| -webkit-transition: font-size 2s linear; |
| <script src="resources/transition-test-helpers.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> |
| <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> |
| // [time, element-id, property, expected-value, tolerance] |
| [1, 'box', 'font-size', 15, 2, checkSize], |
| var boxWidth = document.getElementById('box').offsetWidth; |
| var controlWidth = document.getElementById('control').offsetWidth; |
| if (isCloseEnough(boxWidth, controlWidth, 2)) |
| result = "PASS: width is close to control"; |
| result = "FAIL: width was " + boxWidth + ", should have been " + controlWidth; |
| document.getElementById('box').className = 'changed'; |
| runTransitionTest(expectedValues, setupTest, usePauseAPI); |
| <div id="box">Here is some text</div> |
| <div id="control">Here is some text</div> |