| |
| Harness Error (TIMEOUT), message = null |
| |
| PASS checkAddTransceiverNoTrack |
| PASS checkAddTransceiverWithTrack |
| PASS checkAddTransceiverWithAddTrack |
| PASS checkAddTransceiverWithDirection |
| FAIL checkMsidNoTrackId promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "SyntaxError: Expects 2 fields." |
| PASS checkAddTransceiverWithSetRemoteOfferSending |
| PASS checkAddTransceiverWithSetRemoteOfferNoSend |
| PASS checkAddTransceiverBadKind |
| PASS checkNoMidOffer |
| PASS checkNoMidAnswer |
| PASS checkSetDirection |
| PASS checkCurrentDirection |
| PASS checkSendrecvWithNoSendTrack |
| PASS checkSendrecvWithTracklessStream |
| PASS checkAddTransceiverNoTrackDoesntPair |
| PASS checkAddTransceiverWithTrackDoesntPair |
| PASS checkAddTransceiverThenReplaceTrackDoesntPair |
| FAIL checkAddTransceiverThenAddTrackPairs assert_equals: expected "[{sender:{track:{}}}]" but got "[{sender:{track:{}}},{}]" |
| PASS checkAddTrackPairs |
| PASS checkReplaceTrackNullDoesntPreventPairing |
| PASS checkRemoveAndReadd |
| PASS checkAddTrackExistingTransceiverThenRemove |
| FAIL checkRemoveTrackNegotiation promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "InvalidStateError: Description type incompatible with current signaling state" |
| TIMEOUT checkMute Test timed out |
| NOTRUN checkStop |
| NOTRUN checkStopAfterCreateOffer |
| NOTRUN checkStopAfterSetLocalOffer |
| NOTRUN checkStopAfterSetRemoteOffer |
| NOTRUN checkStopAfterCreateAnswer |
| NOTRUN checkStopAfterSetLocalAnswer |
| NOTRUN checkStopAfterClose |
| NOTRUN checkLocalRollback |
| NOTRUN checkRollbackAndSetRemoteOfferWithDifferentType |
| NOTRUN checkRemoteRollback |
| NOTRUN checkMsectionReuse |
| |