blob: e4b8856ce6472d60f1041719813255a297abfc8a [file] [log] [blame]
This test checks to see if accesskey attributes works on all elements.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
Check for A tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for ABBR tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for ACRONYM tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for ADDRESS tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for APPLET tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for AREA tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for ARTICLE tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for ASIDE tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for AUDIO tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for B tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for BASE tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for BASEFONT tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for BDO tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for BGSOUND tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for BIG tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for BLOCKQUOTE tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for BODY tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for BR tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for CANVAS tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for CAPTION tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for CENTER tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for CITE tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for CODE tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for COL tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for COLGROUP tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for COMMAND tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for DATALIST tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for DD tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for DEL tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for DETAILS tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for DFN tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for DIR tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for DIV tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for DL tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for DT tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for EM tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for EMBED tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for FIELDSET tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for FIGCAPTION tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for FIGURE tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for FONT tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for FOOTER tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for FORM tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for FRAME tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for FRAMESET tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for H1 tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for H2 tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for H3 tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for H4 tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for H5 tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for H6 tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for HEAD tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for HEADER tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for HGROUP tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for HR tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for HTML tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for I tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for IFRAME tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for IMG tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for INS tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for KBD tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for KEYGEN tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for LABEL tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for LAYER tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for LI tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for LINK tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for LISTING tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for MAP tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for MARK tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for MARQUEE tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for MENU tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for META tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for METER tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for NAV tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for NOBR tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for NOEMBED tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for NOFRAMES tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for NOLAYER tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for NOSCRIPT tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for OBJECT tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for OL tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for OUTPUT tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for P tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for PARAM tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for PLAINTEXT tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for PRE tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for PROGRESS tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for Q tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for RP tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for RT tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for RUBY tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for S tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for SAMP tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for SCRIPT tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for SECTION tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for SMALL tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for SOURCE tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for SPAN tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for STRIKE tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for STRONG tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for STYLE tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for SUB tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for SUMMARY tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for SUP tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for TABLE tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for TBODY tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for TD tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for TFOOT tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for TH tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for THEAD tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for TITLE tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for TR tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for TRACK tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for TT tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for U tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for UL tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for VAR tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for VIDEO tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for WBR tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
Check for XMP tag
PASS testElement.accessKey is defined.
PASS testElement.accessKey ='k'; testElement.accessKey == 'k' is true
PASS pressKey(testElement.accessKey);[clicked, focused] is [true, false]
PASS successfullyParsed is true