blob: 508b87df1e2fbd7c5ddee8fea851387096b79b6c [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../http/tests/inspector/resources/inspector-test.js"></script>
function load() {
window.context = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("canvas")).getContext("2d");
function changeSize(width, height) {
window.context.canvas.width = width;
window.context.canvas.height = height;
// Force the creation of the image buffer, which is used to determine memory cost.
function test() {
let suite = InspectorTest.createAsyncSuite("Canvas.memory");
name: "Canvas.memory.memoryCost",
description: "Check that memory cost is sent with the canvas when able.",
test(resolve, reject) {
// NOTE: the memory cost of a canvas will not be retrievable until an operation is
// performed on that canvas that requires the image buffer. A blank canvas that was
// just created will not have a buffer, so its memory cost will be 0/NaN.
let canvases = Array.from(WI.canvasManager.canvasCollection).filter((canvas) => canvas.contextType === WI.Canvas.ContextType.Canvas2D);
if (!canvases.length) {
reject("Missing 2D canvas.");
InspectorTest.assert(canvases.length === 1, "There should only be one canvas-2d.");
InspectorTest.log(`Memory cost of canvas is ${canvases[0].memoryCost}.`);
name: "Canvas.memory.canvasMemoryChanged",
description: "Check that memory cost is updated when the backend value changes.",
test(resolve, reject) {
let canvases = Array.from(WI.canvasManager.canvasCollection).filter((canvas) => canvas.contextType === WI.Canvas.ContextType.Canvas2D);
if (!canvases.length) {
reject("Missing 2D canvas.");
InspectorTest.assert(canvases.length === 1, "There should only be one canvas-2d.");
let initialMemoryCost = canvases[0].memoryCost;
.then((event) => {
InspectorTest.expectGreaterThan(, isNaN(initialMemoryCost) ? 0 : initialMemoryCost, "Memory cost should increase upon initially resizing canvas.");
.then(resolve, reject);
const width = 200;
const height = 200;
InspectorTest.log(`Change size of canvas to ${width}x${height}.`);
InspectorTest.evaluateInPage(`changeSize(${width}, ${height})`);
<body onload="load()">
<p>Test that CanvasManager tracks canvas memory costs and is notified of changes.</p>