blob: a827b7b9f8b3915e94568b2d45039d17d027cb1e [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose omitted; fulfilled close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose omitted; rejected close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose = undefined (falsy); fulfilled close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose = null (falsy); fulfilled close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose = false (falsy); fulfilled close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose = 0 (falsy); fulfilled close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose = -0 (falsy); fulfilled close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose = NaN (falsy); fulfilled close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose = (falsy); fulfilled close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
PASS Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose = true (truthy)
PASS Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose = a (truthy)
PASS Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose = 1 (truthy)
PASS Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose = Symbol() (truthy)
PASS Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose = [object Object] (truthy)
PASS Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose = true, preventAbort = true
PASS Closing must be propagated forward: starts closed; preventClose = true, preventAbort = true, preventCancel = true
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: becomes closed asynchronously; preventClose omitted; fulfilled close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: becomes closed asynchronously; preventClose omitted; rejected close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
PASS Closing must be propagated forward: becomes closed asynchronously; preventClose = true
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: becomes closed asynchronously; dest never desires chunks; preventClose omitted; fulfilled close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: becomes closed asynchronously; dest never desires chunks; preventClose omitted; rejected close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
PASS Closing must be propagated forward: becomes closed asynchronously; dest never desires chunks; preventClose = true
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: becomes closed after one chunk; preventClose omitted; fulfilled close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: becomes closed after one chunk; preventClose omitted; rejected close promise assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
PASS Closing must be propagated forward: becomes closed after one chunk; preventClose = true
FAIL Closing must be propagated forward: shutdown must not occur until the final write completes assert_array_equals: close must always be called with the controller lengths differ, expected 1 got 0
PASS Closing must be propagated forward: shutdown must not occur until the final write completes; preventClose = true