| // This file was procedurally generated from the following sources: |
| // - src/dstr-assignment/obj-id-init-fn-name-class.case |
| // - src/dstr-assignment/default/assignment-expr.template |
| /*--- |
| description: Assignment of function `name` attribute (ClassExpression) (AssignmentExpression) |
| esid: sec-variable-statement-runtime-semantics-evaluation |
| features: [class, destructuring-binding] |
| flags: [generated] |
| includes: [propertyHelper.js] |
| info: | |
| VariableDeclaration : BindingPattern Initializer |
| |
| 1. Let rhs be the result of evaluating Initializer. |
| 2. Let rval be GetValue(rhs). |
| 3. ReturnIfAbrupt(rval). |
| 4. Return the result of performing BindingInitialization for |
| BindingPattern passing rval and undefined as arguments. |
| |
| AssignmentProperty : IdentifierReference Initializeropt |
| [...] 6. If Initializeropt is present and v is undefined, then |
| [...] |
| d. If IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(Initializer) is true, then |
| i. Let hasNameProperty be HasOwnProperty(v, "name"). |
| ii. ReturnIfAbrupt(hasNameProperty). |
| iii. If hasNameProperty is false, perform SetFunctionName(v, P). |
| |
| ---*/ |
| var xCls, cls, xCls2; |
| |
| var result; |
| var vals = {}; |
| |
| result = { xCls = class x {}, cls = class {}, xCls2 = class { static name() {} } } = vals; |
| |
| assert.notSameValue(xCls.name, 'xCls'); |
| assert.notSameValue(xCls2.name, 'xCls2'); |
| |
| verifyProperty(cls, 'name', { |
| enumerable: false, |
| writable: false, |
| configurable: true, |
| value: 'cls' |
| }); |
| |
| assert.sameValue(result, vals); |