blob: 669128eb602d8983c86679e5f796577e86ecf3bd [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
Test for (Add support for background-color in region styling).
Test setting the background-color property using region styling for boxes.
You should not see any red background below.
p { background-color: red; }
.regionBox { width: 280px; height: 50px; }
.regionBox1 { width: 280px; height: 30px; }
.regionBox2 { width: 280px; height: 100px; }
#article1 { -webkit-flow-into: flow1; }
.region1 { -webkit-flow-from: flow1; }
@-webkit-region #region1 { p { background-color: green; } }
.article2 { -webkit-flow-into: flow2; }
.region2 { -webkit-flow-from: flow2; }
#p2 { background-color: lime; width: 280px; }
@-webkit-region .region2 { p { background-color: green; } }
#article3 { -webkit-flow-into: flow3; }
#region31, #region32 { -webkit-flow-from: flow3; }
@-webkit-region #region31 { p { background-color: green; } }
@-webkit-region #region32 { p { background-color: lime; } }
#article4 { -webkit-flow-into: flow4; }
#region41, #region42 { -webkit-flow-from: flow4; }
@-webkit-region #region41 { p { background-color: green; } }
@-webkit-region #region42 { p { background-color: lime; } }
#article5 { -webkit-flow-into: flow5; }
#region51, #region52 { -webkit-flow-from: flow5; }
@-webkit-region #region51 { p { background-color: green; } }
@-webkit-region #region52 { p { background-color: lime; } }
#article6 { -webkit-flow-into: flow6; }
#region61, #region62 { -webkit-flow-from: flow6; }
@-webkit-region #region61 { p { background-color: green; } }
@-webkit-region #region62 { p { background-color: lime; } }
#article7 { -webkit-flow-into: flow7; }
#region71, #region72 { -webkit-flow-from: flow7; }
@-webkit-region #region71 { p { background-color: green; } }
@-webkit-region #region72 { p { background-color: lime; } }
<body onload="runTests()">
<!-- Style paragraph in a new region -->
<div id="article1">
<p>Green background text styled in region1.</p>
<div id="region1" class="regionBox1"></div>
<!-- Paragraph styled in region, flow removed -->
<div class="article2">
<p id="p2">Lime background text styled out region2.</p>
<div class="region2 regionBox"></div>
<!-- Paragraphs styled in different regions.
The first para is removed and appended to the flow.
Both paragraphs will be styled again in the opposite regions.-->
<div id="article3">
<p id="p3">Lime background text styled in region32.</p>
<p>Green background text styled in region31.</p>
<div id="region31" class="regionBox"></div>
<div id="region32" class="regionBox1"></div>
<!-- Paragraph styled in first region. A new paragrash is inserted before in the flow,
pushing the first paragrash in the second region.-->
<div id="article4">
<p id="p4">Lime background text styled in region42.</p>
<div id="region41" class="regionBox"></div>
<div id="region42" class="regionBox1"></div>
<!-- Two paragraphs styled in different regions. After the first region height increases,
both paragraphs are placed and styled in the first region.-->
<div id="article5">
<p>Green background text styled in region51.</p>
<p>Green background text styled in region51.</p>
<div id="region51" class="regionBox"></div>
<div id="region52" class="regionBox1"></div>
<!-- Two paragraphs styled in the first region. After the first region height decreases,
the first paragraph is styled in the first region while the second paragraph is styled
in the second region.
<div id="article6">
<p>Green background text styled in region61.</p>
<p>Lime background text styled in region62.</p>
<div id="region61" class="regionBox2"></div>
<div id="region62" class="regionBox1"></div>
<!-- Two paragraphs styled in the first region. The height of first region is
decreased/increased and in the end, the second paragraph ends up in the second region.-->
<div id="article7">
<p>Green background text styled in region71.</p>
<p>Lime background text styled in region72.</p>
<div id="region71" class="regionBox2"></div>
<div id="region72" class="regionBox1"></div>
if (window.layoutTestController)
function testFlow1()
var region1 = document.getElementById("region1");
region1.className = "region1 regionBox";
function testFlow2()
var article2 = document.getElementsByClassName("article2")[0];
article2.className = "";
var region2 = document.getElementsByClassName("region2 regionBox")[0];
region2.className = "";
function testFlow3()
var p = document.getElementById("p3");
var parent = p.parentNode;
function testFlow4()
var p = document.getElementById("p4");
var p1 = document.createElement("p");
var content = document.createTextNode("Green background text styled in region41.");
p.parentNode.insertBefore(p1, p);
function testFlow5()
document.getElementById("region51").style.height = "100px";
document.getElementById("region52").style.height = "10px";
function testFlow6()
document.getElementById("region61").style.height = "50px";
function testFlow71()
document.getElementById("region71").style.height = "50px";
function testFlow72()
document.getElementById("region71").style.height = "100px";
function testFlow73()
document.getElementById("region71").style.height = "50px";
if (window.layoutTestController)
function runTests() {
setTimeout(testFlow72, 100);
setTimeout(testFlow73, 200);