| Test RegExp#flags accessor |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| property descriptor |
| PASS descriptor.configurable is true |
| PASS descriptor.enumerable is false |
| PASS typeof descriptor.get is 'function' |
| PASS descriptor.set is undefined |
| PASS /a/g.flags is 'g' |
| PASS /a/.flags is '' |
| PASS /a/gmi.flags is 'gim' |
| PASS new RegExp('a', 'gmi').flags is 'gim' |
| PASS flags.call(/a/ig) is 'gi' |
| non-object receivers |
| PASS flags.call(undefined) threw exception TypeError: The RegExp.prototype.flags getter can only be called on an object. |
| PASS flags.call(null) threw exception TypeError: The RegExp.prototype.flags getter can only be called on an object. |
| PASS flags.call(false) threw exception TypeError: The RegExp.prototype.flags getter can only be called on an object. |
| PASS flags.call(true) threw exception TypeError: The RegExp.prototype.flags getter can only be called on an object. |
| non-regex objects |
| PASS flags.call({}) is '' |
| PASS flags.call({global: true, multiline: true, ignoreCase: true}) is 'gim' |
| PASS flags.call({global: 1, multiline: 0, ignoreCase: 2}) is 'gi' |
| PASS flags.call({ __proto__: { multiline: true } }) is 'm' |
| unicode flag |
| PASS /a/uimg.flags is 'gimu' |
| PASS new RegExp('a', 'uimg').flags is 'gimu' |
| PASS flags.call({global: true, multiline: true, ignoreCase: true, unicode: true}) is 'gimu' |
| sticky flag |
| PASS /a/yimg.flags is 'gimy' |
| PASS new RegExp('a', 'yimg').flags is 'gimy' |
| PASS flags.call({global: true, multiline: true, ignoreCase: true, sticky: true}) is 'gimy' |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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