blob: 3acf50783c356714ad28201fbc9a7036698e7c2e [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Executing "basic osc tests"
PASS Executing "start/stop exceptions"
PASS Audit report
PASS > [basic osc tests]
PASS osc.type = 'sine' is equal to sine.
PASS osc.type = 'square' is equal to square.
PASS osc.type = 'sawtooth' is equal to sawtooth.
PASS osc.type = 'triangle' is equal to triangle.
PASS osc.type = 'custom' threw InvalidStateError: "OscillatorNode.type cannot be changed to 'custom'".
PASS osc.setPeriodicWave(wave) did not throw an exception.
PASS After setting periodicWave, osc.type is equal to custom.
PASS osc.type = 0 is not equal to 0.
PASS osc.type is equal to custom.
PASS < [basic osc tests] All assertions passed. (total 9 assertions)
PASS > [start/stop exceptions]
PASS start(NaN) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS start(Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS start(-Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS Calling stop() before start() threw InvalidStateError: "cannot call stop without calling start first.".
PASS start(-1) threw RangeError: "when value should be positive".
PASS Calling start() twice threw InvalidStateError: "Cannot call start() more than once".
PASS stop(-1) threw RangeError: "when value should be positive".
PASS stop(NaN) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS stop(Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS stop(-Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS < [start/stop exceptions] All assertions passed. (total 10 assertions)
PASS # AUDIT TASK RUNNER FINISHED: 2 tasks ran successfully.