blob: 66c00ac55abbed620e6c320ac6089bb6792b11af [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL Add ICE candidate before setting remote description should reject with InvalidStateError assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
FAIL addIceCandidate({"candidate":"","sdpMid":null,"sdpMLineIndex":null}) should work, and add a=end-of-candidates to both m-sections assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
FAIL addIceCandidate(undefined) should work, and add a=end-of-candidates to both m-sections assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
FAIL addIceCandidate(null) should work, and add a=end-of-candidates to both m-sections assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
FAIL addIceCandidate({}) should work, and add a=end-of-candidates to both m-sections assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
FAIL addIceCandidate({}) in stable should work, and add a=end-of-candidates to both m-sections assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
FAIL addIceCandidate({usernameFragment: usernameFragment1, sdpMid: sdpMid1}) should work, and add a=end-of-candidates to the first m-section assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
FAIL addIceCandidate({usernameFragment: usernameFragment2, sdpMLineIndex: 1}) should work, and add a=end-of-candidates to the first m-section assert_true: expected true got false
FAIL addIceCandidate({usernameFragment: "no such ufrag"}) should not work assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
FAIL Add ICE candidate after setting remote description should succeed assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found after media line m=audio expected true got false
PASS Add ICE candidate with RTCIceCandidate should succeed
PASS Add candidate with only valid sdpMid should succeed
PASS Add candidate with only valid sdpMid and RTCIceCandidate should succeed
PASS Add candidate with only valid sdpMLineIndex should succeed
FAIL addIceCandidate with first sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex add candidate to first media stream assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
FAIL addIceCandidate with second sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex should add candidate to second media stream assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found after media line m=video expected true got false
FAIL Add candidate for first media stream with null usernameFragment should add candidate to first media stream assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
FAIL Adding multiple candidates should add candidates to their corresponding media stream assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
FAIL Add with empty candidate string (end of candidate) should succeed assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
PASS Add candidate with both sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex manually set to null should reject with TypeError
PASS Add candidate with only valid candidate string should reject with TypeError
PASS Add candidate with invalid candidate string and both sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex null should reject with TypeError
FAIL Add candidate with invalid sdpMid should reject with OperationError assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
FAIL Add candidate with invalid sdpMLineIndex should reject with OperationError assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
PASS Invalid sdpMLineIndex should be ignored if valid sdpMid is provided
FAIL Add candidate for media stream 2 with null usernameFragment should succeed assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found after media line m=video expected true got false
FAIL Add candidate with invalid usernameFragment should reject with OperationError assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
PASS Add candidate with invalid candidate string should reject with OperationError
FAIL Add candidate with sdpMid belonging to different usernameFragment should reject with OperationError assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code