blob: f43dcac9e2a79a664eed26202ddfb9529c472780 [file] [log] [blame]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Root project file, used to load WebKit in Qt Creator and for
# building QtWebKit.
# See 'Tools/qmake/README' for an overview of the build system
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
!webkit_configured {
CONFIG += production_build
the_config = $$CONFIG
the_config -= $$BASE_CONFIG $$find(CONFIG, "^(done_)?config_")
cache(CONFIG, add, the_config)
the_defines = $$DEFINES
the_defines -= $$BASE_DEFINES
cache(DEFINES, add, the_defines)
# We inherit the build type from Qt, unless it was specified on the qmake command
# line. Note that the perl build script defaults to forcing a release build.
contains(the_config, debug|release) {
contains(the_config, debug) {
contains(the_config, release) {
!debug_and_release:cache(CONFIG, add, $$list(debug_and_release))
} else {
release:cache(CONFIG, del, $$list(release))
debug_and_release:cache(CONFIG, del, $$list(debug_and_release))
} else { # release
debug:cache(CONFIG, del, $$list(debug))
debug_and_release:cache(CONFIG, del, $$list(debug_and_release))
} else {
contains(QT_CONFIG, release, debug|release): \
cache(CONFIG, add, $$list(release))
else: \
cache(CONFIG, add, $$list(debug))
macx:!debug_and_release:cache(CONFIG, add, $$list(debug_and_release))
TEMPLATE = subdirs
CONFIG += ordered
WTF.file = Source/WTF/
WTF.makefile = Makefile.WTF
JavaScriptCore.file = Source/JavaScriptCore/
JavaScriptCore.makefile = Makefile.JavaScriptCore
SUBDIRS += JavaScriptCore
WebCore.file = Source/WebCore/
WebCore.makefile = Makefile.WebCore
SUBDIRS += WebCore
!no_webkit1 {
webkit1.file = Source/WebKit/
webkit1.makefile = Makefile.WebKit1
SUBDIRS += webkit1
!no_webkit2 {
webkit2.file = Source/WebKit2/
webkit2.makefile = Makefile.WebKit2
SUBDIRS += webkit2
QtWebKit.file = Source/
QtWebKit.makefile = Makefile.QtWebKit
SUBDIRS += Tools