blob: 514472895eb5a5da2ac9422db4198d3118cf9419 [file] [log] [blame]
<p id="p">This tests for a bug where a creating a list from a particular selection inside a table would create list items beyond the end of the selection. Only the second two table cells should contain list items.</p>
<div id="div" contenteditable="true"><table border="1"><tr><td>foo</td><td id="td">bar</td><td>baz</td></tr></table><div>foo</div><div>bar</div></div>
div = document.getElementById("div");
td = document.getElementById("td");
window.getSelection().setBaseAndExtent(td, 0, div, 1);
if (window.testRunner) {
div = document.getElementById("div");
p = document.getElementById("p");
document.body.innerText = p.innerText + "\n\nDOM:\n" + div.innerHTML;