| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
| * are met: |
| * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
| * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| #include "config.h" |
| #include "InjectedBundlePage.h" |
| |
| #include "InjectedBundle.h" |
| #include "StringFunctions.h" |
| #include "WebCoreTestSupport.h" |
| #include <cmath> |
| #include <JavaScriptCore/JSRetainPtr.h> |
| #include <WebKit2/WKArray.h> |
| #include <WebKit2/WKBundle.h> |
| #include <WebKit2/WKBundleBackForwardList.h> |
| #include <WebKit2/WKBundleBackForwardListItem.h> |
| #include <WebKit2/WKBundleFrame.h> |
| #include <WebKit2/WKBundleFramePrivate.h> |
| #include <WebKit2/WKBundleHitTestResult.h> |
| #include <WebKit2/WKBundleNavigationAction.h> |
| #include <WebKit2/WKBundleNodeHandlePrivate.h> |
| #include <WebKit2/WKBundlePagePrivate.h> |
| #include <WebKit2/WKBundlePrivate.h> |
| #include <WebKit2/WKSecurityOrigin.h> |
| #include <WebKit2/WKURLRequest.h> |
| #include <wtf/HashMap.h> |
| #include <wtf/text/CString.h> |
| #include <wtf/text/StringBuilder.h> |
| |
| #if USE(CF) |
| #include "WebArchiveDumpSupport.h" |
| #endif |
| |
| using namespace std; |
| |
| namespace WTR { |
| |
| static bool hasPrefix(const WTF::String& searchString, const WTF::String& prefix) |
| { |
| return searchString.length() >= prefix.length() && searchString.substring(0, prefix.length()) == prefix; |
| } |
| |
| static JSValueRef propertyValue(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, const char* propertyName) |
| { |
| if (!object) |
| return 0; |
| JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> propertyNameString(Adopt, JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(propertyName)); |
| return JSObjectGetProperty(context, object, propertyNameString.get(), 0); |
| } |
| |
| static double propertyValueDouble(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, const char* propertyName) |
| { |
| JSValueRef value = propertyValue(context, object, propertyName); |
| if (!value) |
| return 0; |
| return JSValueToNumber(context, value, 0); |
| } |
| |
| static int propertyValueInt(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, const char* propertyName) |
| { |
| return static_cast<int>(propertyValueDouble(context, object, propertyName)); |
| } |
| |
| static double numericWindowPropertyValue(WKBundleFrameRef frame, const char* propertyName) |
| { |
| JSGlobalContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContext(frame); |
| return propertyValueDouble(context, JSContextGetGlobalObject(context), propertyName); |
| } |
| |
| static WTF::String dumpPath(JSGlobalContextRef context, JSObjectRef nodeValue) |
| { |
| JSValueRef nodeNameValue = propertyValue(context, nodeValue, "nodeName"); |
| JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> jsStringNodeName(Adopt, JSValueToStringCopy(context, nodeNameValue, 0)); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> nodeName = toWK(jsStringNodeName); |
| |
| JSValueRef parentNode = propertyValue(context, nodeValue, "parentNode"); |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(nodeName)); |
| |
| if (parentNode && JSValueIsObject(context, parentNode)) { |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" > "); |
| stringBuilder.append(dumpPath(context, (JSObjectRef)parentNode)); |
| } |
| |
| return stringBuilder.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| static WTF::String dumpPath(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleScriptWorldRef world, WKBundleNodeHandleRef node) |
| { |
| if (!node) |
| return "(null)"; |
| |
| WKBundleFrameRef frame = WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(page); |
| |
| JSGlobalContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContextForWorld(frame, world); |
| JSValueRef nodeValue = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptWrapperForNodeForWorld(frame, node, world); |
| ASSERT(JSValueIsObject(context, nodeValue)); |
| JSObjectRef nodeObject = (JSObjectRef)nodeValue; |
| |
| return dumpPath(context, nodeObject); |
| } |
| |
| static WTF::String rangeToStr(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleScriptWorldRef world, WKBundleRangeHandleRef rangeRef) |
| { |
| if (!rangeRef) |
| return "(null)"; |
| |
| WKBundleFrameRef frame = WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(page); |
| |
| JSGlobalContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContextForWorld(frame, world); |
| JSValueRef rangeValue = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptWrapperForRangeForWorld(frame, rangeRef, world); |
| ASSERT(JSValueIsObject(context, rangeValue)); |
| JSObjectRef rangeObject = (JSObjectRef)rangeValue; |
| |
| JSValueRef startNodeValue = propertyValue(context, rangeObject, "startContainer"); |
| ASSERT(JSValueIsObject(context, startNodeValue)); |
| JSObjectRef startNodeObject = (JSObjectRef)startNodeValue; |
| |
| JSValueRef endNodeValue = propertyValue(context, rangeObject, "endContainer"); |
| ASSERT(JSValueIsObject(context, endNodeValue)); |
| JSObjectRef endNodeObject = (JSObjectRef)endNodeValue; |
| |
| int startOffset = propertyValueInt(context, rangeObject, "startOffset"); |
| int endOffset = propertyValueInt(context, rangeObject, "endOffset"); |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("range from "); |
| stringBuilder.appendNumber(startOffset); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" of "); |
| stringBuilder.append(dumpPath(context, startNodeObject)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" to "); |
| stringBuilder.appendNumber(endOffset); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" of "); |
| stringBuilder.append(dumpPath(context, endNodeObject)); |
| return stringBuilder.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| static WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> NavigationTypeToString(WKFrameNavigationType type) |
| { |
| switch (type) { |
| case kWKFrameNavigationTypeLinkClicked: |
| return adoptWK(WKStringCreateWithUTF8CString("link clicked")); |
| case kWKFrameNavigationTypeFormSubmitted: |
| return adoptWK(WKStringCreateWithUTF8CString("form submitted")); |
| case kWKFrameNavigationTypeBackForward: |
| return adoptWK(WKStringCreateWithUTF8CString("back/forward")); |
| case kWKFrameNavigationTypeReload: |
| return adoptWK(WKStringCreateWithUTF8CString("reload")); |
| case kWKFrameNavigationTypeFormResubmitted: |
| return adoptWK(WKStringCreateWithUTF8CString("form resubmitted")); |
| case kWKFrameNavigationTypeOther: |
| return adoptWK(WKStringCreateWithUTF8CString("other")); |
| } |
| return adoptWK(WKStringCreateWithUTF8CString("illegal value")); |
| } |
| |
| static WTF::String styleDecToStr(WKBundleCSSStyleDeclarationRef style) |
| { |
| // DumpRenderTree calls -[DOMCSSStyleDeclaration description], which just dumps class name and object address. |
| // No existing tests actually hit this code path at the time of this writing, because WebCore doesn't call |
| // the editing client if the styling operation source is CommandFromDOM or CommandFromDOMWithUserInterface. |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("<DOMCSSStyleDeclaration ADDRESS>"); |
| return stringBuilder.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| static WTF::String securityOriginToStr(WKSecurityOriginRef origin) |
| { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.append('{'); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(adoptWK(WKSecurityOriginCopyProtocol(origin)))); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(", "); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(adoptWK(WKSecurityOriginCopyHost(origin)))); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(", "); |
| stringBuilder.appendNumber(WKSecurityOriginGetPort(origin)); |
| stringBuilder.append('}'); |
| |
| return stringBuilder.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| static WTF::String frameToStr(WKBundleFrameRef frame) |
| { |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> name(AdoptWK, WKBundleFrameCopyName(frame)); |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| if (WKBundleFrameIsMainFrame(frame)) { |
| if (!WKStringIsEmpty(name.get())) { |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("main frame \""); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(name)); |
| stringBuilder.append('"'); |
| } else |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("main frame"); |
| } else { |
| if (!WKStringIsEmpty(name.get())) { |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("frame \""); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(name)); |
| stringBuilder.append('"'); |
| } |
| else |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("frame (anonymous)"); |
| } |
| |
| return stringBuilder.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| static inline bool isLocalFileScheme(WKStringRef scheme) |
| { |
| return WKStringIsEqualToUTF8CStringIgnoringCase(scheme, "file"); |
| } |
| |
| static const char divider = '/'; |
| |
| static inline WTF::String pathSuitableForTestResult(WKURLRef fileUrl) |
| { |
| if (!fileUrl) |
| return "(null)"; |
| |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> schemeString = adoptWK(WKURLCopyScheme(fileUrl)); |
| if (!isLocalFileScheme(schemeString.get())) |
| return toWTFString(adoptWK(WKURLCopyString(fileUrl))); |
| |
| WKBundleFrameRef mainFrame = WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(InjectedBundle::shared().page()->page()); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKURLRef> mainFrameURL = adoptWK(WKBundleFrameCopyURL(mainFrame)); |
| if (!mainFrameURL) |
| mainFrameURL = adoptWK(WKBundleFrameCopyProvisionalURL(mainFrame)); |
| |
| String pathString = toWTFString(adoptWK(WKURLCopyPath(fileUrl))); |
| String mainFrameURLPathString = toWTFString(adoptWK(WKURLCopyPath(mainFrameURL.get()))); |
| String basePath = mainFrameURLPathString.substring(0, mainFrameURLPathString.reverseFind(divider) + 1); |
| |
| if (!basePath.isEmpty() && pathString.startsWith(basePath)) |
| return pathString.substring(basePath.length()); |
| return toWTFString(adoptWK(WKURLCopyLastPathComponent(fileUrl))); // We lose some information here, but it's better than exposing a full path, which is always machine specific. |
| } |
| |
| static HashMap<uint64_t, String> assignedUrlsCache; |
| |
| static inline void dumpResourceURL(uint64_t identifier, StringBuilder& stringBuilder) |
| { |
| if (assignedUrlsCache.contains(identifier)) |
| stringBuilder.append(assignedUrlsCache.get(identifier)); |
| else |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("<unknown>"); |
| } |
| |
| InjectedBundlePage::InjectedBundlePage(WKBundlePageRef page) |
| : m_page(page) |
| , m_world(AdoptWK, WKBundleScriptWorldCreateWorld()) |
| { |
| WKBundlePageLoaderClientV7 loaderClient = { |
| { 7, this }, |
| didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame, |
| didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame, |
| didFailProvisionalLoadWithErrorForFrame, |
| didCommitLoadForFrame, |
| didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame, |
| didFinishLoadForFrame, |
| didFailLoadWithErrorForFrame, |
| didSameDocumentNavigationForFrame, |
| didReceiveTitleForFrame, |
| 0, // didFirstLayoutForFrame |
| 0, // didFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayoutForFrame |
| 0, // didRemoveFrameFromHierarchy |
| didDisplayInsecureContentForFrame, |
| didRunInsecureContentForFrame, |
| didClearWindowForFrame, |
| didCancelClientRedirectForFrame, |
| willPerformClientRedirectForFrame, |
| didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame, |
| 0, // didLayoutForFrame |
| 0, // didNewFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayout_unavailable |
| didDetectXSSForFrame, |
| 0, // shouldGoToBackForwardListItem |
| 0, // didCreateGlobalObjectForFrame |
| 0, // willDisconnectDOMWindowExtensionFromGlobalObject |
| 0, // didReconnectDOMWindowExtensionToGlobalObject |
| 0, // willDestroyGlobalObjectForDOMWindowExtension |
| didFinishProgress, // didFinishProgress |
| 0, // shouldForceUniversalAccessFromLocalURL |
| 0, // didReceiveIntentForFrame |
| 0, // registerIntentServiceForFrame |
| 0, // didLayout |
| 0, // featuresUsedInPage |
| 0, // willLoadURLRequest |
| 0, // willLoadDataRequest |
| 0, // willDestroyFrame |
| }; |
| WKBundlePageSetPageLoaderClient(m_page, &loaderClient.base); |
| |
| WKBundlePageResourceLoadClientV1 resourceLoadClient = { |
| { 1, this }, |
| didInitiateLoadForResource, |
| willSendRequestForFrame, |
| didReceiveResponseForResource, |
| didReceiveContentLengthForResource, |
| didFinishLoadForResource, |
| didFailLoadForResource, |
| shouldCacheResponse, |
| 0 // shouldUseCredentialStorage |
| }; |
| WKBundlePageSetResourceLoadClient(m_page, &resourceLoadClient.base); |
| |
| WKBundlePagePolicyClientV0 policyClient = { |
| { 0, this }, |
| decidePolicyForNavigationAction, |
| decidePolicyForNewWindowAction, |
| decidePolicyForResponse, |
| unableToImplementPolicy |
| }; |
| WKBundlePageSetPolicyClient(m_page, &policyClient.base); |
| |
| WKBundlePageUIClientV2 uiClient = { |
| { 2, this }, |
| willAddMessageToConsole, |
| willSetStatusbarText, |
| willRunJavaScriptAlert, |
| willRunJavaScriptConfirm, |
| willRunJavaScriptPrompt, |
| 0, /*mouseDidMoveOverElement*/ |
| 0, /*pageDidScroll*/ |
| 0, /*paintCustomOverhangArea*/ |
| 0, /*shouldGenerateFileForUpload*/ |
| 0, /*generateFileForUpload*/ |
| 0, /*shouldRubberBandInDirection*/ |
| 0, /*statusBarIsVisible*/ |
| 0, /*menuBarIsVisible*/ |
| 0, /*toolbarsAreVisible*/ |
| didReachApplicationCacheOriginQuota, |
| didExceedDatabaseQuota, |
| 0, /*plugInStartLabelTitle*/ |
| 0, /*plugInStartLabelSubtitle*/ |
| 0, /*plugInExtraStyleSheet*/ |
| 0, /*plugInExtraScript*/ |
| }; |
| WKBundlePageSetUIClient(m_page, &uiClient.base); |
| |
| WKBundlePageEditorClientV1 editorClient = { |
| { 1, this }, |
| shouldBeginEditing, |
| shouldEndEditing, |
| shouldInsertNode, |
| shouldInsertText, |
| shouldDeleteRange, |
| shouldChangeSelectedRange, |
| shouldApplyStyle, |
| didBeginEditing, |
| didEndEditing, |
| didChange, |
| didChangeSelection, |
| 0, /* willWriteToPasteboard */ |
| 0, /* getPasteboardDataForRange */ |
| 0 /* didWriteToPasteboard */ |
| }; |
| WKBundlePageSetEditorClient(m_page, &editorClient.base); |
| |
| WKBundlePageFullScreenClientV1 fullScreenClient = { |
| { 1, this }, |
| supportsFullScreen, |
| enterFullScreenForElement, |
| exitFullScreenForElement, |
| beganEnterFullScreen, |
| beganExitFullScreen, |
| closeFullScreen, |
| }; |
| WKBundlePageSetFullScreenClient(m_page, &fullScreenClient.base); |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| InjectedBundlePage::~InjectedBundlePage() |
| { |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::stopLoading() |
| { |
| WKBundlePageStopLoading(m_page); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::prepare() |
| { |
| WKBundlePageClearMainFrameName(m_page); |
| |
| WKBundlePageSetPageZoomFactor(m_page, 1); |
| WKBundlePageSetTextZoomFactor(m_page, 1); |
| |
| WKPoint origin = { 0, 0 }; |
| WKBundlePageSetScaleAtOrigin(m_page, 1, origin); |
| |
| m_previousTestBackForwardListItem = adoptWK(WKBundleBackForwardListCopyItemAtIndex(WKBundlePageGetBackForwardList(m_page), 0)); |
| |
| WKBundleFrameClearOpener(WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(m_page)); |
| |
| WKBundlePageSetTracksRepaints(m_page, false); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::resetAfterTest() |
| { |
| WKBundleFrameRef frame = WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(m_page); |
| JSGlobalContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContext(frame); |
| WebCoreTestSupport::resetInternalsObject(context); |
| assignedUrlsCache.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| // Loader Client Callbacks |
| |
| // String output must be identical to -[WebFrame _drt_descriptionSuitableForTestResult]. |
| static void dumpFrameDescriptionSuitableForTestResult(WKBundleFrameRef frame, StringBuilder& stringBuilder) |
| { |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> name(AdoptWK, WKBundleFrameCopyName(frame)); |
| if (WKBundleFrameIsMainFrame(frame)) { |
| if (WKStringIsEmpty(name.get())) { |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("main frame"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("main frame \""); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(name)); |
| stringBuilder.append('"'); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (WKStringIsEmpty(name.get())) { |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("frame (anonymous)"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("frame \""); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(name)); |
| stringBuilder.append('"'); |
| } |
| |
| static void dumpLoadEvent(WKBundleFrameRef frame, const char* eventName) |
| { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| dumpFrameDescriptionSuitableForTestResult(frame, stringBuilder); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" - "); |
| stringBuilder.append(eventName); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| static inline void dumpRequestDescriptionSuitableForTestResult(WKURLRequestRef request, StringBuilder& stringBuilder) |
| { |
| WKRetainPtr<WKURLRef> url = adoptWK(WKURLRequestCopyURL(request)); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKURLRef> firstParty = adoptWK(WKURLRequestCopyFirstPartyForCookies(request)); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> httpMethod = adoptWK(WKURLRequestCopyHTTPMethod(request)); |
| |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("<NSURLRequest URL "); |
| stringBuilder.append(pathSuitableForTestResult(url.get())); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(", main document URL "); |
| stringBuilder.append(pathSuitableForTestResult(firstParty.get())); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(", http method "); |
| |
| if (WKStringIsEmpty(httpMethod.get())) |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("(none)"); |
| else |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(httpMethod)); |
| |
| stringBuilder.append('>'); |
| } |
| |
| static inline void dumpResponseDescriptionSuitableForTestResult(WKURLResponseRef response, StringBuilder& stringBuilder) |
| { |
| WKRetainPtr<WKURLRef> url = adoptWK(WKURLResponseCopyURL(response)); |
| if (!url) { |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("(null)"); |
| return; |
| } |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("<NSURLResponse "); |
| stringBuilder.append(pathSuitableForTestResult(url.get())); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(", http status code "); |
| stringBuilder.appendNumber(WKURLResponseHTTPStatusCode(response)); |
| stringBuilder.append('>'); |
| } |
| |
| static inline void dumpErrorDescriptionSuitableForTestResult(WKErrorRef error, StringBuilder& stringBuilder) |
| { |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> errorDomain = adoptWK(WKErrorCopyDomain(error)); |
| int errorCode = WKErrorGetErrorCode(error); |
| |
| // We need to do some error mapping here to match the test expectations (Mac error names are expected). |
| if (WKStringIsEqualToUTF8CString(errorDomain.get(), "WebKitNetworkError")) { |
| errorDomain = adoptWK(WKStringCreateWithUTF8CString("NSURLErrorDomain")); |
| errorCode = -999; |
| } |
| |
| if (WKStringIsEqualToUTF8CString(errorDomain.get(), "WebKitPolicyError")) |
| errorDomain = adoptWK(WKStringCreateWithUTF8CString("WebKitErrorDomain")); |
| |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("<NSError domain "); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(errorDomain)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(", code "); |
| stringBuilder.appendNumber(errorCode); |
| |
| WKRetainPtr<WKURLRef> url = adoptWK(WKErrorCopyFailingURL(error)); |
| if (url.get()) { |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> urlString = adoptWK(WKURLCopyString(url.get())); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(", failing URL \""); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(urlString)); |
| stringBuilder.append('"'); |
| } |
| |
| stringBuilder.append('>'); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKTypeRef*, const void *clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame(frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKTypeRef*, const void *clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame(frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didFailProvisionalLoadWithErrorForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKErrorRef error, WKTypeRef*, const void *clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didFailProvisionalLoadWithErrorForFrame(frame, error); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didCommitLoadForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKTypeRef*, const void *clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didCommitLoadForFrame(frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didFinishLoadForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKTypeRef*, const void *clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didFinishLoadForFrame(frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didFinishProgress(WKBundlePageRef, const void *clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didFinishProgress(); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKTypeRef*, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame(frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didFailLoadWithErrorForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKErrorRef error, WKTypeRef*, const void *clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didFailLoadWithErrorForFrame(frame, error); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didReceiveTitleForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKStringRef title, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKTypeRef*, const void *clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didReceiveTitleForFrame(title, frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didClearWindowForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKBundleScriptWorldRef world, const void *clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didClearWindowForFrame(frame, world); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didCancelClientRedirectForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didCancelClientRedirectForFrame(frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::willPerformClientRedirectForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKURLRef url, double delay, double date, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->willPerformClientRedirectForFrame(page, frame, url, delay, date); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didSameDocumentNavigationForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKSameDocumentNavigationType type, WKTypeRef*, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didSameDocumentNavigationForFrame(frame, type); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame(frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didDisplayInsecureContentForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKTypeRef*, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didDisplayInsecureContentForFrame(frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didDetectXSSForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKTypeRef*, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didDetectXSSForFrame(frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didRunInsecureContentForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKTypeRef*, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didRunInsecureContentForFrame(frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didInitiateLoadForResource(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, uint64_t identifier, WKURLRequestRef request, bool pageLoadIsProvisional, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didInitiateLoadForResource(page, frame, identifier, request, pageLoadIsProvisional); |
| } |
| |
| WKURLRequestRef InjectedBundlePage::willSendRequestForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, uint64_t identifier, WKURLRequestRef request, WKURLResponseRef redirectResponse, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| return static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->willSendRequestForFrame(page, frame, identifier, request, redirectResponse); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didReceiveResponseForResource(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, uint64_t identifier, WKURLResponseRef response, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didReceiveResponseForResource(page, frame, identifier, response); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didReceiveContentLengthForResource(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, uint64_t identifier, uint64_t length, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didReceiveContentLengthForResource(page, frame, identifier, length); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didFinishLoadForResource(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, uint64_t identifier, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didFinishLoadForResource(page, frame, identifier); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didFailLoadForResource(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, uint64_t identifier, WKErrorRef error, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didFailLoadForResource(page, frame, identifier, error); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldCacheResponse(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, uint64_t identifier, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| return static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->shouldCacheResponse(page, frame, identifier); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef frame) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| platformDidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame(frame); |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks()) |
| dumpLoadEvent(frame, "didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame"); |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().topLoadingFrame()) |
| InjectedBundle::shared().setTopLoadingFrame(frame); |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldStopProvisionalFrameLoads()) |
| dumpLoadEvent(frame, "stopping load in didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame callback"); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef frame) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks()) |
| return; |
| |
| dumpLoadEvent(frame, "didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame"); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didFailProvisionalLoadWithErrorForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKErrorRef) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks()) |
| dumpLoadEvent(frame, "didFailProvisionalLoadWithError"); |
| |
| frameDidChangeLocation(frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didCommitLoadForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef frame) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks()) |
| return; |
| |
| dumpLoadEvent(frame, "didCommitLoadForFrame"); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didFinishProgress() |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpProgressFinishedCallback()) |
| return; |
| |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText("postProgressFinishedNotification\n"); |
| } |
| |
| enum FrameNamePolicy { ShouldNotIncludeFrameName, ShouldIncludeFrameName }; |
| |
| static void dumpFrameScrollPosition(WKBundleFrameRef frame, StringBuilder& stringBuilder, FrameNamePolicy shouldIncludeFrameName = ShouldNotIncludeFrameName) |
| { |
| double x = numericWindowPropertyValue(frame, "pageXOffset"); |
| double y = numericWindowPropertyValue(frame, "pageYOffset"); |
| if (fabs(x) <= 0.00000001 && fabs(y) <= 0.00000001) |
| return; |
| |
| if (shouldIncludeFrameName) { |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> name(AdoptWK, WKBundleFrameCopyName(frame)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("frame '"); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(name)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("' "); |
| } |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("scrolled to "); |
| stringBuilder.append(WTF::String::number(x)); |
| stringBuilder.append(','); |
| stringBuilder.append(WTF::String::number(y)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| } |
| |
| static void dumpDescendantFrameScrollPositions(WKBundleFrameRef frame, StringBuilder& stringBuilder) |
| { |
| WKRetainPtr<WKArrayRef> childFrames(AdoptWK, WKBundleFrameCopyChildFrames(frame)); |
| size_t size = WKArrayGetSize(childFrames.get()); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { |
| WKBundleFrameRef subframe = static_cast<WKBundleFrameRef>(WKArrayGetItemAtIndex(childFrames.get(), i)); |
| dumpFrameScrollPosition(subframe, stringBuilder, ShouldIncludeFrameName); |
| dumpDescendantFrameScrollPositions(subframe, stringBuilder); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::dumpAllFrameScrollPositions(StringBuilder& stringBuilder) |
| { |
| WKBundleFrameRef frame = WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(m_page); |
| dumpFrameScrollPosition(frame, stringBuilder); |
| dumpDescendantFrameScrollPositions(frame, stringBuilder); |
| } |
| |
| static JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> toJS(const char* string) |
| { |
| return JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef>(Adopt, JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(string)); |
| } |
| |
| static bool hasDocumentElement(WKBundleFrameRef frame) |
| { |
| JSGlobalContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContext(frame); |
| JSObjectRef globalObject = JSContextGetGlobalObject(context); |
| |
| JSValueRef documentValue = JSObjectGetProperty(context, globalObject, toJS("document").get(), 0); |
| if (!documentValue) |
| return false; |
| |
| ASSERT(JSValueIsObject(context, documentValue)); |
| JSObjectRef document = JSValueToObject(context, documentValue, 0); |
| |
| JSValueRef documentElementValue = JSObjectGetProperty(context, document, toJS("documentElement").get(), 0); |
| if (!documentElementValue) |
| return false; |
| |
| return JSValueToBoolean(context, documentElementValue); |
| } |
| |
| static void dumpFrameText(WKBundleFrameRef frame, StringBuilder& stringBuilder) |
| { |
| // If the frame doesn't have a document element, its inner text will be an empty string, so |
| // we'll end up just appending a single newline below. But DumpRenderTree doesn't append |
| // anything in this case, so we shouldn't either. |
| if (!hasDocumentElement(frame)) |
| return; |
| |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> text(AdoptWK, WKBundleFrameCopyInnerText(frame)); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(text)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| } |
| |
| static void dumpDescendantFramesText(WKBundleFrameRef frame, StringBuilder& stringBuilder) |
| { |
| WKRetainPtr<WKArrayRef> childFrames(AdoptWK, WKBundleFrameCopyChildFrames(frame)); |
| size_t size = WKArrayGetSize(childFrames.get()); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { |
| WKBundleFrameRef subframe = static_cast<WKBundleFrameRef>(WKArrayGetItemAtIndex(childFrames.get(), i)); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> subframeName(AdoptWK, WKBundleFrameCopyName(subframe)); |
| |
| // DumpRenderTree ignores empty frames, so do the same thing here. |
| if (!hasDocumentElement(subframe)) |
| continue; |
| |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("\n--------\nFrame: '"); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(subframeName)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("'\n--------\n"); |
| |
| dumpFrameText(subframe, stringBuilder); |
| dumpDescendantFramesText(subframe, stringBuilder); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::dumpAllFramesText(StringBuilder& stringBuilder) |
| { |
| WKBundleFrameRef frame = WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(m_page); |
| dumpFrameText(frame, stringBuilder); |
| dumpDescendantFramesText(frame, stringBuilder); |
| } |
| |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::dumpDOMAsWebArchive(WKBundleFrameRef frame, StringBuilder& stringBuilder) |
| { |
| #if USE(CF) |
| WKRetainPtr<WKDataRef> wkData = adoptWK(WKBundleFrameCopyWebArchive(frame)); |
| RetainPtr<CFDataRef> cfData = adoptCF(CFDataCreate(0, WKDataGetBytes(wkData.get()), WKDataGetSize(wkData.get()))); |
| RetainPtr<CFStringRef> cfString = adoptCF(createXMLStringFromWebArchiveData(cfData.get())); |
| stringBuilder.append(cfString.get()); |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::dump() |
| { |
| ASSERT(InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()); |
| |
| InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->invalidateWaitToDumpWatchdogTimer(); |
| |
| // Force a paint before dumping. This matches DumpRenderTree on Windows. (DumpRenderTree on Mac |
| // does this at a slightly different time.) See <http://webkit.org/b/55469> for details. |
| WKBundlePageForceRepaint(m_page); |
| |
| WKBundleFrameRef frame = WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(m_page); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKURLRef> urlRef = adoptWK(WKBundleFrameCopyURL(frame)); |
| String url = toWTFString(adoptWK(WKURLCopyString(urlRef.get()))); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> mimeType = adoptWK(WKBundleFrameCopyMIMETypeForResourceWithURL(frame, urlRef.get())); |
| if (url.find("dumpAsText/") != notFound || WKStringIsEqualToUTF8CString(mimeType.get(), "text/plain")) |
| InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->dumpAsText(false); |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| |
| switch (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->whatToDump()) { |
| case TestRunner::RenderTree: { |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->isPrinting()) |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(adoptWK(WKBundlePageCopyRenderTreeExternalRepresentationForPrinting(m_page)).get())); |
| else |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(adoptWK(WKBundlePageCopyRenderTreeExternalRepresentation(m_page)).get())); |
| break; |
| } |
| case TestRunner::MainFrameText: |
| dumpFrameText(WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(m_page), stringBuilder); |
| break; |
| case TestRunner::AllFramesText: |
| dumpAllFramesText(stringBuilder); |
| break; |
| case TestRunner::Audio: |
| break; |
| case TestRunner::DOMAsWebArchive: |
| dumpDOMAsWebArchive(frame, stringBuilder); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpAllFrameScrollPositions()) |
| dumpAllFrameScrollPositions(stringBuilder); |
| else if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpMainFrameScrollPosition()) |
| dumpFrameScrollPosition(WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(m_page), stringBuilder); |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpBackForwardListsForAllWindows()) |
| InjectedBundle::shared().dumpBackForwardListsForAllPages(stringBuilder); |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().shouldDumpPixels() && InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpPixels()) { |
| WKSnapshotOptions options = kWKSnapshotOptionsShareable | kWKSnapshotOptionsInViewCoordinates; |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpSelectionRect()) |
| options |= kWKSnapshotOptionsPaintSelectionRectangle; |
| |
| InjectedBundle::shared().setPixelResult(adoptWK(WKBundlePageCreateSnapshotWithOptions(m_page, WKBundleFrameGetVisibleContentBounds(WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(m_page)), options)).get()); |
| if (WKBundlePageIsTrackingRepaints(m_page)) |
| InjectedBundle::shared().setRepaintRects(adoptWK(WKBundlePageCopyTrackedRepaintRects(m_page)).get()); |
| } |
| |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().done(); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didFinishLoadForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef frame) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks()) |
| dumpLoadEvent(frame, "didFinishLoadForFrame"); |
| |
| frameDidChangeLocation(frame, /*shouldDump*/ true); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didFailLoadWithErrorForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKErrorRef) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks()) |
| dumpLoadEvent(frame, "didFailLoadWithError"); |
| |
| frameDidChangeLocation(frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didReceiveTitleForFrame(WKStringRef title, WKBundleFrameRef frame) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks()) { |
| dumpFrameDescriptionSuitableForTestResult(frame, stringBuilder); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" - didReceiveTitle: "); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(title)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| } |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpTitleChanges()) { |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("TITLE CHANGED: '"); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(title)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("'\n"); |
| } |
| |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didClearWindowForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKBundleScriptWorldRef world) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| JSGlobalContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContextForWorld(frame, world); |
| JSObjectRef window = JSContextGetGlobalObject(context); |
| |
| if (WKBundleScriptWorldNormalWorld() != world) { |
| JSObjectSetProperty(context, window, toJS("__worldID").get(), JSValueMakeNumber(context, TestRunner::worldIDForWorld(world)), kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, 0); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| JSValueRef exception = 0; |
| InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->makeWindowObject(context, window, &exception); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().gcController()->makeWindowObject(context, window, &exception); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().eventSendingController()->makeWindowObject(context, window, &exception); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().textInputController()->makeWindowObject(context, window, &exception); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().accessibilityController()->makeWindowObject(context, window, &exception); |
| |
| WebCoreTestSupport::injectInternalsObject(context); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didCancelClientRedirectForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef frame) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks()) |
| return; |
| |
| dumpLoadEvent(frame, "didCancelClientRedirectForFrame"); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::willPerformClientRedirectForFrame(WKBundlePageRef, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKURLRef url, double delay, double date) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks()) |
| return; |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| dumpFrameDescriptionSuitableForTestResult(frame, stringBuilder); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" - willPerformClientRedirectToURL: "); |
| stringBuilder.append(pathSuitableForTestResult(url)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" \n"); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didSameDocumentNavigationForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKSameDocumentNavigationType type) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef frame) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks()) |
| dumpLoadEvent(frame, "didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame"); |
| |
| unsigned pendingFrameUnloadEvents = WKBundleFrameGetPendingUnloadCount(frame); |
| if (pendingFrameUnloadEvents) { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.append(frameToStr(frame)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" - has "); |
| stringBuilder.appendNumber(pendingFrameUnloadEvents); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" onunload handler(s)\n"); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef frame) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks()) |
| dumpLoadEvent(frame, "didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame"); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didDisplayInsecureContentForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef frame) |
| { |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks()) |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText("didDisplayInsecureContent\n"); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didRunInsecureContentForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef frame) |
| { |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks()) |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText("didRunInsecureContent\n"); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didDetectXSSForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef frame) |
| { |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks()) |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText("didDetectXSS\n"); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didInitiateLoadForResource(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef, uint64_t identifier, WKURLRequestRef request, bool) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| WKRetainPtr<WKURLRef> url = adoptWK(WKURLRequestCopyURL(request)); |
| assignedUrlsCache.add(identifier, pathSuitableForTestResult(url.get())); |
| } |
| |
| // Resource Load Client Callbacks |
| |
| static inline bool isLocalHost(WKStringRef host) |
| { |
| return WKStringIsEqualToUTF8CString(host, "") || WKStringIsEqualToUTF8CString(host, "localhost"); |
| } |
| |
| static inline bool isHTTPOrHTTPSScheme(WKStringRef scheme) |
| { |
| return WKStringIsEqualToUTF8CStringIgnoringCase(scheme, "http") || WKStringIsEqualToUTF8CStringIgnoringCase(scheme, "https"); |
| } |
| |
| WKURLRequestRef InjectedBundlePage::willSendRequestForFrame(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, uint64_t identifier, WKURLRequestRef request, WKURLResponseRef response) |
| { |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning() |
| && InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpResourceLoadCallbacks()) { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| dumpResourceURL(identifier, stringBuilder); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" - willSendRequest "); |
| dumpRequestDescriptionSuitableForTestResult(request, stringBuilder); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" redirectResponse "); |
| dumpResponseDescriptionSuitableForTestResult(response, stringBuilder); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning() && InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->willSendRequestReturnsNull()) |
| return 0; |
| |
| WKRetainPtr<WKURLRef> redirectURL = adoptWK(WKURLResponseCopyURL(response)); |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning() && InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->willSendRequestReturnsNullOnRedirect() && redirectURL) { |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText("Returning null for this redirect\n"); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| WKRetainPtr<WKURLRef> url = adoptWK(WKURLRequestCopyURL(request)); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> host = adoptWK(WKURLCopyHostName(url.get())); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> scheme = adoptWK(WKURLCopyScheme(url.get())); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> urlString = adoptWK(WKURLCopyString(url.get())); |
| if (host && !WKStringIsEmpty(host.get()) |
| && isHTTPOrHTTPSScheme(scheme.get()) |
| && !WKStringIsEqualToUTF8CString(host.get(), "") // Used in some tests that expect to get back an error. |
| && !isLocalHost(host.get())) { |
| bool mainFrameIsExternal = false; |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) { |
| WKBundleFrameRef mainFrame = InjectedBundle::shared().topLoadingFrame(); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKURLRef> mainFrameURL = adoptWK(WKBundleFrameCopyURL(mainFrame)); |
| if (!mainFrameURL || WKStringIsEqualToUTF8CString(adoptWK(WKURLCopyString(mainFrameURL.get())).get(), "about:blank")) |
| mainFrameURL = adoptWK(WKBundleFrameCopyProvisionalURL(mainFrame)); |
| |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> mainFrameHost = WKURLCopyHostName(mainFrameURL.get()); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> mainFrameScheme = WKURLCopyScheme(mainFrameURL.get()); |
| mainFrameIsExternal = isHTTPOrHTTPSScheme(mainFrameScheme.get()) && !isLocalHost(mainFrameHost.get()); |
| } |
| if (!mainFrameIsExternal) { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("Blocked access to external URL "); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(urlString)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| WKRetain(request); |
| return request; |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didReceiveResponseForResource(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef, uint64_t identifier, WKURLResponseRef response) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpResourceLoadCallbacks()) { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| dumpResourceURL(identifier, stringBuilder); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" - didReceiveResponse "); |
| dumpResponseDescriptionSuitableForTestResult(response, stringBuilder); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpResourceResponseMIMETypes()) |
| return; |
| |
| WKRetainPtr<WKURLRef> url = adoptWK(WKURLResponseCopyURL(response)); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> urlString = adoptWK(WKURLCopyLastPathComponent(url.get())); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> mimeTypeString = adoptWK(WKURLResponseCopyMIMEType(response)); |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(urlString)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" has MIME type "); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(mimeTypeString)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didReceiveContentLengthForResource(WKBundlePageRef, WKBundleFrameRef, uint64_t, uint64_t) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didFinishLoadForResource(WKBundlePageRef, WKBundleFrameRef, uint64_t identifier) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpResourceLoadCallbacks()) |
| return; |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| dumpResourceURL(identifier, stringBuilder); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" - didFinishLoading\n"); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didFailLoadForResource(WKBundlePageRef, WKBundleFrameRef, uint64_t identifier, WKErrorRef error) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpResourceLoadCallbacks()) |
| return; |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| dumpResourceURL(identifier, stringBuilder); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" - didFailLoadingWithError: "); |
| |
| dumpErrorDescriptionSuitableForTestResult(error, stringBuilder); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldCacheResponse(WKBundlePageRef, WKBundleFrameRef, uint64_t identifier) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpWillCacheResponse()) |
| return true; |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendNumber(identifier); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" - willCacheResponse: called\n"); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| |
| // The default behavior is the cache the response. |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Policy Client Callbacks |
| |
| WKBundlePagePolicyAction InjectedBundlePage::decidePolicyForNavigationAction(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKBundleNavigationActionRef navigationAction, WKURLRequestRef request, WKTypeRef* userData, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| return static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->decidePolicyForNavigationAction(page, frame, navigationAction, request, userData); |
| } |
| |
| WKBundlePagePolicyAction InjectedBundlePage::decidePolicyForNewWindowAction(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKBundleNavigationActionRef navigationAction, WKURLRequestRef request, WKStringRef frameName, WKTypeRef* userData, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| return static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->decidePolicyForNewWindowAction(page, frame, navigationAction, request, frameName, userData); |
| } |
| |
| WKBundlePagePolicyAction InjectedBundlePage::decidePolicyForResponse(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKURLResponseRef response, WKURLRequestRef request, WKTypeRef* userData, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| return static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->decidePolicyForResponse(page, frame, response, request, userData); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::unableToImplementPolicy(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKErrorRef error, WKTypeRef* userData, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->unableToImplementPolicy(page, frame, error, userData); |
| } |
| |
| WKBundlePagePolicyAction InjectedBundlePage::decidePolicyForNavigationAction(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame, WKBundleNavigationActionRef navigationAction, WKURLRequestRef request, WKTypeRef* userData) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return WKBundlePagePolicyActionUse; |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->isPolicyDelegateEnabled()) |
| return WKBundlePagePolicyActionUse; |
| |
| WKRetainPtr<WKURLRef> url = adoptWK(WKURLRequestCopyURL(request)); |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> urlScheme = adoptWK(WKURLCopyScheme(url.get())); |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("Policy delegate: attempt to load "); |
| if (isLocalFileScheme(urlScheme.get())) { |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> filename = adoptWK(WKURLCopyLastPathComponent(url.get())); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(filename)); |
| } else { |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> urlString = adoptWK(WKURLCopyString(url.get())); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(urlString)); |
| } |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" with navigation type \'"); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(NavigationTypeToString(WKBundleNavigationActionGetNavigationType(navigationAction)))); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("\'"); |
| WKBundleHitTestResultRef hitTestResultRef = WKBundleNavigationActionCopyHitTestResult(navigationAction); |
| if (hitTestResultRef) { |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" originating from "); |
| stringBuilder.append(dumpPath(m_page, m_world.get(), WKBundleHitTestResultCopyNodeHandle(hitTestResultRef))); |
| } |
| |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->notifyDone(); |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->isPolicyDelegatePermissive()) |
| return WKBundlePagePolicyActionUse; |
| return WKBundlePagePolicyActionPassThrough; |
| } |
| |
| WKBundlePagePolicyAction InjectedBundlePage::decidePolicyForNewWindowAction(WKBundlePageRef, WKBundleFrameRef, WKBundleNavigationActionRef, WKURLRequestRef, WKStringRef, WKTypeRef*) |
| { |
| return WKBundlePagePolicyActionUse; |
| } |
| |
| WKBundlePagePolicyAction InjectedBundlePage::decidePolicyForResponse(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef, WKURLResponseRef response, WKURLRequestRef, WKTypeRef*) |
| { |
| if (WKURLResponseIsAttachment(response)) { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> filename = adoptWK(WKURLResponseCopySuggestedFilename(response)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("Policy delegate: resource is an attachment, suggested file name \'"); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(filename)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("\'\n"); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> mimeType = adoptWK(WKURLResponseCopyMIMEType(response)); |
| return WKBundlePageCanShowMIMEType(page, mimeType.get()) ? WKBundlePagePolicyActionUse : WKBundlePagePolicyActionPassThrough; |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::unableToImplementPolicy(WKBundlePageRef, WKBundleFrameRef, WKErrorRef, WKTypeRef*) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| // UI Client Callbacks |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::willAddMessageToConsole(WKBundlePageRef page, WKStringRef message, uint32_t lineNumber, const void *clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->willAddMessageToConsole(message, lineNumber); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::willSetStatusbarText(WKBundlePageRef page, WKStringRef statusbarText, const void *clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->willSetStatusbarText(statusbarText); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::willRunJavaScriptAlert(WKBundlePageRef page, WKStringRef message, WKBundleFrameRef frame, const void *clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->willRunJavaScriptAlert(message, frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::willRunJavaScriptConfirm(WKBundlePageRef page, WKStringRef message, WKBundleFrameRef frame, const void *clientInfo) |
| { |
| return static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->willRunJavaScriptConfirm(message, frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::willRunJavaScriptPrompt(WKBundlePageRef page, WKStringRef message, WKStringRef defaultValue, WKBundleFrameRef frame, const void *clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->willRunJavaScriptPrompt(message, defaultValue, frame); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didReachApplicationCacheOriginQuota(WKBundlePageRef page, WKSecurityOriginRef origin, int64_t totalBytesNeeded, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didReachApplicationCacheOriginQuota(origin, totalBytesNeeded); |
| } |
| |
| uint64_t InjectedBundlePage::didExceedDatabaseQuota(WKBundlePageRef page, WKSecurityOriginRef origin, WKStringRef databaseName, WKStringRef databaseDisplayName, uint64_t currentQuotaBytes, uint64_t currentOriginUsageBytes, uint64_t currentDatabaseUsageBytes, uint64_t expectedUsageBytes, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| return static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didExceedDatabaseQuota(origin, databaseName, databaseDisplayName, currentQuotaBytes, currentOriginUsageBytes, currentDatabaseUsageBytes, expectedUsageBytes); |
| } |
| |
| static WTF::String lastFileURLPathComponent(const WTF::String& path) |
| { |
| size_t pos = path.find("file://"); |
| ASSERT(WTF::notFound != pos); |
| |
| WTF::String tmpPath = path.substring(pos + 7); |
| if (tmpPath.length() < 2) // Keep the lone slash to avoid empty output. |
| return tmpPath; |
| |
| // Remove the trailing delimiter |
| if (tmpPath[tmpPath.length() - 1] == '/') |
| tmpPath.remove(tmpPath.length() - 1); |
| |
| pos = tmpPath.reverseFind('/'); |
| if (WTF::notFound != pos) |
| return tmpPath.substring(pos + 1); |
| |
| return tmpPath; |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::willAddMessageToConsole(WKStringRef message, uint32_t lineNumber) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| WTF::String messageString = toWTFString(message); |
| size_t nullCharPos = messageString.find(UChar(0)); |
| if (nullCharPos != WTF::notFound) |
| messageString.truncate(nullCharPos); |
| |
| size_t fileProtocolStart = messageString.find("file://"); |
| if (fileProtocolStart != WTF::notFound) |
| // FIXME: The code below does not handle additional text after url nor multiple urls. This matches DumpRenderTree implementation. |
| messageString = messageString.substring(0, fileProtocolStart) + lastFileURLPathComponent(messageString.substring(fileProtocolStart)); |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("CONSOLE MESSAGE: "); |
| if (lineNumber) { |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("line "); |
| stringBuilder.appendNumber(lineNumber); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(": "); |
| } |
| stringBuilder.append(messageString); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::willSetStatusbarText(WKStringRef statusbarText) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpStatusCallbacks()) |
| return; |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("UI DELEGATE STATUS CALLBACK: setStatusText:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(statusbarText)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::willRunJavaScriptAlert(WKStringRef message, WKBundleFrameRef) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("ALERT: "); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(message)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::willRunJavaScriptConfirm(WKStringRef message, WKBundleFrameRef) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("CONFIRM: "); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(message)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::willRunJavaScriptPrompt(WKStringRef message, WKStringRef defaultValue, WKBundleFrameRef) |
| { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("PROMPT: "); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(message)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(", default text: "); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(defaultValue)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didReachApplicationCacheOriginQuota(WKSecurityOriginRef origin, int64_t totalBytesNeeded) |
| { |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpApplicationCacheDelegateCallbacks()) { |
| // For example, numbers from 30000 - 39999 will output as 30000. |
| // Rounding up or down does not really matter for these tests. It's |
| // sufficient to just get a range of 10000 to determine if we were |
| // above or below a threshold. |
| int64_t truncatedSpaceNeeded = (totalBytesNeeded / 10000) * 10000; |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("UI DELEGATE APPLICATION CACHE CALLBACK: exceededApplicationCacheOriginQuotaForSecurityOrigin:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(securityOriginToStr(origin)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" totalSpaceNeeded:~"); |
| stringBuilder.appendNumber(truncatedSpaceNeeded); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDisallowIncreaseForApplicationCacheQuota()) |
| return; |
| |
| // Reset default application cache quota. |
| WKBundleResetApplicationCacheOriginQuota(InjectedBundle::shared().bundle(), adoptWK(WKSecurityOriginCopyToString(origin)).get()); |
| } |
| |
| uint64_t InjectedBundlePage::didExceedDatabaseQuota(WKSecurityOriginRef origin, WKStringRef databaseName, WKStringRef databaseDisplayName, uint64_t currentQuotaBytes, uint64_t currentOriginUsageBytes, uint64_t currentDatabaseUsageBytes, uint64_t expectedUsageBytes) |
| { |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpDatabaseCallbacks()) { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("UI DELEGATE DATABASE CALLBACK: exceededDatabaseQuotaForSecurityOrigin:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(securityOriginToStr(origin)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" database:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(databaseName)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| uint64_t defaultQuota = 5 * 1024 * 1024; |
| double testDefaultQuota = InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->databaseDefaultQuota(); |
| if (testDefaultQuota >= 0) |
| defaultQuota = testDefaultQuota; |
| |
| unsigned long long newQuota = defaultQuota; |
| |
| double maxQuota = InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->databaseMaxQuota(); |
| if (maxQuota >= 0) { |
| if (defaultQuota < expectedUsageBytes && expectedUsageBytes <= maxQuota) { |
| newQuota = expectedUsageBytes; |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("UI DELEGATE DATABASE CALLBACK: increased quota to "); |
| stringBuilder.appendNumber(newQuota); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| } |
| return newQuota; |
| } |
| |
| // Editor Client Callbacks |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldBeginEditing(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleRangeHandleRef range, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| return static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->shouldBeginEditing(range); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldEndEditing(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleRangeHandleRef range, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| return static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->shouldEndEditing(range); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldInsertNode(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleNodeHandleRef node, WKBundleRangeHandleRef rangeToReplace, WKInsertActionType action, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| return static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->shouldInsertNode(node, rangeToReplace, action); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldInsertText(WKBundlePageRef page, WKStringRef text, WKBundleRangeHandleRef rangeToReplace, WKInsertActionType action, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| return static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->shouldInsertText(text, rangeToReplace, action); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldDeleteRange(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleRangeHandleRef range, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| return static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->shouldDeleteRange(range); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldChangeSelectedRange(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleRangeHandleRef fromRange, WKBundleRangeHandleRef toRange, WKAffinityType affinity, bool stillSelecting, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| return static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->shouldChangeSelectedRange(fromRange, toRange, affinity, stillSelecting); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldApplyStyle(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleCSSStyleDeclarationRef style, WKBundleRangeHandleRef range, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| return static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->shouldApplyStyle(style, range); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didBeginEditing(WKBundlePageRef page, WKStringRef notificationName, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didBeginEditing(notificationName); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didEndEditing(WKBundlePageRef page, WKStringRef notificationName, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didEndEditing(notificationName); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didChange(WKBundlePageRef page, WKStringRef notificationName, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didChange(notificationName); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didChangeSelection(WKBundlePageRef page, WKStringRef notificationName, const void* clientInfo) |
| { |
| static_cast<InjectedBundlePage*>(const_cast<void*>(clientInfo))->didChangeSelection(notificationName); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldBeginEditing(WKBundleRangeHandleRef range) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpEditingCallbacks()) { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldBeginEditingInDOMRange:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(rangeToStr(m_page, m_world.get(), range)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| return InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldAllowEditing(); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldEndEditing(WKBundleRangeHandleRef range) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpEditingCallbacks()) { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldEndEditingInDOMRange:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(rangeToStr(m_page, m_world.get(), range)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| return InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldAllowEditing(); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldInsertNode(WKBundleNodeHandleRef node, WKBundleRangeHandleRef rangeToReplace, WKInsertActionType action) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return true; |
| |
| static const char* insertactionstring[] = { |
| "WebViewInsertActionTyped", |
| "WebViewInsertActionPasted", |
| "WebViewInsertActionDropped", |
| }; |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpEditingCallbacks()) { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldInsertNode:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(dumpPath(m_page, m_world.get(), node)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" replacingDOMRange:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(rangeToStr(m_page, m_world.get(), rangeToReplace)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" givenAction:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(insertactionstring[action]); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| return InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldAllowEditing(); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldInsertText(WKStringRef text, WKBundleRangeHandleRef rangeToReplace, WKInsertActionType action) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return true; |
| |
| static const char *insertactionstring[] = { |
| "WebViewInsertActionTyped", |
| "WebViewInsertActionPasted", |
| "WebViewInsertActionDropped", |
| }; |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpEditingCallbacks()) { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldInsertText:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(text)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" replacingDOMRange:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(rangeToStr(m_page, m_world.get(), rangeToReplace)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" givenAction:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(insertactionstring[action]); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| return InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldAllowEditing(); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldDeleteRange(WKBundleRangeHandleRef range) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpEditingCallbacks()) { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldDeleteDOMRange:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(rangeToStr(m_page, m_world.get(), range)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| return InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldAllowEditing(); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldChangeSelectedRange(WKBundleRangeHandleRef fromRange, WKBundleRangeHandleRef toRange, WKAffinityType affinity, bool stillSelecting) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return true; |
| |
| static const char *affinitystring[] = { |
| "NSSelectionAffinityUpstream", |
| "NSSelectionAffinityDownstream" |
| }; |
| static const char *boolstring[] = { |
| "FALSE", |
| "TRUE" |
| }; |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpEditingCallbacks()) { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldChangeSelectedDOMRange:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(rangeToStr(m_page, m_world.get(), fromRange)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" toDOMRange:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(rangeToStr(m_page, m_world.get(), toRange)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" affinity:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(affinitystring[affinity]); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" stillSelecting:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(boolstring[stillSelecting]); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| return InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldAllowEditing(); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::shouldApplyStyle(WKBundleCSSStyleDeclarationRef style, WKBundleRangeHandleRef range) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpEditingCallbacks()) { |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldApplyStyle:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(styleDecToStr(style)); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" toElementsInDOMRange:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(rangeToStr(m_page, m_world.get(), range)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| return InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldAllowEditing(); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didBeginEditing(WKStringRef notificationName) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpEditingCallbacks()) |
| return; |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("EDITING DELEGATE: webViewDidBeginEditing:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(notificationName)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didEndEditing(WKStringRef notificationName) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpEditingCallbacks()) |
| return; |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("EDITING DELEGATE: webViewDidEndEditing:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(notificationName)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didChange(WKStringRef notificationName) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpEditingCallbacks()) |
| return; |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("EDITING DELEGATE: webViewDidChange:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(notificationName)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::didChangeSelection(WKStringRef notificationName) |
| { |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().isTestRunning()) |
| return; |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpEditingCallbacks()) |
| return; |
| |
| StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("EDITING DELEGATE: webViewDidChangeSelection:"); |
| stringBuilder.append(toWTFString(notificationName)); |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText(stringBuilder.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| bool InjectedBundlePage::supportsFullScreen(WKBundlePageRef pageRef, WKFullScreenKeyboardRequestType requestType) |
| { |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFullScreenCallbacks()) |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText("supportsFullScreen() == true\n"); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::enterFullScreenForElement(WKBundlePageRef pageRef, WKBundleNodeHandleRef elementRef) |
| { |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFullScreenCallbacks()) |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText("enterFullScreenForElement()\n"); |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->hasCustomFullScreenBehavior()) { |
| WKBundlePageWillEnterFullScreen(pageRef); |
| WKBundlePageDidEnterFullScreen(pageRef); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::exitFullScreenForElement(WKBundlePageRef pageRef, WKBundleNodeHandleRef elementRef) |
| { |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFullScreenCallbacks()) |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText("exitFullScreenForElement()\n"); |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->hasCustomFullScreenBehavior()) { |
| WKBundlePageWillExitFullScreen(pageRef); |
| WKBundlePageDidExitFullScreen(pageRef); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::beganEnterFullScreen(WKBundlePageRef, WKRect, WKRect) |
| { |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFullScreenCallbacks()) |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText("beganEnterFullScreen()\n"); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::beganExitFullScreen(WKBundlePageRef, WKRect, WKRect) |
| { |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFullScreenCallbacks()) |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText("beganExitFullScreen()\n"); |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::closeFullScreen(WKBundlePageRef pageRef) |
| { |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->shouldDumpFullScreenCallbacks()) |
| InjectedBundle::shared().outputText("closeFullScreen()\n"); |
| |
| if (!InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->hasCustomFullScreenBehavior()) { |
| WKBundlePageWillExitFullScreen(pageRef); |
| WKBundlePageDidExitFullScreen(pageRef); |
| } |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| static bool compareByTargetName(WKBundleBackForwardListItemRef item1, WKBundleBackForwardListItemRef item2) |
| { |
| return toSTD(adoptWK(WKBundleBackForwardListItemCopyTarget(item1))) < toSTD(adoptWK(WKBundleBackForwardListItemCopyTarget(item2))); |
| } |
| |
| static void dumpBackForwardListItem(WKBundleBackForwardListItemRef item, unsigned indent, bool isCurrentItem, StringBuilder& stringBuilder) |
| { |
| unsigned column = 0; |
| if (isCurrentItem) { |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("curr->"); |
| column = 6; |
| } |
| for (unsigned i = column; i < indent; i++) |
| stringBuilder.append(' '); |
| |
| WTF::String url = toWTFString(adoptWK(WKURLCopyString(adoptWK(WKBundleBackForwardListItemCopyURL(item)).get()))); |
| if (hasPrefix(url, "file:")) { |
| WTF::String directoryName = "/LayoutTests/"; |
| size_t start = url.find(directoryName); |
| if (start == WTF::notFound) |
| start = 0; |
| else |
| start += directoryName.length(); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("(file test):"); |
| stringBuilder.append(url.substring(start)); |
| } else |
| stringBuilder.append(url); |
| |
| WTF::String target = toWTFString(adoptWK(WKBundleBackForwardListItemCopyTarget(item))); |
| if (target.length()) { |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" (in frame \""); |
| stringBuilder.append(target); |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("\")"); |
| } |
| |
| // FIXME: Need WKBackForwardListItemIsTargetItem. |
| if (WKBundleBackForwardListItemIsTargetItem(item)) |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" **nav target**"); |
| |
| stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
| |
| if (WKRetainPtr<WKArrayRef> kids = adoptWK(WKBundleBackForwardListItemCopyChildren(item))) { |
| // Sort to eliminate arbitrary result ordering which defeats reproducible testing. |
| size_t size = WKArrayGetSize(kids.get()); |
| Vector<WKBundleBackForwardListItemRef> sortedKids(size); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) |
| sortedKids[i] = static_cast<WKBundleBackForwardListItemRef>(WKArrayGetItemAtIndex(kids.get(), i)); |
| stable_sort(sortedKids.begin(), sortedKids.end(), compareByTargetName); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) |
| dumpBackForwardListItem(sortedKids[i], indent + 4, false, stringBuilder); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::dumpBackForwardList(StringBuilder& stringBuilder) |
| { |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("\n============== Back Forward List ==============\n"); |
| |
| WKBundleBackForwardListRef list = WKBundlePageGetBackForwardList(m_page); |
| |
| // Print out all items in the list after m_previousTestBackForwardListItem. |
| // Gather items from the end of the list, then print them out from oldest to newest. |
| Vector<WKRetainPtr<WKBundleBackForwardListItemRef> > itemsToPrint; |
| for (unsigned i = WKBundleBackForwardListGetForwardListCount(list); i; --i) { |
| WKRetainPtr<WKBundleBackForwardListItemRef> item = adoptWK(WKBundleBackForwardListCopyItemAtIndex(list, i)); |
| // Something is wrong if the item from the last test is in the forward part of the list. |
| ASSERT(!WKBundleBackForwardListItemIsSame(item.get(), m_previousTestBackForwardListItem.get())); |
| itemsToPrint.append(item); |
| } |
| |
| ASSERT(!WKBundleBackForwardListItemIsSame(adoptWK(WKBundleBackForwardListCopyItemAtIndex(list, 0)).get(), m_previousTestBackForwardListItem.get())); |
| |
| itemsToPrint.append(adoptWK(WKBundleBackForwardListCopyItemAtIndex(list, 0))); |
| |
| int currentItemIndex = itemsToPrint.size() - 1; |
| |
| int backListCount = WKBundleBackForwardListGetBackListCount(list); |
| for (int i = -1; i >= -backListCount; --i) { |
| WKRetainPtr<WKBundleBackForwardListItemRef> item = adoptWK(WKBundleBackForwardListCopyItemAtIndex(list, i)); |
| if (WKBundleBackForwardListItemIsSame(item.get(), m_previousTestBackForwardListItem.get())) |
| break; |
| itemsToPrint.append(item); |
| } |
| |
| for (int i = itemsToPrint.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) |
| dumpBackForwardListItem(itemsToPrint[i].get(), 8, i == currentItemIndex, stringBuilder); |
| |
| stringBuilder.appendLiteral("===============================================\n"); |
| } |
| |
| #if !PLATFORM(MAC) |
| void InjectedBundlePage::platformDidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame(WKBundleFrameRef) |
| { |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| void InjectedBundlePage::frameDidChangeLocation(WKBundleFrameRef frame, bool shouldDump) |
| { |
| if (frame != InjectedBundle::shared().topLoadingFrame()) |
| return; |
| |
| InjectedBundle::shared().setTopLoadingFrame(0); |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().testRunner()->waitToDump()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (InjectedBundle::shared().shouldProcessWorkQueue()) { |
| InjectedBundle::shared().processWorkQueue(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (shouldDump) |
| InjectedBundle::shared().page()->dump(); |
| else |
| InjectedBundle::shared().done(); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace WTR |