blob: 145947059a23157258168f5c5f870c5261e5f46a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Rob Buis <>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Eric Seidel <>
* Copyright (C) 2008-2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008 Cameron McCormack <>
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2011. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "SVGSMILElement.h"
#include "SVGTests.h"
#include "UnitBezier.h"
namespace WebCore {
class ConditionEventListener;
class TimeContainer;
// If we have 'currentColor' or 'inherit' as animation value, we need to grab
// the value during the animation since the value can be animated itself.
enum AnimatedPropertyValueType { RegularPropertyValue, CurrentColorValue, InheritValue };
class SVGAnimationElement : public SVGSMILElement, public SVGTests {
float getStartTime() const;
float getCurrentTime() const;
float getSimpleDuration() const;
void beginElement();
void beginElementAt(float offset);
void endElement();
void endElementAt(float offset);
static bool isTargetAttributeCSSProperty(SVGElement*, const QualifiedName&);
bool isAdditive() const override;
bool isAccumulated() const;
AnimationMode animationMode() const { return m_animationMode; }
CalcMode calcMode() const { return m_calcMode; }
AnimatedPropertyValueType fromPropertyValueType() const { return m_fromPropertyValueType; }
AnimatedPropertyValueType toPropertyValueType() const { return m_toPropertyValueType; }
void animateAdditiveNumber(float percentage, unsigned repeatCount, float fromNumber, float toNumber, float toAtEndOfDurationNumber, float& animatedNumber)
float number;
if (calcMode() == CalcMode::Discrete)
number = percentage < 0.5 ? fromNumber : toNumber;
number = (toNumber - fromNumber) * percentage + fromNumber;
if (isAccumulated() && repeatCount)
number += toAtEndOfDurationNumber * repeatCount;
if (isAdditive() && animationMode() != AnimationMode::To)
animatedNumber += number;
animatedNumber = number;
enum class AttributeType : uint8_t { CSS, XML, Auto };
AttributeType attributeType() const { return m_attributeType; }
SVGAnimationElement(const QualifiedName&, Document&);
using PropertyRegistry = SVGPropertyOwnerRegistry<SVGAnimationElement, SVGElement, SVGTests>;
const SVGPropertyRegistry& propertyRegistry() const override { return m_propertyRegistry; }
virtual void resetAnimation();
static bool isSupportedAttribute(const QualifiedName&);
void parseAttribute(const QualifiedName&, const AtomString&) override;
void svgAttributeChanged(const QualifiedName&) override;
String toValue() const;
String byValue() const;
String fromValue() const;
String targetAttributeBaseValue();
// from SVGSMILElement
void startedActiveInterval() override;
void updateAnimation(float percent, unsigned repeat) override;
AnimatedPropertyValueType m_fromPropertyValueType { RegularPropertyValue };
AnimatedPropertyValueType m_toPropertyValueType { RegularPropertyValue };
void setAttributeName(const QualifiedName&) override { }
virtual void updateAnimationMode();
void setAnimationMode(AnimationMode animationMode) { m_animationMode = animationMode; }
void setCalcMode(CalcMode calcMode) { m_calcMode = calcMode; }
void animationAttributeChanged() override;
void setAttributeType(const AtomString&);
virtual bool calculateToAtEndOfDurationValue(const String& toAtEndOfDurationString) = 0;
virtual bool calculateFromAndToValues(const String& fromString, const String& toString) = 0;
virtual bool calculateFromAndByValues(const String& fromString, const String& byString) = 0;
virtual void calculateAnimatedValue(float percent, unsigned repeatCount) = 0;
virtual std::optional<float> calculateDistance(const String& /*fromString*/, const String& /*toString*/) = 0;
const Vector<float>& keyTimes() const;
void currentValuesForValuesAnimation(float percent, float& effectivePercent, String& from, String& to);
void calculateKeyTimesForCalcModePaced();
float calculatePercentFromKeyPoints(float percent) const;
void currentValuesFromKeyPoints(float percent, float& effectivePercent, String& from, String& to) const;
float calculatePercentForSpline(float percent, unsigned splineIndex) const;
float calculatePercentForFromTo(float percent) const;
unsigned calculateKeyTimesIndex(float percent) const;
void setCalcMode(const AtomString&);
bool m_animationValid { false };
AttributeType m_attributeType { AttributeType::Auto };
Vector<String> m_values;
Vector<float> m_keyTimesFromAttribute;
Vector<float> m_keyTimesForPaced;
Vector<float> m_keyPoints;
Vector<UnitBezier> m_keySplines;
String m_lastValuesAnimationFrom;
String m_lastValuesAnimationTo;
CalcMode m_calcMode { CalcMode::Linear };
AnimationMode m_animationMode { AnimationMode::None };
PropertyRegistry m_propertyRegistry { *this };
} // namespace WebCore