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Test Sampling of LinearRampToValueAtTime
<script src="../../imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/audit-util.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/audit.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/audioparam-testing.js"></script>
<script id="layout-test-code">
let sampleRate = 12800;
let context;
let audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
function runTest(should, config) {
// Create a short context with a constant signal source connected to a
// gain node that will be automated.
context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, 256, sampleRate);
// Create a constant unit amplitude source.
let source = context.createBufferSource();
let b = createConstantBuffer(context, 1, 1);
source.buffer = b;
source.loop = true;
// Gain node that is to be automated.
let gain = context.createGain();
gain.gain.value = 0;
gain.gain.setValueAtTime(config.startValue, config.startTime);
return context.startRendering().then(function(resultBuffer) {
// Check that the automation has the correct sampling.
let resultData = resultBuffer.getChannelData(0);
// The automation has starts at config.startTime, so the frame just
// after this should have the automation applied.
let startFrame = Math.ceil(config.startTime * sampleRate);
// The automation ends at config.endTime so the frame just before this
// should have the automation applied.
let endFrame = Math.floor(config.endTime * sampleRate);
// Use the true automation to find the expected values.
let expectedStart = config.expectedFunction(startFrame / sampleRate);
let expectedEnd = config.expectedFunction(endFrame / sampleRate);
should(resultData[startFrame], config.desc + ': Sample ' + startFrame)
expectedStart, {threshold: config.startValueThreshold});
should(resultData[endFrame], config.desc + ': Sample ' + endFrame)
.beCloseTo(expectedEnd, {threshold: config.endValueThreshold});
function expectedLinear(t) {
let slope =
(this.endValue - this.startValue) / (this.endTime - this.startTime);
return this.startValue + slope * (t - this.startTime);
function expectedExponential(t) {
let ratio = this.endValue / this.startValue;
let exponent = (t - this.startTime) / (this.endTime - this.startTime);
return this.startValue * Math.pow(ratio, exponent);
function linearAutomation(g) {
g.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(this.endValue, this.endTime);
function exponentialAutomation(g) {
g.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(this.endValue, this.endTime);
// Basically want to test that if neither the start time nor end time is
// on a frame boundary that we sample the automation curve correctly. The
// start times and end times are mostly arbitrary, except that they cannot
// be on a frame boundary.
let testConfigs = [
desc: 'linearRamp',
startTime: .1 / sampleRate,
endTime: 128.1 / sampleRate,
startValue: 1,
endValue: 0,
startValueThreshold: 1.201e-8,
endValueThreshold: 1.526e-5,
automationFunction: linearAutomation,
expectedFunction: expectedLinear
desc: 'linearRamp:short',
startTime: .1 / sampleRate,
endTime: 5.1 / sampleRate,
startValue: 1,
endValue: 0,
startValueThreshold: 8.723e-9,
endValueThreshold: 9.537e-7,
automationFunction: linearAutomation,
expectedFunction: expectedLinear
desc: 'linearRamp:long',
startTime: .1 / sampleRate,
endTime: 200.1 / sampleRate,
startValue: 1,
endValue: 0,
startValueThreshold: 2.827e-8,
endValueThreshold: 4.674e-5,
automationFunction: linearAutomation,
expectedFunction: expectedLinear
desc: 'exponentialRamp',
startTime: .1 / sampleRate,
endTime: 128.1 / sampleRate,
startValue: 1,
endValue: 1e-5,
startValueThreshold: 2.505e-8,
endValueThreshold: 1.484e-7,
automationFunction: exponentialAutomation,
expectedFunction: expectedExponential
desc: 'exponentialRamp:short',
startTime: .1 / sampleRate,
endTime: 5.1 / sampleRate,
startValue: 1,
endValue: 1e-5,
startValueThreshold: 5.027e-8,
endValueThreshold: 3.821e-7,
automationFunction: exponentialAutomation,
expectedFunction: expectedExponential
desc: 'exponentialRamp:long',
startTime: .1 / sampleRate,
endTime: 200.1 / sampleRate,
startValue: 1,
endValue: 1e-5,
startValueThreshold: 8.035e-9,
endValueThreshold: 1.337e-6,
automationFunction: exponentialAutomation,
expectedFunction: expectedExponential
function createTaskFunction(config) {
return (task, should) => {
runTest(should, config).then(() => task.done());
// Create all of the tasks from the test configs
for (let k = 0; k < testConfigs.length; ++k) {
let config = testConfigs[k];
let taskName = config.desc + ':task' + k;
audit.define(taskName, createTaskFunction(config));