blob: 62398c30c4568cc17b799f1248ef388d1e0127fb [file] [log] [blame]
Blocked access to external URL http://user:pass@xn--lve-6lad.localhost:8800/images/red.png
FAIL Embedded credentials are treated as network errors. assert_unreached: 'onload' should not fire. Reached unreachable code
FAIL Embedded credentials are treated as network errors in frames. assert_equals: The image should not load. expected "Error" but got "Load"
FAIL Embedded credentials are treated as network errors in new windows. assert_equals: The image should not load. expected "Error" but got "Load"
PASS Embedded credentials matching the top-level are not treated as network errors for relative URLs.
PASS Embedded credentials matching the top-level are not treated as network errors for same-origin URLs.
PASS Embedded credentials matching the top-level are treated as network errors for cross-origin URLs.