blob: 5b9cbac46668731cb509c346ec1946967341447a [file] [log] [blame]
This test verifies that active touchstart and touchend event listeners can be added to document, window, documentElement, and body. This test requires WebKitTestRunner.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS touchstart on body - cancelable: true defaultPrevented: true
PASS touchstart on documentElement - cancelable: true defaultPrevented: true
PASS touchstart on document - cancelable: true defaultPrevented: true
PASS touchstart on window - cancelable: true defaultPrevented: true
PASS touchmove on body - cancelable: true defaultPrevented: true
PASS touchmove on documentElement - cancelable: true defaultPrevented: true
PASS touchmove on document - cancelable: true defaultPrevented: true
PASS touchmove on window - cancelable: true defaultPrevented: true
PASS touchend on body - cancelable: true defaultPrevented: true
PASS touchend on documentElement - cancelable: true defaultPrevented: true
PASS touchend on document - cancelable: true defaultPrevented: true
PASS touchend on window - cancelable: true defaultPrevented: true
PASS touchEndEventCount became 4
PASS successfullyParsed is true
This test requires UIScriptController to run.