blob: 30f14ad27bd1bbd4708616e2a3477fbcb7e51349 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2019 The Khronos Group Inc.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE.txt file.
struct gtf_MaterialParameters
vec4 emission;
vec4 ambient;
vec4 diffuse;
vec4 specular;
float shininess;
struct gtf_LightSourceParameters
vec4 ambient;
vec4 diffuse;
vec4 specular;
vec4 position;
vec4 halfVector;
vec3 spotDirection;
float spotExponent;
float spotCutoff;
float spotCosCutoff;
float constantAttenuation;
float linearAttenuation;
float quadraticAttenuation;
struct gtf_PointParameters {
float size;
float sizeMin;
float sizeMax;
float fadeThresholdSize;
float distanceConstantAttenuation;
float distanceLinearAttenuation;
float distanceQuadraticAttenuation;
struct gtf_DepthRangeParameters {
float near;
float far;
float diff;
struct gtf_LightModelParameters {
vec4 ambient;
struct gtf_LightModelProducts {
vec4 sceneColor;
struct gtf_LightProducts {
vec4 ambient;
vec4 diffuse;
vec4 specular;
struct gtf_FogParameters {
vec4 color;
float density;
float start;
float end;
float scale;
uniform int gtf_MaxFragmentUniformComponents;
uniform int gtf_MaxVertexUniformComponents;
uniform int gtf_MaxVertexTextureImageUnits;
uniform int gtf_MaxLights;
uniform int gtf_MaxClipPlanes;
uniform int gtf_MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits;
uniform int gtf_MaxTextureCoords;
uniform int gtf_MaxVertexAttribs;
uniform int gtf_MaxVaryingFloats;
uniform int gtf_MaxTextureUnits;
uniform int gtf_MaxDrawBuffers;
uniform int gtf_MaxTextureImageUnits;
uniform gtf_LightProducts gtf_FrontLightProduct[8];
uniform gtf_LightModelProducts gtf_FrontLightModelProduct;
uniform gtf_DepthRangeParameters gtf_DepthRange;
uniform gtf_FogParameters gtf_Fog;
uniform gtf_PointParameters gtf_Point;
uniform gtf_LightModelParameters gtf_LightModel;
varying vec4 gtf_FogFragCoord;
varying vec4 gtf_BackColor;
varying vec4 gtf_BackSecondaryColor;
varying vec4 gtf_FrontSecondaryColor;
varying vec4 gtf_TexCoord[2];
varying vec4 gtf_FrontColor;
uniform gtf_MaterialParameters gtf_FrontMaterial;
uniform gtf_LightSourceParameters gtf_LightSource[8];
attribute vec4 gtf_MultiTexCoord1;
attribute vec4 gtf_MultiTexCoord2;
attribute vec4 gtf_SecondaryColor;
attribute vec4 gtf_Color;
attribute vec4 gtf_MultiTexCoord3;
attribute vec4 gtf_MultiTexCoord0;
attribute vec4 gtf_Normal;
attribute vec4 gtf_Vertex;
uniform mat4 gtf_NormalMatrix;
uniform mat4 gtf_ProjectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 gtf_TextureMatrix[8];
uniform mat4 gtf_ModelViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 gtf_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;
void test_function(const in int in_int, inout int out_int);
int test_function1(in int in_int1, inout int in_out_int);
uniform float array_float[2];
struct nested
int a;
float f;
struct light1
float intensity;
vec3 position;
int test_int[2];
nested light2;
} lightVar;
light1 ll2;
void Assign (out light1 out1, in light1 in1)
out1.intensity = in1.intensity;
out1.position = in1.position;
out1.test_int[0] = in1.test_int[0];
out1.test_int[1] = in1.test_int[1];
out1.light2 = in1.light2;
struct light3 {
float i;
struct light4 {
float i;
struct light5 {
float i ;
float a[2];
} light5_inst;
uniform light3 uniformLight3;
struct light6 {
float i;
uniform light6 uniformLight6;
struct slight10{
float f;
struct slight9{
slight10 light10;
struct slight8{
slight9 light9;
struct light7 {
slight8 light8;
} ;
light3 struct_var = light3(5.0);
// Attribtue variables can only be Global
attribute float flt_attrib;
attribute vec2 vec2_attrib;
attribute vec3 vec3_attrib;
attribute vec4 vec4_attrib;
attribute mat2 mat2_attrib;
attribute mat3 mat3_attrib;
attribute mat4 mat4_attrib;
uniform float flt_uniform;
uniform vec3 uniform_vec3;
uniform mat3 uniform_mat3;
uniform sampler2D samp[3];
uniform sampler2D samp1;
const struct light12 {
int a;
} uniform_struct = light12(2);
varying vec3 varying_vec3;
varying vec2 varying_vec2;
varying vec4 varying_vec4;
varying mat4 varying_mat4;
varying mat2 varying_mat2;
varying mat3 varying_mat3;
varying float varying_flt;
float frequencies[2];
void test_function2(int func_int)
void test_function3(light3);
void test_function4(light5 ll20);
void test_function5(light1);
light6 test_function6(int a);
const float FloatConst1 = 3.0 * 8.0, floatConst2 = 4.0;
const bool BoolConst1 = true && true || false;
const bool BoolConst2 = false || !false && false;
void main(void)
int test_int1 = 2;
const int const_test_int1 = 2;
struct structMain {
float i;
} testStruct;
struct {
structMain a;
} aStruct;
testStruct.i = 5.0 ;
struct_var.i = 5.0;
structMain newStruct, newStruct1;
testStruct = newStruct;
newStruct = newStruct1;
lightVar.light2.f = 1.1;
light1 ll1;
ll1.light2.a = 1;
const struct const_struct {
float i;
} const_struct_inst = const_struct(1.0);
//ll1 = ll2;
Assign (ll1, ll2);
ll1.light2 = ll2.light2;
ll1.light2 = ll1.light2;
ll1.light2.f = ll2.light2.f;
ll1.light2.f = ll1.light2.f;
// lightVar = ll2;
// ll2 = lightVar;
Assign (lightVar, ll2);
Assign (ll2, lightVar);
light5 ll10;
light7 ll7[4];
structMain newStruct2[2];
newStruct2[0].i = 1.1;
ll7[0].light8.light9.light10.f = 1.1;
bool test_bool4 = false ;
bool test_bool5 = 1.2 > 3.0 ;
int test_int2 = 047;
int test_int4 = 0xa8; // testing for hexadecimal numbers
float test_float1 = 1.5;
float test_float2 = .01;
float test_float3 = 10.;
float test_float4 = 10.01;
float test_float5 = 23e+2;
float test_float6 = 23E-3;
float test_float8 = 23E2;
bool test_bool6 = BoolConst1 && ! (test_int1 != 0) && ! BoolConst1 && ! (FloatConst1 != 0.0) && (FloatConst1 != 0.0) && (test_float1 != 0.0);
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 color2 = vec4(0.0);
vec3 color4 = vec3(test_float8);
ivec4 test_int_vect1 = ivec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
ivec3 test_int_vec3 = ivec3(1, 1, 1) ;
bvec4 test_bool_vect1 = bvec4(1., 1., 1. , 1. );
vec2 test_vec2 = vec2(1., 1.);
vec2 test_vec3 = vec2(1., 1);
vec4 test_vec4 = vec4(test_int_vect1);
vec2 test_vec5 = vec2(color4);
vec3 test_vec7 = vec3(color);
vec3 test_vec8 = vec3(test_vec2, test_float4);
vec3 test_vec9 = vec3(test_float4, test_vec2);
vec4 test_vec10 = vec4(test_vec9, 0.01);
vec4 test_vec11 = vec4(0.01, test_vec9);
vec4 test_vec12 = vec4(test_vec2, test_vec2);
mat2 test_mat2 = mat2(test_float3);
mat3 test_mat3 = mat3(test_float3);
mat4 test_mat4 = mat4(test_float3);
mat2 test_mat7 = mat2(test_vec2, test_vec2);
mat2 test_mat8 = mat2(01.01, 2.01, 3.01, 4.01);
mat3 test_mat9 = mat3(test_vec7, test_vec7, test_vec7);
mat4 test_mat10 = mat4(test_vec10, test_vec10, test_vec10, test_vec10);
test_mat10[1] = test_vec10;
mat2 test_mat12 = mat2(test_vec2, 0.01, 0.01);
mat2 test_mat13 = mat2(0.01, 5., test_vec2);
mat2 test_mat15 = mat2(0.1, 5., test_vec2 );
//mat2 test_mat16 = mat2(test_mat9);
//mat2 test_mat17 = mat2(test_mat10);
float freq1[2];
float freq2[25];
for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
if (test_float1 < 1.0)
freq2[1] = 1.9 ;
const int array_index = 2;
freq2[const_test_int1] = 1.9 ;
freq2[array_index] = 1.8;
const int const_int = 5;
test_float1 = varying_flt;
int out_int;
int intArray[6];
test_function(test_int1, test_int1);
test_function(test_int1, intArray[2]);
vec3 vv = vec3(test_function1(test_int1, out_int));
bool bool_var = true;
int test_int6 = int(bool_var);
test_float1 = float(bool_var);
test_float1 = float(test_int6);
test_int6 = int(test_float1);
bool_var = bool(test_int6);
bool_var = bool(test_float1);
test_float1 = float(test_vec9);
test_vec2.x = 1.2;
test_vec2.y = 1.4;
color.zy = test_vec2;
test_vec2[1] = 1.1;
test_mat2[0][0] = 1.1;
test_float1 += 1.0;
test_float1 -= 1.0;
test_float1 *= 1.0;
test_float1 /= 1.0;
test_mat12 *= test_mat13 ;
test_mat12 *= test_float1;
test_vec2 *= test_float1;
test_vec2 *= test_mat12;
test_vec2 = test_vec2 + test_float1;
test_vec2 = test_float1 + test_vec2;
test_mat12 = test_mat12 * test_mat13;
test_vec2 = test_vec2 * test_vec5;
bool test_bool2 = test_float2 > test_float3;
bool test_bool3 = test_int1 > test_int6 ;
test_bool3 = test_vec2 == test_vec5;
test_bool2 = test_bool3 && test_bool4;
test_bool2 = test_bool3 || test_bool4;
test_bool2 = test_bool3 ^^ test_bool4;
test_bool2 = !test_bool3;
test_bool3 = !(test_int1 > test_int6) ;
test_float1 = test_int1 > test_int6 ? test_float2 : test_float3;
test_vec2 = test_int1 > test_int6 ? test_vec2 : test_vec5;
if(test_float1 > test_float2)
if( test_bool2 )
int if_int;
for(int for_int=0; for_int < 5; for_int++)
// do nothing as such
for(int x1=0; x1 < 10; x1++)
if (!test_bool2)
int for_int;
for(int x2=-10; x2 < 100; x2++)
test_bool2 = (test_float1 > test_float2);
if (!test_bool2)
for(int for_int1 = 0; for_int1 < 100; for_int1++)
if (!test_bool2)
int for_int;
for(int for_int1 = 0; for_int1 < 100; for_int1++)
if (!test_bool2)
int for_int;
for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
if (!(test_float1 > test_float2))
for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
if (!test_bool2)
for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
int dowhile_int;
dowhile_int = 3;
if (!test_bool2)
gl_Position = vec4(2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.1);
gl_Position = gtf_Vertex;
vec4 builtInV4 = gtf_Color + gtf_SecondaryColor + gtf_Vertex + gtf_MultiTexCoord0 + gtf_MultiTexCoord1 + gtf_MultiTexCoord2 + gtf_MultiTexCoord3;
int builtInI = gtf_MaxLights + gtf_MaxClipPlanes + gtf_MaxTextureUnits + gtf_MaxTextureCoords + gtf_MaxVertexAttribs + gtf_MaxVertexUniformComponents + gtf_MaxVaryingFloats + gtf_MaxVertexTextureImageUnits + gtf_MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits + gtf_MaxTextureImageUnits + gtf_MaxFragmentUniformComponents + gtf_MaxDrawBuffers ;
mat4 builtInM4 = gtf_ModelViewMatrix + gtf_ModelViewProjectionMatrix + gtf_ProjectionMatrix;
gtf_DepthRange.near ;
test_float1 = gtf_DepthRange.near;
test_float1 = gtf_DepthRange.far;
test_float1 = gtf_DepthRange.diff;
gtf_Point.fadeThresholdSize ;
gtf_Point.distanceLinearAttenuation ;
gtf_MaterialParameters test;
color = gtf_FrontMaterial.emission;
color = gtf_FrontMaterial.ambient;
color = gtf_FrontMaterial.diffuse;
color = gtf_FrontMaterial.specular;
test_float1 = gtf_FrontMaterial.shininess;
gtf_LightSourceParameters lightSource;
float builtInFloat1 = gtf_LightSource[0].spotExponent;
color = gtf_LightSource[0].ambient;
color = lightSource.ambient;
color = lightSource.diffuse;
color = lightSource.specular;
color = lightSource.position;
color = lightSource.halfVector;
color4 = lightSource.spotDirection;
test_float1 = lightSource.spotExponent;
test_float1 = lightSource.spotCutoff;
test_float1 = lightSource.spotCosCutoff;
test_float1 = lightSource.constantAttenuation;
test_float1 = lightSource.linearAttenuation;
test_float1 = lightSource.quadraticAttenuation;
color = gtf_LightModel.ambient;
gtf_LightModelParameters lightModel;
color = gtf_LightModel.ambient;
color = lightModel.ambient;
color = gtf_FrontLightModelProduct.sceneColor ;
gtf_LightModelProducts lightModelProd;
color = lightModelProd.sceneColor;
color = gtf_FrontLightModelProduct.sceneColor;
color = gtf_FrontLightProduct[0].ambient;
color = gtf_FrontLightProduct[0].ambient;
gtf_LightProducts lightProd;
color = lightProd.ambient;
color = lightProd.diffuse;
color = lightProd.specular;
test_float1 = gtf_Fog.density ;
test_float1 = gtf_Fog.start ;
test_float1 = gtf_Fog.end ;
test_float1 = gtf_Fog.scale ;
color = gtf_Fog.color ;
gtf_FrontColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
gtf_BackColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
gtf_FrontSecondaryColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
gtf_BackSecondaryColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
gtf_TexCoord[0] = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
gtf_FogFragCoord = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
void test_function(const in int in_int, inout int out_int)
out_int = 5;
int i = 5;
return ;
int test_function1(in int in_int1, inout int in_out_int)
float ff;
in_int1 = 5;
return in_int1;
void test_function3(light3 ll)
ll.i = 5.0;
varying_flt = 1.2;
void test_function4(light5 ll20)
ll20.i = 10.0;
void test_function5(light1 struct_light1)
struct_light1.light2.a = 1;
light5 ll5;
struct_light1.light2.f = ll5.i;
light6 test_function6(int a)
int x;
light6 funcStruct;
light7 funcStruct1;
x = x - x ;
mat2 m;
return funcStruct;
float test_function7(light1 ll1, int light1 )
float f;
struct ss1 {
int a;
return float(1);