| This test checks the ES6 string functions repeat(). |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS 'foo bar'.repeat(+0) is '' |
| PASS 'foo bar'.repeat(-0) is '' |
| PASS 'foo bar'.repeat(1) is 'foo bar' |
| PASS 'foo bar'.repeat(2) is 'foo barfoo bar' |
| PASS 'フーバー'.repeat(0) is '' |
| PASS 'フーバー'.repeat(1) is 'フーバー' |
| PASS 'フーバー'.repeat(2) is 'フーバーフーバー' |
| PASS 'foo barfoo bar'.repeat(2) is 'foo barfoo barfoo barfoo bar' |
| PASS 'foo barfoo bar'.repeat(2.2) is 'foo barfoo barfoo barfoo bar' |
| PASS 'foo barfoo bar'.repeat(2.8) is 'foo barfoo barfoo barfoo bar' |
| PASS 'foo'.repeat(3.1) is 'foofoofoo' |
| PASS 'foo'.repeat('2') is 'foofoo' |
| PASS 'foo'.repeat(NaN) is '' |
| PASS 'foo'.repeat(null) is '' |
| PASS 'foo'.repeat(true) is 'foo' |
| PASS 'foo'.repeat(false) is '' |
| PASS 'foo'.repeat(undefined) is '' |
| PASS 'foo'.repeat() is '' |
| PASS 'f'.repeat(0) is '' |
| PASS 'f'.repeat(1) is 'f' |
| PASS 'f'.repeat(10) is 'ffffffffff' |
| PASS 'フ'.repeat(0) is '' |
| PASS 'フ'.repeat(1) is 'フ' |
| PASS 'フ'.repeat(2) is 'フフ' |
| PASS ''.repeat(1000) is '' |
| PASS ''.repeat(0xFFFFFFFF) is '' |
| PASS ''.repeat(0xFFFFFFFF + 1) is '' |
| PASS 'foo bar'.repeat(-1) threw exception RangeError: String.prototype.repeat argument must be greater than or equal to 0 and not be infinity. |
| PASS 'foo bar'.repeat(Infinity) threw exception RangeError: String.prototype.repeat argument must be greater than or equal to 0 and not be infinity. |
| PASS 'foo bar'.repeat(-Infinity) threw exception RangeError: String.prototype.repeat argument must be greater than or equal to 0 and not be infinity. |
| PASS 'f'.repeat(0xFFFFFFFF) threw exception Error: Out of memory. |
| PASS 'f'.repeat(0xFFFFFFFF + 1) threw exception Error: Out of memory. |
| PASS 'foo'.repeat(0xFFFFFFFFF) threw exception Error: Out of memory. |
| PASS 'foo'.repeat(0xFFFFFFFFF + 1) threw exception Error: Out of memory. |
| PASS 'foo bar'.repeat(0xFFFFFFFF) threw exception Error: Out of memory. |
| PASS 'foo bar'.repeat(0xFFFFFFFF + 1) threw exception Error: Out of memory. |
| PASS stringRepeated.repeat(count) is 'foo barfoo bar' |
| PASS sideEffect == 'AB' is true |
| PASS stringRepeated.repeat(count) threw exception error. |
| PASS sideEffect == '' is true |
| PASS stringRepeated.repeat(count) threw exception error. |
| PASS sideEffect == 'A' is true |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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