blob: 3bf7f08d66d69efb9578f19b70b7d1f5857fd9d9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 Igalia, S.L.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* aint with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "GLContextEGL.h"
#include "GraphicsContextGL.h"
#include "OpenXRLayer.h"
#include "OpenXRUtils.h"
#include "PlatformXR.h"
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include <wtf/WorkQueue.h>
namespace PlatformXR {
class OpenXRExtensions;
class OpenXRInput;
// A system represents a collection of related devices in the runtime, often made up of several individual
// hardware components working together to enable XR experiences.
// WebXR talks about XR devices, is a physical unit of hardware that can present imagery to the user, so
// there is not direct correspondence between an OpenXR system and a WebXR device because the system API
// is an abstraction for a collection of devices while the WebXR device is mostly one physical unit,
// usually an HMD or a phone/tablet.
// It's important also not to try to associate OpenXR system with WebXR's XRSystem because they're totally
// different concepts. The system in OpenXR was defined above as a collection of related devices. In WebXR,
// the XRSystem is basically the entry point for the WebXR API available via the Navigator object.
class OpenXRDevice final : public Device {
static Ref<OpenXRDevice> create(XrInstance, XrSystemId, Ref<WorkQueue>&&, const OpenXRExtensions&, CompletionHandler<void()>&&);
OpenXRDevice(XrInstance, XrSystemId, Ref<WorkQueue>&&, const OpenXRExtensions&);
void initialize(CompletionHandler<void()>&& callback);
// PlatformXR::Device
WebCore::IntSize recommendedResolution(SessionMode) final;
void initializeTrackingAndRendering(SessionMode) final;
void shutDownTrackingAndRendering() final;
void initializeReferenceSpace(PlatformXR::ReferenceSpaceType) final;
bool supportsSessionShutdownNotification() const final { return true; }
void requestFrame(RequestFrameCallback&&) final;
void submitFrame(Vector<Device::Layer>&&) final;
Vector<ViewData> views(SessionMode) const final;
std::optional<LayerHandle> createLayerProjection(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, bool alpha) final;
void deleteLayer(LayerHandle) final;
// Custom methods
FeatureList collectSupportedFeatures() const;
void collectSupportedSessionModes();
void collectConfigurationViews();
XrSpace createReferenceSpace(XrReferenceSpaceType);
void pollEvents();
XrResult beginSession();
void endSession();
void resetSession();
void handleSessionStateChange();
void waitUntilStopping();
void updateStageParameters();
void updateInteractionProfile();
LayerHandle generateLayerHandle() { return ++m_handleIndex; }
XrInstance m_instance;
XrSystemId m_systemId;
WorkQueue& m_queue;
const OpenXRExtensions& m_extensions;
XrSession m_session { XR_NULL_HANDLE };
XrSessionState m_sessionState { XR_SESSION_STATE_UNKNOWN };
XrGraphicsBindingEGLMNDX m_graphicsBinding;
std::unique_ptr<WebCore::GLContextEGL> m_egl;
RefPtr<WebCore::GraphicsContextGL> m_gl;
XrFrameState m_frameState;
Vector<XrView> m_frameViews;
HashMap<LayerHandle, std::unique_ptr<OpenXRLayer>> m_layers;
LayerHandle m_handleIndex { 0 };
std::unique_ptr<OpenXRInput> m_input;
bool didNotifyInputInitialization { false };
using ViewConfigurationPropertiesMap = HashMap<XrViewConfigurationType, XrViewConfigurationProperties, IntHash<XrViewConfigurationType>, WTF::StrongEnumHashTraits<XrViewConfigurationType>>;
ViewConfigurationPropertiesMap m_viewConfigurationProperties;
using ViewConfigurationViewsMap = HashMap<XrViewConfigurationType, Vector<XrViewConfigurationView>, IntHash<XrViewConfigurationType>, WTF::StrongEnumHashTraits<XrViewConfigurationType>>;
ViewConfigurationViewsMap m_configurationViews;
XrViewConfigurationType m_currentViewConfigurationType;
XrSpace m_localSpace { XR_NULL_HANDLE };
XrSpace m_viewSpace { XR_NULL_HANDLE };
XrSpace m_stageSpace { XR_NULL_HANDLE };
Device::FrameData::StageParameters m_stageParameters;
} // namespace PlatformXR