| This tests enabling of execCommand commands based on whether the selection is a caret or range or in editable content. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS whenEnabled('FindString') is 'always' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Print') is 'always' |
| PASS whenEnabled('SelectAll') is 'always' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Transpose') is 'caret' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Copy') is 'range' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Cut') is 'editable range' |
| PASS whenEnabled('RemoveFormat') is 'editable range' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Delete') is 'editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('FontName') is 'editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('FontSize') is 'editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('FontSizeDelta') is 'editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('ForwardDelete') is 'editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('InsertHTML') is 'editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('InsertParagraph') is 'editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('InsertText') is 'editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('BackColor') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Bold') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('CreateLink') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('ForeColor') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('FormatBlock') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('HiliteColor') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Indent') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('InsertHorizontalRule') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('InsertImage') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('InsertNewlineInQuotedContent') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('InsertOrderedList') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('InsertUnorderedList') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Italic') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('JustifyCenter') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('JustifyFull') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('JustifyLeft') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('JustifyNone') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('JustifyRight') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Outdent') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Strikethrough') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Subscript') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Superscript') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Underline') is 'richly editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Paste') is 'editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('PasteAndMatchStyle') is 'editable' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Unlink') is 'richly editable range' |
| PASS whenEnabled('Unselect') is 'visible' |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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