blob: 715a540c0cbdfc6f904efbdd4945d454a2e64e89 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same%FForigin"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-origin;"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "\vsame-origin\v"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "\fsame-origin\f"
FAIL unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "\rsame-origin\r" assert_equals: name expected "unspecified_to_SAME_ORIGIN_\rsame-origin\r" but got ""
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "Same-origin"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-origin;\tfoo=bar"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-origin ;foo=bar"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-origin; foo=bar;"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "\"same-origin\""
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: ":c2FtZS1vcmlnaW4=:"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "?1"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "1"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "$same-origin"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-origin same-origin"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-origin,same-origin"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "*same-origin "
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: " same-origin"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-origin "
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "\tsame-origin"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-origin\t"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-origin;same-origin"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-origin; foo=bar"
PASS unspecified document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with repeated COOP header