| <title>Original Title</title> |
| <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="http://test.com/foofavicon.ico"/> |
| <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="http://test.com/barfavicon.ico"/> |
| <script src="../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> |
| // check that the URL list in the document is as we expect |
| var expectedURL0 = "http://test.com/barfavicon.ico"; |
| var expectedURL1 = "http://test.com/foofavicon.ico"; |
| var iconURLs = window.internals.shortcutIconURLs(); |
| // Note: This test used to dynamically change a 3rd icon URL and verify the new URL is in the set. |
| // We currently have no plans to support that in WebKit. |
| if (iconURLs.length != 2) { |
| testFailed('Icon URLs list has ' + iconURLs.length + ' elements, should have 2'); |
| iconURLs.forEach(function(url) { |
| if (!urlSet[expectedURL0]) { |
| testFailed('Expected url ' + expectedURL0 + ' in the URL set, but it was not there'); |
| if (!urlSet[expectedURL1]) { |
| testFailed('Expected url ' + expectedURL1 + ' in the URL set, but it was not there'); |
| testPassed('PASS URL list matches expected'); |
| <body onload='runTests();'> |