blob: 98114b5415f14e41f8ee1fffcac3f3d94ab8d769 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Executing "frequency"
PASS Executing "detune"
PASS Executing "setValueAtTime"
PASS Executing "modulation"
PASS Audit report
PASS > [frequency] Test Oscillator frequency has no dezippering
PASS Oscillator period in frames (128) is an integer is true.
PASS Oscillator period in frames (128) is a multiple of 128 is true.
PASS Part 0 (sine wave at 128 Hz) equals [expected array] with an element-wise tolerance of {"absoluteThreshold":1.1921e-7,"relativeThreshold":0}.
PASS Part 1 (sine wave at 440 Hz) equals [expected array] with an element-wise tolerance of {"absoluteThreshold":1.7882e-7,"relativeThreshold":0}.
PASS < [frequency] All assertions passed. (total 4 assertions)
PASS > [detune] Test Oscillator detune has no dezippering
PASS Oscillator period in frames (256) is an integer is true.
PASS Oscillator period in frames (256) is a multiple of 128 is true.
PASS Part 0 (sine wave at 64 Hz) equals [expected array] with an element-wise tolerance of {"absoluteThreshold":1.1921e-7,"relativeThreshold":0}.
PASS Part 1 (sine wave at 90.509666 Hz) equals [expected array] with an element-wise tolerance of {"absoluteThreshold":0.000004,"relativeThreshold":0}.
PASS < [detune] All assertions passed. (total 4 assertions)
PASS > [setValueAtTime] Test Oscillator value setter against setValueAtTime
PASS Output from .value setter is identical to the array [expected array].
PASS Output from .value setter matches setValueAtTime output is true.
PASS < [setValueAtTime] All assertions passed. (total 2 assertions)
PASS > [modulation] Test Oscillator value setter against setValueAtTime with modulation
PASS With modulation: Output from .value setter is identical to the array [expected array].
PASS With modulation: Output from .value setter matches setValueAtTime output is true.
PASS < [modulation] All assertions passed. (total 2 assertions)
PASS # AUDIT TASK RUNNER FINISHED: 4 tasks ran successfully.