blob: 3685ef20543f16408e42fc5203910fa4519e91c4 [file] [log] [blame]
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1 Test Test Test
This tests that an ARIA grid with a hierarchy that ignores render elements in between will still expose the correct elements.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS grid.childrenCount is 6
PASS grid.childAtIndex(0).role is 'AXRole: AXRow'
PASS grid.childAtIndex(1).role is 'AXRole: AXColumn'
PASS grid.childAtIndex(0).childrenCount is 4
PASS grid.childAtIndex(0).childAtIndex(0).role is 'AXRole: AXCell'
PASS grid.childAtIndex(0).childAtIndex(0).role is 'AXRole: AXCell'
PASS grid.childAtIndex(0).childAtIndex(0).childAtIndex(0).role is 'AXRole: AXStaticText'
PASS grid.childAtIndex(0).childAtIndex(0).childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: 1'
PASS successfullyParsed is true