blob: 7d969dea701764a48edf361e13228ae104ea6e8d [file] [log] [blame]
This test checks a few Number.toFixed cases, including 5307: Number.toFixed does not round 0.5 up and 5308: Number.toFixed does not include leading zero.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS (0).toFixed(0) is '0'
PASS (0.49).toFixed(0) is '0'
PASS (0.5).toFixed(0) is '1'
PASS (0.51).toFixed(0) is '1'
PASS (-0.49).toFixed(0) is '-0'
PASS (-0.5).toFixed(0) is '-1'
PASS (-0.51).toFixed(0) is '-1'
PASS (0).toFixed(1) is '0.0'
PASS (0.449).toFixed(1) is '0.4'
PASS (0.45).toFixed(1) is '0.5'
PASS (0.451).toFixed(1) is '0.5'
PASS (0.5).toFixed(1) is '0.5'
PASS (0.549).toFixed(1) is '0.5'
PASS (0.55).toFixed(1) is '0.6'
PASS (0.551).toFixed(1) is '0.6'
PASS (-0.449).toFixed(1) is '-0.4'
PASS (-0.45).toFixed(1) is '-0.5'
PASS (-0.451).toFixed(1) is '-0.5'
PASS (-0.5).toFixed(1) is '-0.5'
PASS (-0.549).toFixed(1) is '-0.5'
PASS (-0.55).toFixed(1) is '-0.6'
PASS (-0.551).toFixed(1) is '-0.6'
PASS (0.0).toFixed(4) is "0.0000"
PASS (-0.0).toFixed(4) is "0.0000"
PASS (0.0).toFixed() is "0"
PASS (-0.0).toFixed() is "0"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed() is "1235"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(0) is "1235"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(null) is "1235"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(false) is "1235"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed('foo') is "1235"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(nan) is "1235"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(1) is "1234.6"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(true) is "1234.6"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed('1') is "1234.6"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(2) is "1234.57"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(2.9) is "1234.57"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(5) is "1234.56700"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(20) is "1234.56700000000000727596"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(21) is "1234.567000000000007275958"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(100) is "1234.5670000000000072759576141834259033203125000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
PASS (-100000000000000000000).toFixed(100) is "-100000000000000000000.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(101) threw exception RangeError: toFixed() argument must be between 0 and 100.
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(-1) threw exception RangeError: toFixed() argument must be between 0 and 100.
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(-4) threw exception RangeError: toFixed() argument must be between 0 and 100.
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(-5) threw exception RangeError: toFixed() argument must be between 0 and 100.
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(-20) threw exception RangeError: toFixed() argument must be between 0 and 100.
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(-21) threw exception RangeError: toFixed() argument must be between 0 and 100.
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(posInf) threw exception RangeError: toFixed() argument must be between 0 and 100.
PASS (1234.567).toFixed(negInf) threw exception RangeError: toFixed() argument must be between 0 and 100.
PASS posInf.toFixed() is "Infinity"
PASS negInf.toFixed() is "-Infinity"
PASS nan.toFixed() is "NaN"
PASS successfullyParsed is true