blob: 52ad6fe363cee1a190bd618f5094d4b12c5b8f2a [file] [log] [blame]
Test to make sure WebKit adds just one element when applying inline style and removes redundant styled elements.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS fontSize(4) on all of "hello <font size="4">world</font> WebKit" yields "<font size="4">hello world WebKit</font>"
PASS fontName(Arial) on all of "hello <b><font face="Arial">world</font></b> WebKit" yields "<font face="Arial">hello <b>world</b> WebKit</font>"
PASS italic(null) on all of "hello <u><i title="message">world </i><i>WebKit</i></u>" yields "<i>hello <u><span title="message">world </span>WebKit</u></i>"
PASS bold(null) on all of "hello <i><b>world</b> WebKit</i>" yields "<b>hello <i>world WebKit</i></b>"
PASS bold(null) on all of "hello <i><b class="test">world</b> WebKit</i>" yields "<b>hello <i><span class="test">world</span> WebKit</i></b>"
PASS bold(null) on all of "hello <b contenteditable="false">world</b> <b>WebKit </b><u><b>rocks</b></u>" yields "<b>hello </b><b contenteditable="false">world</b><b> WebKit <u>rocks</u></b>"
PASS strikeThrough(null) on all of "hello <b>world <strike>WebKit</strike></b>" yields "<strike>hello <b>world WebKit</b></strike>"
PASS strikeThrough(null) on all of "hello <i><strike>world</strike></i><b><strike>WebKit</strike></b> rocks" yields "<strike>hello <i>world</i><b>WebKit</b> rocks</strike>"
PASS strikeThrough(null) on all of "hello <i><strike>world</strike></i> WebKit <b><strike>rocks</strike></b>" yields "<strike>hello <i>world</i> WebKit <b>rocks</b></strike>"
PASS bold(null) on all of "hello<div><i>world</i> <b>WebKit</b></div><div>rocks</div>" yields "<b>hello</b><div><b><i>world</i> WebKit</b></div><div><b>rocks</b></div>"
PASS bold(null) on all of "hello<br style="display: block;"><i><b>world</b></i><br><b>WebKit</b>" yields "<b>hello<br style="display: block;"><i>world</i><br>WebKit</b>"
PASS bold(null) on all of "hello<p><b>world</b> <i><b>W</b>ebKit</i></p><b>rocks</b>" yields "<b>hello</b><p><b>world <i>WebKit</i></b></p><b>rocks</b>"
PASS successfullyParsed is true