blob: 0e97d6a0b782bb4a6cb1a8701b102ee0dbe61f17 [file] [log] [blame]
Testing asynchronous TestHarness.expect* functions.
== Running test suite: InspectorTest.ExpectFunctions.Async
-- Running test case: expectException.WorkIsNotAFunction
PASS: Should produce an exception.
Error: Invalid argument to catchException: work must be a function.
-- Running test case: expectException.SyncWorkThatThrowsException
PASS: Should produce an exception.
Error: A fake exception
PASS: Returned promise should be resolved with the expected exception.
PASS: Exception should not be altered.
-- Running test case: expectException.SyncWorkThatDoesNotThrowException
The following assertion is expected to fail.
FAIL: Should produce an exception.
Expected: not null
Actual: null
PASS: Exception-producing work should not return a value
PASS: Rejected value should be the returned value.
-- Running test case: expectException.AsyncWorkThatRejects
PASS: Should produce an exception.
Error: A fake rejection
PASS: Returned promise should be resolved with the expected exception.
PASS: Exception should not be altered.
-- Running test case: expectException.AsyncWorkThatResolves
The following assertion is expected to fail.
FAIL: Should produce an exception.
Expected: not null
Actual: null
FAIL: Exception-producing work should not return a value
Expected: undefined
Actual: 42
PASS: Rejected value should be the returned value.
-- Running test case: expectException.AsyncWorkThatResolvesImplicitly
The following assertion is expected to fail.
FAIL: Should produce an exception.
Expected: not null
Actual: null
PASS: Exception-producing work should not return a value
PASS: Implicitly resolved value should be undefined.