| Test for <i><a href="https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29431">bug 29431</a> |
| [Qt] REGRESSION:(r50665) QWebFrame::setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical,Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff) has no effect. |
| <p> This test ensures the correctness of two scrollbar behaviour:</p> |
| <li> This tests that after setting 'overflow' on the document element to |
| 'hidden' and back to 'visible', scrollbars appear as necessary. |
| After explicitly setting a scrollbar policy different than 'auto', WebCore |
| honors that until it is unset. |
| <p id="result">FAIL: Test did not run to completion</p> |
| document.documentElement.style.overflow = "hidden"; |
| document.documentElement.style.removeProperty("overflow"); |
| document.body.style.height = "200%"; |
| var result = (innerWidth === document.documentElement.offsetWidth) |
| ? "FAIL: Scrollbar did not appear after resetting 'overflow'" |
| testRunner.setScrollbarPolicy('vertical', 'off'); |
| testRunner.setScrollbarPolicy('horizontal', 'off'); |
| result += (innerWidth === document.documentElement.offsetWidth) |
| : "\nFAIL: Scrollbar did appear after turning it off"; |
| document.getElementById("result").innerText = result; |