blob: 9d7562fbc95f30c6b85563c96f62193ea1ef4b8a [file] [log] [blame]
2018-10-16 Alicia Boya GarcĂ­a <>
[Media] Use nanoseconds as MaximumTimeScale
1e9 is a much more useful timescale than the previous one 2^31-1.
Unlike 2^31-1, which is a prime number, nanosecond scale is pretty
common among some formats like WebM and frameworks like GStreamer
where base 10 timescale is common... and it's those big timescales the
ones that are usually scaled up to MaximumTimeScale.
Reviewed by Jer Noble.
* wtf/MediaTime.cpp:
2018-10-15 Keith Miller <>
Support arm64 CPUs with a 32-bit address space
Reviewed by Michael Saboff.
Use WTF_CPU_ADDRESS64/32 to decide if the system is running on arm64_32.
* wtf/MathExtras.h:
* wtf/Platform.h:
2018-10-15 Timothy Hatcher <>
Add support for prefers-color-scheme media query
Reviewed by Dean Jackson.
* wtf/FeatureDefines.h: Added ENABLE_DARK_MODE_CSS.
2018-10-15 Saam barati <>
Emit fjcvtzs on ARM64E on Darwin
Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki and Filip Pizlo.
* wtf/Platform.h:
2018-10-15 Alex Christensen <>
Use pragma once in WTF
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
We also need to consistently include wtf headers from within wtf so we can build wtf without
symbol redefinition errors from including the copy in Source and the copy in the build directory.
* wtf/ASCIICType.h:
* wtf/Assertions.cpp:
* wtf/Assertions.h:
* wtf/Atomics.h:
* wtf/AutomaticThread.cpp:
* wtf/AutomaticThread.h:
* wtf/BackwardsGraph.h:
* wtf/Bag.h:
* wtf/BagToHashMap.h:
* wtf/BitVector.cpp:
* wtf/BitVector.h:
* wtf/Bitmap.h:
* wtf/BloomFilter.h:
* wtf/Box.h:
* wtf/BubbleSort.h:
* wtf/BumpPointerAllocator.h:
* wtf/ByteOrder.h:
* wtf/CPUTime.cpp:
* wtf/CallbackAggregator.h:
* wtf/CheckedArithmetic.h:
* wtf/CheckedBoolean.h:
* wtf/ClockType.cpp:
* wtf/ClockType.h:
* wtf/CommaPrinter.h:
* wtf/CompilationThread.cpp:
* wtf/CompilationThread.h:
* wtf/Compiler.h:
* wtf/ConcurrentPtrHashSet.cpp:
* wtf/ConcurrentVector.h:
* wtf/Condition.h:
* wtf/CountingLock.cpp:
* wtf/CrossThreadTaskHandler.cpp:
* wtf/CryptographicUtilities.cpp:
* wtf/CryptographicUtilities.h:
* wtf/CryptographicallyRandomNumber.cpp:
* wtf/CryptographicallyRandomNumber.h:
* wtf/CurrentTime.cpp:
* wtf/DataLog.cpp:
* wtf/DataLog.h:
* wtf/DateMath.cpp:
* wtf/DateMath.h:
* wtf/DecimalNumber.cpp:
* wtf/DecimalNumber.h:
* wtf/Deque.h:
* wtf/DisallowCType.h:
* wtf/Dominators.h:
* wtf/DoublyLinkedList.h:
* wtf/FastBitVector.cpp:
* wtf/FastMalloc.cpp:
* wtf/FastMalloc.h:
* wtf/FeatureDefines.h:
* wtf/FilePrintStream.cpp:
* wtf/FilePrintStream.h:
* wtf/FlipBytes.h:
* wtf/FunctionDispatcher.cpp:
* wtf/FunctionDispatcher.h:
* wtf/GetPtr.h:
* wtf/Gigacage.cpp:
* wtf/GlobalVersion.cpp:
* wtf/GraphNodeWorklist.h:
* wtf/GregorianDateTime.cpp:
* wtf/GregorianDateTime.h:
* wtf/HashFunctions.h:
* wtf/HashMap.h:
* wtf/HashMethod.h:
* wtf/HashSet.h:
* wtf/HashTable.cpp:
* wtf/HashTraits.h:
* wtf/Indenter.h:
* wtf/IndexSparseSet.h:
* wtf/InlineASM.h:
* wtf/Insertion.h:
* wtf/IteratorAdaptors.h:
* wtf/IteratorRange.h:
* wtf/JSONValues.cpp:
* wtf/JSValueMalloc.cpp:
* wtf/LEBDecoder.h:
* wtf/Language.cpp:
* wtf/ListDump.h:
* wtf/Lock.cpp:
* wtf/Lock.h:
* wtf/LockAlgorithm.h:
* wtf/LockedPrintStream.cpp:
* wtf/Locker.h:
* wtf/MD5.cpp:
* wtf/MD5.h:
* wtf/MainThread.cpp:
* wtf/MainThread.h:
* wtf/MallocPtr.h:
* wtf/MathExtras.h:
* wtf/MediaTime.cpp:
* wtf/MediaTime.h:
* wtf/MemoryPressureHandler.cpp:
* wtf/MessageQueue.h:
* wtf/MetaAllocator.cpp:
* wtf/MetaAllocator.h:
* wtf/MetaAllocatorHandle.h:
* wtf/MonotonicTime.cpp:
* wtf/MonotonicTime.h:
* wtf/NakedPtr.h:
* wtf/NoLock.h:
* wtf/NoTailCalls.h:
* wtf/Noncopyable.h:
* wtf/NumberOfCores.cpp:
* wtf/NumberOfCores.h:
* wtf/OSAllocator.h:
* wtf/OSAllocatorPosix.cpp:
* wtf/OSRandomSource.cpp:
* wtf/OSRandomSource.h:
* wtf/ObjcRuntimeExtras.h:
* wtf/OrderMaker.h:
* wtf/PackedIntVector.h:
* wtf/PageAllocation.h:
* wtf/PageBlock.cpp:
* wtf/PageBlock.h:
* wtf/PageReservation.h:
* wtf/ParallelHelperPool.cpp:
* wtf/ParallelHelperPool.h:
* wtf/ParallelJobs.h:
* wtf/ParallelJobsLibdispatch.h:
* wtf/ParallelVectorIterator.h:
* wtf/ParkingLot.cpp:
* wtf/ParkingLot.h:
* wtf/Platform.h:
* wtf/PointerComparison.h:
* wtf/Poisoned.cpp:
* wtf/PrintStream.cpp:
* wtf/PrintStream.h:
* wtf/ProcessID.h:
* wtf/ProcessPrivilege.cpp:
* wtf/RAMSize.cpp:
* wtf/RAMSize.h:
* wtf/RandomDevice.cpp:
* wtf/RandomNumber.cpp:
* wtf/RandomNumber.h:
* wtf/RandomNumberSeed.h:
* wtf/RangeSet.h:
* wtf/RawPointer.h:
* wtf/ReadWriteLock.cpp:
* wtf/RedBlackTree.h:
* wtf/Ref.h:
* wtf/RefCountedArray.h:
* wtf/RefCountedLeakCounter.cpp:
* wtf/RefCountedLeakCounter.h:
* wtf/RefCounter.h:
* wtf/RefPtr.h:
* wtf/RetainPtr.h:
* wtf/RunLoop.cpp:
* wtf/RunLoop.h:
* wtf/RunLoopTimer.h:
* wtf/RunLoopTimerCF.cpp:
* wtf/SHA1.cpp:
* wtf/SHA1.h:
* wtf/SaturatedArithmetic.h:
* wtf/SchedulePair.h:
* wtf/SchedulePairCF.cpp:
* wtf/
* wtf/ScopedLambda.h:
* wtf/Seconds.cpp:
* wtf/Seconds.h:
* wtf/SegmentedVector.h:
* wtf/SentinelLinkedList.h:
* wtf/SharedTask.h:
* wtf/SimpleStats.h:
* wtf/SingleRootGraph.h:
* wtf/SinglyLinkedList.h:
* wtf/SixCharacterHash.cpp:
* wtf/SixCharacterHash.h:
* wtf/SmallPtrSet.h:
* wtf/Spectrum.h:
* wtf/StackBounds.cpp:
* wtf/StackBounds.h:
* wtf/StackStats.cpp:
* wtf/StackStats.h:
* wtf/StackTrace.cpp:
* wtf/StdLibExtras.h:
* wtf/StreamBuffer.h:
* wtf/StringHashDumpContext.h:
* wtf/StringPrintStream.cpp:
* wtf/StringPrintStream.h:
* wtf/ThreadGroup.cpp:
* wtf/ThreadMessage.cpp:
* wtf/ThreadSpecific.h:
* wtf/Threading.cpp:
* wtf/Threading.h:
* wtf/ThreadingPrimitives.h:
* wtf/ThreadingPthreads.cpp:
* wtf/TimeWithDynamicClockType.cpp:
* wtf/TimeWithDynamicClockType.h:
* wtf/TimingScope.cpp:
* wtf/TinyLRUCache.h:
* wtf/TinyPtrSet.h:
* wtf/TriState.h:
* wtf/TypeCasts.h:
* wtf/UUID.cpp:
* wtf/UnionFind.h:
* wtf/VMTags.h:
* wtf/ValueCheck.h:
* wtf/Vector.h:
* wtf/VectorTraits.h:
* wtf/WallTime.cpp:
* wtf/WallTime.h:
* wtf/WeakPtr.h:
* wtf/WeakRandom.h:
* wtf/WordLock.cpp:
* wtf/WordLock.h:
* wtf/WorkQueue.cpp:
* wtf/WorkQueue.h:
* wtf/WorkerPool.cpp:
* wtf/cf/LanguageCF.cpp:
* wtf/cf/RunLoopCF.cpp:
* wtf/cocoa/
* wtf/cocoa/MachSendRight.cpp:
* wtf/cocoa/
* wtf/cocoa/MemoryFootprintCocoa.cpp:
* wtf/cocoa/WorkQueueCocoa.cpp:
* wtf/dtoa.cpp:
* wtf/dtoa.h:
* wtf/ios/WebCoreThread.cpp:
* wtf/ios/WebCoreThread.h:
* wtf/mac/AppKitCompatibilityDeclarations.h:
* wtf/mac/
* wtf/mbmalloc.cpp:
* wtf/persistence/PersistentCoders.cpp:
* wtf/persistence/PersistentDecoder.cpp:
* wtf/persistence/PersistentEncoder.cpp:
* wtf/spi/cf/CFBundleSPI.h:
* wtf/spi/darwin/CommonCryptoSPI.h:
* wtf/text/ASCIIFastPath.h:
* wtf/text/ASCIILiteral.cpp:
* wtf/text/AtomicString.cpp:
* wtf/text/AtomicString.h:
* wtf/text/AtomicStringHash.h:
* wtf/text/AtomicStringImpl.cpp:
* wtf/text/AtomicStringImpl.h:
* wtf/text/AtomicStringTable.cpp:
* wtf/text/AtomicStringTable.h:
* wtf/text/Base64.cpp:
* wtf/text/CString.cpp:
* wtf/text/CString.h:
* wtf/text/ConversionMode.h:
* wtf/text/ExternalStringImpl.cpp:
* wtf/text/IntegerToStringConversion.h:
* wtf/text/LChar.h:
* wtf/text/LineEnding.cpp:
* wtf/text/StringBuffer.h:
* wtf/text/StringBuilder.cpp:
* wtf/text/StringBuilder.h:
* wtf/text/StringBuilderJSON.cpp:
* wtf/text/StringCommon.h:
* wtf/text/StringConcatenate.h:
* wtf/text/StringHash.h:
* wtf/text/StringImpl.cpp:
* wtf/text/StringImpl.h:
* wtf/text/StringOperators.h:
* wtf/text/StringView.cpp:
* wtf/text/StringView.h:
* wtf/text/SymbolImpl.cpp:
* wtf/text/SymbolRegistry.cpp:
* wtf/text/SymbolRegistry.h:
* wtf/text/TextBreakIterator.cpp:
* wtf/text/TextBreakIterator.h:
* wtf/text/TextBreakIteratorInternalICU.h:
* wtf/text/TextPosition.h:
* wtf/text/TextStream.cpp:
* wtf/text/UniquedStringImpl.h:
* wtf/text/WTFString.cpp:
* wtf/text/WTFString.h:
* wtf/text/cocoa/
* wtf/text/cocoa/
* wtf/text/cocoa/TextBreakIteratorInternalICUCocoa.cpp:
* wtf/text/icu/UTextProvider.cpp:
* wtf/text/icu/UTextProvider.h:
* wtf/text/icu/UTextProviderLatin1.cpp:
* wtf/text/icu/UTextProviderLatin1.h:
* wtf/text/icu/UTextProviderUTF16.cpp:
* wtf/text/icu/UTextProviderUTF16.h:
* wtf/threads/BinarySemaphore.cpp:
* wtf/threads/BinarySemaphore.h:
* wtf/threads/Signals.cpp:
* wtf/unicode/CharacterNames.h:
* wtf/unicode/Collator.h:
* wtf/unicode/CollatorDefault.cpp:
* wtf/unicode/UTF8.cpp:
* wtf/unicode/UTF8.h:
2018-10-12 Alex Christensen <>
Allow encoding of small enum classes
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
* wtf/Forward.h:
2018-10-11 Alexey Proskuryakov <>
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
Currently, PLATFORM(IOS) and OS(IOS) are true when building for any
TARGET_OS_IPHONE target, which is quite confusing. Add a better named alternative,
as a first step towards mass replacing PLATFORM(IOS). Can't so it all at once
because of dependencies in other source repositories.
* wtf/Platform.h: Changed to the new name in this file though. Kept a few
instances that actually target iOS only, having a version check.
2018-10-11 Yusuke Suzuki <>
Use currentStackPointer more
Reviewed by Saam Barati.
Use WTF::currentStackPointer more in WebKit to adopt ASAN detect_stack_use_after_return option.
* wtf/StackBounds.cpp:
* wtf/ThreadingPthreads.cpp:
(WTF::getApproximateStackPointer): Deleted.
2018-10-11 Ross Kirsling <>
[WTF] Semaphore.h conflicts with POSIX header
Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.
Rename Semaphore.h to WTFSemaphore.h to avoid conflict with POSIX semaphore.h on case-insensitive file systems.
* WTF.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
* wtf/CMakeLists.txt:
* wtf/WTFSemaphore.h: Renamed from wtf/Semaphore.h.
2018-10-10 Mark Lam <>
Changes towards allowing use of the ASAN detect_stack_use_after_return option.
Reviewed by Michael Saboff.
Introduce WTF::currentStackPointer() which computes its caller's stack pointer value.
* WTF.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
* wtf/CMakeLists.txt:
* wtf/StackBounds.h:
(WTF::StackBounds::checkConsistency const):
* wtf/StackPointer.cpp: Added.
* wtf/StackPointer.h: Added.
2018-10-09 Mark Lam <>
StringTypeAdapter constructor is not properly enforcing String::MaxLength.
Reviewed by Saam Barati.
Previously, the StringTypeAdapter constructor for a UChar* string was summing the
unsigned length of the source string without an overflow check. We now make that
length a size_t which removes this issue, and assert that it's within
String::MaxLength thereafter.
Also made the StringTypeAdapter constructor for a LChar* string behave in an
equivalent manner for consistency. In both cases, we'll crash in a RELEASE_ASSERT
if the source string length exceeds String::MaxLength.
* wtf/text/StringConcatenate.h:
2018-10-09 Mark Lam <>
Revert temporary asserts for debugging a mysterious ASAN bot crash.
Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.
* wtf/StackBounds.cpp:
* wtf/StackBounds.h:
(WTF::StackBounds::checkConsistency const):
2018-10-08 Aditya Keerthi <>
Make <input type=color> a runtime enabled (on-by-default) feature
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh and Tim Horton.
* wtf/FeatureDefines.h:
2018-10-06 Mark Lam <>
Adding some temporary asserts with data logging to debug a mysterious ASAN bot crash.
Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.
These assertions are needed because we can't reproduce the issue locally.
We'll remove these asserts after the needed data has been collected from the bot.
* wtf/StackBounds.cpp:
* wtf/StackBounds.h:
(WTF::StackBounds::checkConsistency const):
2018-10-07 Yusuke Suzuki <>
Name Heap threads
Reviewed by Mark Lam.
Add a functionality naming threads of ParallelHelperPool.
* wtf/ParallelHelperPool.cpp:
* wtf/ParallelHelperPool.h:
2018-10-06 Mark Lam <>
Adding some temporary asserts to debug a mysterious ASAN bot crash.
Reviewed by Filip Pizlo.
These assertions are needed because we can't reproduce the issue locally.
We'll remove these asserts after the needed data has been collected from the bot.
* wtf/StackBounds.h:
(WTF::StackBounds::checkConsistency const):
2018-10-05 Yusuke Suzuki <>
[JSC][Linux] Support Perf JITDump logging
Reviewed by Mark Lam.
* wtf/PageReservation.h:
2018-10-03 Dan Bernstein <>
WTF part of [Xcode] Update some build settings as recommended by Xcode 10
Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
* WTF.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Let Xcode update LastUpgradeCheck.
* wtf/MathExtras.h:
(WTF::fastLog2): Addressed newly-enabled CLANG_WARN_COMMA by splitting some comma-separated
expressions into individual statements.
2018-10-03 Mark Lam <>
Make string MaxLength for all WTF and JS strings consistently equal to INT_MAX.
Reviewed by Michael Saboff.
* wtf/text/StringConcatenate.h:
(WTF::sumWithOverflow): Deleted.
* wtf/text/StringImpl.h:
* wtf/text/WTFString.h:
2018-10-03 Michael Catanzaro <>
-Wunused-variable in RenderLayer::updateScrollableAreaSet
Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.
Add a new UNUSED_VARIABLE() macro. It's the same as UNUSED_PARAM(), just named differently.
* wtf/Compiler.h:
2018-10-01 Dean Jackson <>
[macOS] Switching to discrete GPU should be done in the UI process
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
Define GL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION to avoid deprecation warnings for OpenGL.
* wtf/Platform.h:
2018-10-02 Commit Queue <>
Unreviewed, rolling out r236624 and r236671.
The change in r236624 introduced crashes on the bots
(Requested by ryanhaddad on #webkit).
Reverted changesets:
"Refactoring: eliminate raw pointer usage in Fullscreen code"
"Unify implementation in VideoFullscreenInterfaceAVKit"
2018-10-02 Caio Lima <>
[BigInt] BigInt.proptotype.toString is broken when radix is power of 2
Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.
* wtf/MathExtras.h:
2018-10-01 Andy Estes <>
[watchOS] Adopt NSURLSessionCompanionProxyPreference
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.
* wtf/FeatureDefines.h:
2018-10-01 Koby Boyango <>
[WTF][JSCONLY] Use MainThreadWin on Windows in the JSCOnly port
Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.
This fixes JSCOnly build on Windows after r236617.
* wtf/PlatformJSCOnly.cmake:
2018-10-01 Commit Queue <>
Unreviewed, rolling out r236647.
Breaking test stress/big-int-to-string.js (Requested by
caiolima_ on #webkit).
Reverted changeset:
"[BigInt] BigInt.proptotype.toString is broken when radix is
power of 2"
2018-09-30 Caio Lima <>
[BigInt] BigInt.proptotype.toString is broken when radix is power of 2
Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.
* wtf/MathExtras.h:
2018-09-28 Jer Noble <>
Refactoring: eliminate raw pointer usage in Fullscreen code
Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
* WTF.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
* wtf/WeakPtrContainer.h: Added.
2018-09-28 Yusuke Suzuki <>
[WTF] Make isMainThread more reliable
Reviewed by Mark Lam.
isMainThread() relied on Thread::current(). This API becomes broken in Windows
when the Thread is about to be destroyed since TLS is already cleared. This causes
a bug since `isMainThread()` is called in Thread::didExit in Windows.
This patch makes this `isMainThread` more reliable in all the platforms. In Windows,
we use `Thread::currentID()` instead of `Thread::current()` since `Thread::currentID`
uses Win32 GetCurrentThreadId directly. In the other system, we use `pthread_main_np`
or `pthread_self` instead.
We also move `holdLock` code inside `if (shouldRemoveThreadFromThreadGroup())`. If
the other thread takes a mutex and destroyed, this `holdLock` waits forever. This problem
only happens in Windows since Windows calls TLS destructor for the main thread.
* WTF.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
* wtf/MainThread.cpp:
(): Deleted.
(WTF::isMainThread): Deleted.
(WTF::isMainThreadIfInitialized): Deleted.
* wtf/Platform.h:
* wtf/PlatformMac.cmake:
* wtf/Threading.cpp:
* wtf/cocoa/ Renamed from Source/WTF/wtf/mac/
* wtf/generic/MainThreadGeneric.cpp:
* wtf/win/MainThreadWin.cpp:
2018-09-28 Commit Queue <>
Unreviewed, rolling out r236605.
caused three API test timeouts (Requested by jernoble on
Reverted changeset:
"Refactoring: eliminate raw pointer usage in Fullscreen code"
2018-09-28 Brian Burg <>
Replace recently added line comments in Compiler.h
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
This breaks some Apple-internal tooling. For now, work around it by
changing the comment style. On the other side, the issue will be fixed
more permanently by adopting the approach from r230213.
* wtf/Compiler.h: Use multiline comments.
2018-09-28 Jer Noble <>
Refactoring: eliminate raw pointer usage in Fullscreen code
Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
* WTF.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
* wtf/WeakPtrContainer.h: Added.
2018-09-28 Koby Boyango <>
[WTF] Add ExternalStringImpl, a StringImpl for user controlled buffers
Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.
* WTF.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
* wtf/CMakeLists.txt:
* wtf/text/ExternalStringImpl.cpp: Added.
* wtf/text/ExternalStringImpl.h: Added.
* wtf/text/StringImpl.cpp:
* wtf/text/StringImpl.h:
2018-09-27 Saam barati <>
Verify the contents of AssemblerBuffer on arm64e
Reviewed by Mark Lam.
* wtf/PtrTag.h:
2018-09-27 Jer Noble <>
MediaPlayer should have mediaPlayerWaitingForKeyChanged() / bool waitingForKey() accessor
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
Templated functions should take r-value references, as they have perfect type deduction for
all parameter types; references, l-value references, and r-value references in template function
parameters have special type deduction semantics.
See: <>
Previously, const reference parameters would be copied when passed into anyOf(), and containers
of Ref<> would generate compile errors when passed into anyOf, as they cannot be copied. Now,
with r-value reference types in template parameters, a const reference is mapped to a const reference,
a non-const reference is mapped to a non-const reference, and a r-value reference is mapped to
an r-value reference.
* wtf/Algorithms.h:
2018-09-25 John Wilander <>
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
* wtf/Platform.h:
Enables RESOURCE_LOAD_STATISTICS for Cocoa platforms.
2018-09-24 Fujii Hironori <>
Reviewed by Michael Catanzaro.
Clang for Windows build enables WTF_COMPILER_CLANG and
strange WTF_COMPILER_GCC_OR_CLANG is not enabled even though
WTF_COMPILER_CLANG is enabled. However, Clang for Windows imitates
MSVC, and codes for COMPILER(GCC_OR_CLANG) are for non MSVC. At
least at the moment, it is not feasible to define
WTF_COMPILER_GCC_OR_CLANG for Clang for Windows.
To solve the issue, this change renames WTF_COMPILER_GCC_OR_CLANG
As an exception, I'd like to use IGNORE_WARNINGS_* macros even in
Clang for Windows builds.
* wtf/Assertions.cpp: Replaced COMPILER(GCC_OR_CLANG) with COMPILER(GCC_COMPATIBLE).
* wtf/Assertions.h: Ditto.
* wtf/Atomics.h: Ditto.
* wtf/CheckedArithmetic.h: Ditto.
* wtf/FastMalloc.h: Ditto.
* wtf/MathExtras.h: Ditto.
* wtf/Platform.h: Ditto.
* wtf/StdLibExtras.h: Ditto.
* wtf/Vector.h: Ditto.
* wtf/text/ASCIIFastPath.h: Ditto.
* wtf/Compiler.h: Ditto. Replaced "COMPILER(GCC_OR_CLANG)" with "COMPILER(GCC) || COMPILER(CLANG)" of IGNORE_WARNINGS_* macros.
2018-09-21 Yusuke Suzuki <>
[JSC] Enable LLInt ASM interpreter on X64 and ARM64 in non JIT configuration
Reviewed by Keith Miller.
This patch adds ENABLE(C_LOOP) which indicates we use CLoop as the interpreter.
Previously, we used !ENABLE(JIT) for this configuration. But now, we have
a build configuration that has LLInt ASM interpreter (not CLoop) and !ENABLE(JIT).
We enable LLInt ASM interpreter for non JIT environment in X86_64 and ARM64 architectures.
And we enable ENABLE(ASSEMBLER) for non JIT environment since it offers machine register
information which is used for LLInt and SamplingProfiler.
* wtf/Platform.h:
2018-09-21 Keith Miller <>
Add Promise SPI
Reviewed by Saam Barati.
Fix issue where creating a JSContextRef off the main thread before
creating initializing the main thread would cause an assertion
* wtf/MainThread.cpp:
* wtf/MainThread.h:
* wtf/mac/
* wtf/text/cf/StringImplCF.cpp:
2018-09-21 Ryan Haddad <>
Unreviewed, rolling out r236359.
Broke the Windows build.
Reverted changeset:
"Add Promise SPI"
2018-09-21 Keith Miller <>
Add Promise SPI
Reviewed by Saam Barati.
Fix issue where creating a JSContextRef off the main thread before
creating initializing the main thread would cause an assertion
* wtf/MainThread.cpp:
* wtf/MainThread.h:
* wtf/mac/
* wtf/text/cf/StringImplCF.cpp:
2018-09-20 Fujii Hironori <>
[Win][Clang] UNUSED_PARAM(this) causes compilation error of "cannot take the address of an rvalue of type"
Reviewed by Per Arne Vollan.
Clang for Windows can't compile the MSVC workaround of
UNUSED_PARAM which has been introduced for Windows CE and Visual
Studio 10. I think it's safe just to remove it.
* wtf/Compiler.h: Removed the code for COMPILER(MSVC).
2018-09-20 Alex Christensen <>
Unreviewed, rolling out r235976.
Broke ARM
Reverted changeset:
"Use a Variant instead of a union in CSSSelector"
2018-09-17 Yusuke Suzuki <>
[WTF] Use Semaphore and BinarySemaphore instead of dispatch_semaphore_t
Reviewed by Mark Lam.
This patch adds WTF::Semaphore, which is based on WTF::Lock and WTF::Condition.
* WTF.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
* wtf/CMakeLists.txt:
* wtf/Semaphore.h: Added.
* wtf/generic/WorkQueueGeneric.cpp:
* wtf/threads/BinarySemaphore.cpp:
(WTF::BinarySemaphore::wait): Deleted.
* wtf/threads/BinarySemaphore.h:
Align the names of the functions to WTF::Condition.
Add BinarySemaphore::wait(), which is the same to waitUntil(WallTime::infinity()).
2018-09-17 Jer Noble <>
Add support for HEVC codec types in Media Capabilities
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
Extract the toIntegralType template into its own header.
* wtf/CMakeLists.txt:
* wtf/text/StringConversion.h: Added.
* wtf/text/WTFString.cpp:
2018-09-17 Jer Noble <>
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
* wtf/Platform.h:
2018-09-17 Frederic Wang <>
Build error in ImageBufferCG when compiled with IOSurfacePool
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
IOSurface.h might be included with different value of IOSURFACE_CANVAS_BACKING_STORE, causing
compilation errors when files in the same unified source do not agree on the definition.
This patch moves the definition of IOSURFACE_CANVAS_BACKING_STORE from ImageBufferDataCG.h
to Platform.h so that IOSURFACE_CANVAS_BACKING_STORE is set to the same value in all files.
Finally some minors changes to explicitly declare/define ImageBuffer are performed in order
to prevent future issues with Unified build rotating.
* wtf/Platform.h: Move definition from ImageBufferDataCG.h.
2018-09-14 Ryan Haddad <>
Unreviewed, rolling out r235990.
Introduced TestWebKitAPI.NowPlayingTest timeouts on iOS
Reverted changeset:
2018-09-13 Jer Noble <>
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
* wtf/Platform.h:
2018-09-13 Alex Christensen <>
Use a Variant instead of a union in CSSSelector
Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.
* wtf/Variant.h:
Add packing macros to make it so Variant-containing structures don't always have 7 bytes of padding per Variant.
2018-09-12 Guillaume Emont <>
Add IGNORE_WARNING_.* macros
Reviewed by Michael Catanzaro.
* wtf/Assertions.cpp:
* wtf/Assertions.h:
* wtf/Compiler.h:
* wtf/MD5.cpp:
* wtf/PrintStream.cpp:
* wtf/SHA1.cpp:
* wtf/ThreadingPthreads.cpp:
* wtf/Vector.h:
* wtf/text/WTFString.cpp:
== Rolled over to ChangeLog-2018-09-11 ==