| ALERT: /iframe blurred/ |
| ALERT: /main frame focused/ |
| This test PASSED if there is no assertion failure and you see two JavaScript alerts with messages "iframe blurred" and "main frame focused" in order. Otherwise, it FAILED. |
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| ============== Back Forward List ============== |
| curr-> (file test):fast/history/back-from-page-with-focused-iframe.html **nav target** |
| data:text/html,<!DOCTYPE html><html><iframe srcdoc="<script> window.onfocus = function() { window.onblur = function () { alert(/iframe blurred/); }; window.top.onfocus = function () { alert(/main frame focused/); }; window.top.history.back(); }; window.focus(); </script>"></iframe></html> **nav target** |
| about:srcdoc (in frame "<!--framePath //<!--frame0-->-->") |
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