current signaling state of
connection, then reject p with a newly created InvalidStateError and abort
these steps.
5.5. If the type is "pranswer" or "answer", the PeerConnection
state MUST be either "have-remote-offer" or "have-local-pranswer".
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
return pc.createOffer()
.then(offer =>
promise_rejects_dom(t, 'InvalidModificationError',
pc.setLocalDescription({ type: 'answer', sdp: offer.sdp })));
}, 'Calling setLocalDescription(answer) from stable state should reject with InvalidModificationError');
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
return pc.createOffer()
.then(offer =>
.then(() => generateAnswer(offer)))
.then(answer =>
promise_rejects_dom(t, 'InvalidModificationError',
}, 'Calling setLocalDescription(answer) from have-local-offer state should reject with InvalidModificationError');
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
const offer = await pc1.createOffer({offerToReceiveAudio: true});
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);
const answer = await pc2.createAnswer(); // [[LastAnswer]] slot set
await pc2.setRemoteDescription({type: "rollback"});
await pc2.createOffer({offerToReceiveVideo: true}); // [[LastOffer]] slot set
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);
await pc2.setLocalDescription(answer); // Should check against [[LastAnswer]], not [[LastOffer]]
}, "Setting previously generated answer after a call to createOffer should work");
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(await pc1.createOffer({offerToReceiveAudio: true}));
const answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
const sldPromise = pc2.setLocalDescription(answer);
assert_equals(pc2.signalingState, "have-remote-offer", "signalingState should not be set synchronously after a call to sLD");
assert_equals(pc2.pendingLocalDescription, null, "pendingLocalDescription should never be set due to sLD(answer)");
assert_not_equals(pc2.pendingRemoteDescription, null, "pendingRemoteDescription should not be set synchronously after a call to sLD");
assert_equals(pc2.pendingRemoteDescription.type, "offer");
assert_equals(pc2.remoteDescription.sdp, pc2.pendingRemoteDescription.sdp);
assert_equals(pc2.currentLocalDescription, null, "currentLocalDescription should not be set synchronously after a call to sLD");
assert_equals(pc2.currentRemoteDescription, null, "currentRemoteDescription should not be set synchronously after a call to sLD");
const stablePromise = new Promise(resolve => {
pc2.onsignalingstatechange = () => {
const raceValue = await Promise.race([stablePromise, sldPromise]);
assert_equals(raceValue, "stable", "signalingstatechange event should fire before sLD resolves");
assert_equals(pc2.pendingLocalDescription, null, "pendingLocalDescription should never be set due to sLD(answer)");
assert_equals(pc2.pendingRemoteDescription, null, "pendingRemoteDescription should be updated before the signalingstatechange event");
assert_not_equals(pc2.currentLocalDescription, null, "currentLocalDescription should be updated before the signalingstatechange event");
assert_equals(pc2.currentLocalDescription.type, "answer");
assert_equals(pc2.currentLocalDescription.sdp, pc2.localDescription.sdp);
assert_not_equals(pc2.currentRemoteDescription, null, "currentRemoteDescription should be updated before the signalingstatechange event");
assert_equals(pc2.currentRemoteDescription.type, "offer");
assert_equals(pc2.currentRemoteDescription.sdp, pc2.remoteDescription.sdp);
await sldPromise;
}, "setLocalDescription(answer) should update internal state with a queued task, in the right order");