PASS Comment: containing -- | |
PASS Comment: starting with - | |
PASS Comment: ending with - | |
PASS Comment: containing --> | |
PASS DocumentType: empty public and system id | |
PASS DocumentType: empty system id | |
PASS DocumentType: empty public id | |
PASS DocumentType: non-empty public and system id | |
PASS DocumentType: 'APOSTROPHE' (U+0027) | |
PASS DocumentType: 'QUOTATION MARK' (U+0022) | |
PASS DocumentType: 'APOSTROPHE' (U+0027) and 'QUOTATION MARK' (U+0022) | |
PASS Element: href attributes are not percent-encoded | |
PASS Element: query parts in href attributes are not percent-encoded | |
PASS ProcessingInstruction: empty data | |
PASS ProcessingInstruction: non-empty data | |
PASS ProcessingInstruction: target contains xml | |
PASS ProcessingInstruction: target contains a 'COLON' (U+003A) | |