| Various tests for the figure element. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| <figure> default styling: |
| PASS getStyleValue("figure0","display") is "block" |
| PASS getStyleValue("figure0","margin-top") is emSize |
| PASS getStyleValue("figure0","margin-right") is "40px" |
| PASS getStyleValue("figure0","margin-bottom") is emSize |
| PASS getStyleValue("figure0","margin-left") is "40px" |
| PASS figure1.parentNode.nodeName == "p" is false |
| <p> does not close <figure>: |
| PASS p1.parentNode.nodeName is "FIGURE" |
| <figure> can be nested inside <figure> or <footer>: |
| PASS figure3.parentNode.id is "figure2" |
| PASS figure5.parentNode.id is "footer1" |
| PASS getStyleValue("figure4","font-weight") is "700" |
| PASS getStyleValue("span1","font-weight") is "700" |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |