blob: 28b91e585749cb10a1c5f1c982cd41983222ff02 [file] [log] [blame]
Blocked access to external URL http://www2.localhost:8800/media/A4.ogv
Blocked access to external URL http://www2.localhost:8800/media/A4.ogv
Blocked access to external URL http://www2.localhost:8800/media/A4.ogv
Blocked access to external URL http://www2.localhost:8800/media/A4.ogv
Video element in media-src list - redirect test
Harness Error (TIMEOUT), message = null
NOTRUN In-policy async video src
NOTRUN in-policy async video src w/redir
NOTRUN In-policy async video source element
NOTRUN In-policy async video source element w/redir
NOTRUN Should not fire policy violation events
This test tests a buggy interaction in Chrome 46. Two hosts (self and www2) are both allowed as media-src, but only one (self) is allowed for connect-src. If a video src starts on an allowed host (self), and is redirected to another allowed media-src host, it should succeed. But a bug causes the redirect to be done in a fetch context to which connect-src is being applied instead, so the load is blocked. (This test passes in Firefox 45, modulo an event listener not firing.)