| // |
| // Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| // ContextMtl.h: |
| // Defines the class interface for ContextMtl, implementing ContextImpl. |
| // |
| |
| |
| #import <Metal/Metal.h> |
| |
| #include "common/Optional.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/Context.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/renderer/ContextImpl.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/renderer/metal/mtl_buffer_pool.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/renderer/metal/mtl_command_buffer.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/renderer/metal/mtl_resources.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/renderer/metal/mtl_state_cache.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/renderer/metal/mtl_utils.h" |
| |
| namespace rx |
| { |
| class DisplayMtl; |
| class FramebufferMtl; |
| class VertexArrayMtl; |
| class ProgramMtl; |
| |
| class ContextMtl : public ContextImpl, public mtl::Context |
| { |
| public: |
| ContextMtl(const gl::State &state, gl::ErrorSet *errorSet, DisplayMtl *display); |
| ~ContextMtl() override; |
| |
| angle::Result initialize() override; |
| |
| void onDestroy(const gl::Context *context) override; |
| |
| // Flush and finish. |
| angle::Result flush(const gl::Context *context) override; |
| angle::Result finish(const gl::Context *context) override; |
| |
| // Drawing methods. |
| angle::Result drawArrays(const gl::Context *context, |
| gl::PrimitiveMode mode, |
| GLint first, |
| GLsizei count) override; |
| angle::Result drawArraysInstanced(const gl::Context *context, |
| gl::PrimitiveMode mode, |
| GLint first, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLsizei instanceCount) override; |
| angle::Result drawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(const gl::Context *context, |
| gl::PrimitiveMode mode, |
| GLint first, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLsizei instanceCount, |
| GLuint baseInstance) override; |
| |
| angle::Result drawElements(const gl::Context *context, |
| gl::PrimitiveMode mode, |
| GLsizei count, |
| gl::DrawElementsType type, |
| const void *indices) override; |
| angle::Result drawElementsInstanced(const gl::Context *context, |
| gl::PrimitiveMode mode, |
| GLsizei count, |
| gl::DrawElementsType type, |
| const void *indices, |
| GLsizei instanceCount) override; |
| angle::Result drawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(const gl::Context *context, |
| gl::PrimitiveMode mode, |
| GLsizei count, |
| gl::DrawElementsType type, |
| const void *indices, |
| GLsizei instances, |
| GLint baseVertex, |
| GLuint baseInstance) override; |
| angle::Result drawRangeElements(const gl::Context *context, |
| gl::PrimitiveMode mode, |
| GLuint start, |
| GLuint end, |
| GLsizei count, |
| gl::DrawElementsType type, |
| const void *indices) override; |
| angle::Result drawArraysIndirect(const gl::Context *context, |
| gl::PrimitiveMode mode, |
| const void *indirect) override; |
| angle::Result drawElementsIndirect(const gl::Context *context, |
| gl::PrimitiveMode mode, |
| gl::DrawElementsType type, |
| const void *indirect) override; |
| |
| // Device loss |
| gl::GraphicsResetStatus getResetStatus() override; |
| |
| // Vendor and description strings. |
| std::string getVendorString() const override; |
| std::string getRendererDescription() const override; |
| |
| // EXT_debug_marker |
| void insertEventMarker(GLsizei length, const char *marker) override; |
| void pushGroupMarker(GLsizei length, const char *marker) override; |
| void popGroupMarker() override; |
| |
| // KHR_debug |
| void pushDebugGroup(GLenum source, GLuint id, const std::string &message) override; |
| void popDebugGroup() override; |
| |
| // State sync with dirty bits. |
| angle::Result syncState(const gl::Context *context, |
| const gl::State::DirtyBits &dirtyBits, |
| const gl::State::DirtyBits &bitMask) override; |
| |
| // Disjoint timer queries |
| GLint getGPUDisjoint() override; |
| GLint64 getTimestamp() override; |
| |
| // Context switching |
| angle::Result onMakeCurrent(const gl::Context *context) override; |
| angle::Result onUnMakeCurrent(const gl::Context *context) override; |
| |
| // Native capabilities, unmodified by gl::Context. |
| gl::Caps getNativeCaps() const override; |
| const gl::TextureCapsMap &getNativeTextureCaps() const override; |
| const gl::Extensions &getNativeExtensions() const override; |
| const gl::Limitations &getNativeLimitations() const override; |
| |
| // Shader creation |
| CompilerImpl *createCompiler() override; |
| ShaderImpl *createShader(const gl::ShaderState &state) override; |
| ProgramImpl *createProgram(const gl::ProgramState &state) override; |
| |
| // Framebuffer creation |
| FramebufferImpl *createFramebuffer(const gl::FramebufferState &state) override; |
| |
| // Texture creation |
| TextureImpl *createTexture(const gl::TextureState &state) override; |
| |
| // Renderbuffer creation |
| RenderbufferImpl *createRenderbuffer(const gl::RenderbufferState &state) override; |
| |
| // Buffer creation |
| BufferImpl *createBuffer(const gl::BufferState &state) override; |
| |
| // Vertex Array creation |
| VertexArrayImpl *createVertexArray(const gl::VertexArrayState &state) override; |
| |
| // Query and Fence creation |
| QueryImpl *createQuery(gl::QueryType type) override; |
| FenceNVImpl *createFenceNV() override; |
| SyncImpl *createSync() override; |
| |
| // Transform Feedback creation |
| TransformFeedbackImpl *createTransformFeedback( |
| const gl::TransformFeedbackState &state) override; |
| |
| // Sampler object creation |
| SamplerImpl *createSampler(const gl::SamplerState &state) override; |
| |
| // Program Pipeline object creation |
| ProgramPipelineImpl *createProgramPipeline(const gl::ProgramPipelineState &data) override; |
| |
| // Path object creation |
| std::vector<PathImpl *> createPaths(GLsizei) override; |
| |
| // Memory object creation. |
| MemoryObjectImpl *createMemoryObject() override; |
| |
| // Semaphore creation. |
| SemaphoreImpl *createSemaphore() override; |
| |
| // Overlay creation. |
| OverlayImpl *createOverlay(const gl::OverlayState &state) override; |
| |
| angle::Result dispatchCompute(const gl::Context *context, |
| GLuint numGroupsX, |
| GLuint numGroupsY, |
| GLuint numGroupsZ) override; |
| angle::Result dispatchComputeIndirect(const gl::Context *context, GLintptr indirect) override; |
| |
| angle::Result memoryBarrier(const gl::Context *context, GLbitfield barriers) override; |
| angle::Result memoryBarrierByRegion(const gl::Context *context, GLbitfield barriers) override; |
| |
| // override mtl::ErrorHandler |
| void handleError(GLenum error, |
| const char *file, |
| const char *function, |
| unsigned int line) override; |
| void handleError(NSError *_Nullable error, |
| const char *file, |
| const char *function, |
| unsigned int line) override; |
| |
| using ContextImpl::handleError; |
| |
| void invalidateState(const gl::Context *context); |
| void invalidateDefaultAttribute(size_t attribIndex); |
| void invalidateDefaultAttributes(const gl::AttributesMask &dirtyMask); |
| void invalidateCurrentTextures(); |
| void invalidateDriverUniforms(); |
| void invalidateRenderPipeline(); |
| |
| // Call this to notify ContextMtl whenever FramebufferMtl's state changed |
| void onDrawFrameBufferChange(const gl::Context *context, FramebufferMtl *framebuffer); |
| |
| const MTLClearColor &getClearColorValue() const; |
| MTLColorWriteMask getColorMask() const; |
| float getClearDepthValue() const; |
| uint32_t getClearStencilValue() const; |
| // Return front facing stencil write mask |
| uint32_t getStencilMask() const; |
| bool isDepthWriteEnabled() const; |
| |
| const mtl::Format &getPixelFormat(angle::FormatID angleFormatId) const; |
| // See mtl::FormatTable::getVertexFormat() |
| const mtl::VertexFormat &getVertexFormat(angle::FormatID angleFormatId, |
| bool tightlyPacked) const; |
| |
| // Recommended to call these methods to end encoding instead of invoking the encoder's |
| // endEncoding() directly. |
| void endEncoding(mtl::RenderCommandEncoder *encoder); |
| // Ends any active command encoder |
| void endEncoding(bool forceSaveRenderPassContent); |
| |
| void flushCommandBufer(); |
| void present(const gl::Context *context, id<CAMetalDrawable> presentationDrawable); |
| angle::Result finishCommandBuffer(); |
| |
| // Check whether compatible render pass has been started. |
| bool hasStartedRenderPass(const mtl::RenderPassDesc &desc); |
| bool hasStartedRenderPass(FramebufferMtl *framebuffer); |
| |
| // Get current render encoder. May be nullptr if no render pass has been started. |
| mtl::RenderCommandEncoder *getRenderCommandEncoder(); |
| |
| mtl::RenderCommandEncoder *getCurrentFramebufferRenderCommandEncoder(); |
| |
| // Will end current command encoder if it is valid, then start new encoder. |
| // Unless hasStartedRenderPass(desc) returns true. |
| mtl::RenderCommandEncoder *getRenderCommandEncoder(const mtl::RenderPassDesc &desc); |
| |
| // Utilities to quickly create render command enconder to a specific texture: |
| // The previous content of texture will be loaded if clearColor is not provided |
| mtl::RenderCommandEncoder *getRenderCommandEncoder(const mtl::TextureRef &textureTarget, |
| const gl::ImageIndex &index, |
| const Optional<MTLClearColor> &clearColor); |
| // The previous content of texture will be loaded |
| mtl::RenderCommandEncoder *getRenderCommandEncoder(const mtl::TextureRef &textureTarget, |
| const gl::ImageIndex &index); |
| |
| // Will end current command encoder and start new blit command encoder. Unless a blit comamnd |
| // encoder is already started. |
| mtl::BlitCommandEncoder *getBlitCommandEncoder(); |
| |
| // Will end current command encoder and start new compute command encoder. Unless a compute |
| // command encoder is already started. |
| mtl::ComputeCommandEncoder *getComputeCommandEncoder(); |
| |
| private: |
| void ensureCommandBufferValid(); |
| angle::Result setupDraw(const gl::Context *context, |
| gl::PrimitiveMode mode, |
| GLint firstVertex, |
| GLsizei vertexOrIndexCount, |
| GLsizei instanceCount, |
| gl::DrawElementsType indexTypeOrNone, |
| const void *indices); |
| angle::Result genLineLoopLastSegment(const gl::Context *context, |
| GLint firstVertex, |
| GLsizei vertexOrIndexCount, |
| GLsizei instanceCount, |
| gl::DrawElementsType indexTypeOrNone, |
| const void *indices, |
| mtl::BufferRef *lastSegmentIndexBufferOut); |
| |
| angle::Result drawTriFanArrays(const gl::Context *context, GLint first, GLsizei count); |
| angle::Result drawTriFanArraysWithBaseVertex(const gl::Context *context, |
| GLint first, |
| GLsizei count); |
| angle::Result drawTriFanArraysLegacy(const gl::Context *context, GLint first, GLsizei count); |
| angle::Result drawTriFanElements(const gl::Context *context, |
| GLsizei count, |
| gl::DrawElementsType type, |
| const void *indices); |
| |
| void updateViewport(FramebufferMtl *framebufferMtl, |
| const gl::Rectangle &viewport, |
| float nearPlane, |
| float farPlane); |
| void updateDepthRange(float nearPlane, float farPlane); |
| void updateScissor(const gl::State &glState); |
| void updateCullMode(const gl::State &glState); |
| void updateFrontFace(const gl::State &glState); |
| void updateDepthBias(const gl::State &glState); |
| void updateDrawFrameBufferBinding(const gl::Context *context); |
| void updateProgramExecutable(const gl::Context *context); |
| void updateVertexArray(const gl::Context *context); |
| |
| angle::Result updateDefaultAttribute(size_t attribIndex); |
| angle::Result handleDirtyActiveTextures(const gl::Context *context); |
| angle::Result handleDirtyDefaultAttribs(const gl::Context *context); |
| angle::Result handleDirtyDriverUniforms(const gl::Context *context); |
| angle::Result handleDirtyDepthStencilState(const gl::Context *context); |
| angle::Result handleDirtyDepthBias(const gl::Context *context); |
| angle::Result checkIfPipelineChanged(const gl::Context *context, |
| gl::PrimitiveMode primitiveMode, |
| Optional<mtl::RenderPipelineDesc> *changedPipelineDesc); |
| |
| // Dirty bits. |
| enum DirtyBitType : size_t |
| { |
| }; |
| |
| // See compiler/translator/TranslatorVulkan.cpp: AddDriverUniformsToShader() |
| struct DriverUniforms |
| { |
| float viewport[4]; |
| |
| float halfRenderAreaHeight; |
| float viewportYScale; |
| float negViewportYScale; |
| |
| // NOTE(hqle): Transform feedsback is not supported yet. |
| uint32_t xfbActiveUnpaused; |
| |
| int32_t xfbBufferOffsets[4]; |
| uint32_t acbBufferOffsets[4]; |
| |
| // We'll use x, y, z for near / far / diff respectively. |
| float depthRange[4]; |
| }; |
| |
| struct DefaultAttribute |
| { |
| // NOTE(hqle): Support integer default attributes in ES 3.0 |
| float values[4]; |
| }; |
| |
| mtl::CommandBuffer mCmdBuffer; |
| mtl::RenderCommandEncoder mRenderEncoder; |
| mtl::BlitCommandEncoder mBlitEncoder; |
| mtl::ComputeCommandEncoder mComputeEncoder; |
| |
| // Cached back-end objects |
| FramebufferMtl *mDrawFramebuffer = nullptr; |
| VertexArrayMtl *mVertexArray = nullptr; |
| ProgramMtl *mProgram = nullptr; |
| |
| // Special flag to indicate current draw framebuffer is default framebuffer. |
| // We need this instead of calling mDrawFramebuffer->getState().isDefault() because |
| // mDrawFramebuffer might point to a deleted object, ContextMtl only knows about this very late, |
| // only during syncState() function call. |
| bool mDrawFramebufferIsDefault = true; |
| |
| using DirtyBits = angle::BitSet<DIRTY_BIT_MAX>; |
| |
| gl::AttributesMask mDirtyDefaultAttribsMask; |
| DirtyBits mDirtyBits; |
| |
| // State |
| mtl::RenderPipelineDesc mRenderPipelineDesc; |
| mtl::DepthStencilDesc mDepthStencilDesc; |
| mtl::BlendDesc mBlendDesc; |
| MTLClearColor mClearColor; |
| MTLViewport mViewport; |
| MTLScissorRect mScissorRect; |
| MTLWinding mWinding; |
| MTLCullMode mCullMode; |
| bool mCullAllPolygons = false; |
| |
| // Lineloop and TriFan index buffer |
| mtl::BufferPool mLineLoopIndexBuffer; |
| mtl::BufferPool mTriFanIndexBuffer; |
| // one buffer can be reused for any starting vertex in DrawArrays() |
| mtl::BufferRef mTriFanArraysIndexBuffer; |
| |
| DriverUniforms mDriverUniforms; |
| |
| DefaultAttribute mDefaultAttributes[mtl::kMaxVertexAttribs]; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace rx |
| |