blob: c9ce4ea91c4b59adb51c7a49938304f1ebe41f6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2017 Josh Wolfe. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
description: Non-strict equality comparison of BigInt and miscellaneous primitive values
esid: sec-equality-operators-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: |
EqualityExpression : EqualityExpression == RelationalExpression
5. Return the result of performing Abstract Equality Comparison rval == lval.
features: [BigInt, Symbol]
assert.sameValue(0n == undefined, false, 'The result of (0n == undefined) is false');
assert.sameValue(undefined == 0n, false, 'The result of (undefined == 0n) is false');
assert.sameValue(1n == undefined, false, 'The result of (1n == undefined) is false');
assert.sameValue(undefined == 1n, false, 'The result of (undefined == 1n) is false');
assert.sameValue(0n == null, false, 'The result of (0n == null) is false');
assert.sameValue(null == 0n, false, 'The result of (null == 0n) is false');
assert.sameValue(1n == null, false, 'The result of (1n == null) is false');
assert.sameValue(null == 1n, false, 'The result of (null == 1n) is false');
assert.sameValue(0n == Symbol('1'), false, 'The result of (0n == Symbol("1")) is false');
assert.sameValue(Symbol('1') == 0n, false, 'The result of (Symbol("1") == 0n) is false');
assert.sameValue(1n == Symbol('1'), false, 'The result of (1n == Symbol("1")) is false');
assert.sameValue(Symbol('1') == 1n, false, 'The result of (Symbol("1") == 1n) is false');