blob: b07a867c43e7f89b1ac0aa661cb7f31712f5a349 [file] [log] [blame]
sign and verify Tests for ECDSA
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 verification
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 verification
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-384 verification
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-512 verification
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-1 verification
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-256 verification
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-384 verification
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-512 verification
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-1 verification
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-256 verification
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-384 verification
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-512 verification
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 verification with altered signature after call
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 verification with altered signature after call
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-384 verification with altered signature after call
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-512 verification with altered signature after call
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-1 verification with altered signature after call
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-256 verification with altered signature after call
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-384 verification with altered signature after call
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-512 verification with altered signature after call
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-1 verification with altered signature after call
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-256 verification with altered signature after call
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-384 verification with altered signature after call
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-512 verification with altered signature after call
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 with altered plaintext after call
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 with altered plaintext after call
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-384 with altered plaintext after call
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-512 with altered plaintext after call
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-1 with altered plaintext after call
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-256 with altered plaintext after call
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-384 with altered plaintext after call
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-512 with altered plaintext after call
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-1 with altered plaintext after call
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-256 with altered plaintext after call
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-384 with altered plaintext after call
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-512 with altered plaintext after call
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 using privateKey to verify
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 using privateKey to verify
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-384 using privateKey to verify
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-512 using privateKey to verify
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-1 using privateKey to verify
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-256 using privateKey to verify
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-384 using privateKey to verify
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-512 using privateKey to verify
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-1 using privateKey to verify
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-256 using privateKey to verify
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-384 using privateKey to verify
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-512 using privateKey to verify
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 using publicKey to sign
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 using publicKey to sign
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-384 using publicKey to sign
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-512 using publicKey to sign
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-1 using publicKey to sign
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-256 using publicKey to sign
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-384 using publicKey to sign
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-512 using publicKey to sign
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-1 using publicKey to sign
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-256 using publicKey to sign
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-384 using publicKey to sign
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-512 using publicKey to sign
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 no verify usage
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 no verify usage
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-384 no verify usage
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-512 no verify usage
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-1 no verify usage
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-256 no verify usage
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-384 no verify usage
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-512 no verify usage
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-1 no verify usage
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-256 no verify usage
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-384 no verify usage
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-512 no verify usage
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 round trip
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 round trip
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-384 round trip
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-512 round trip
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-1 round trip
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-256 round trip
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-384 round trip
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-512 round trip
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-1 round trip
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-256 round trip
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-384 round trip
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-512 round trip
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 signing with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 signing with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-384 signing with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-512 signing with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-1 signing with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-256 signing with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-384 signing with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-512 signing with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-1 signing with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-256 signing with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-384 signing with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-512 signing with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 verifying with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 verifying with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-384 verifying with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-512 verifying with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-1 verifying with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-256 verifying with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-384 verifying with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-512 verifying with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-1 verifying with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-256 verifying with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-384 verifying with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-512 verifying with wrong algorithm name
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 verification failure due to altered signature
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 verification failure due to altered signature
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-384 verification failure due to altered signature
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-512 verification failure due to altered signature
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-1 verification failure due to altered signature
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-256 verification failure due to altered signature
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-384 verification failure due to altered signature
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-512 verification failure due to altered signature
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-1 verification failure due to altered signature
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-256 verification failure due to altered signature
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-384 verification failure due to altered signature
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-512 verification failure due to altered signature
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 verification failure due to wrong hash
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 verification failure due to wrong hash
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-384 verification failure due to wrong hash
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-512 verification failure due to wrong hash
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-1 verification failure due to wrong hash
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-256 verification failure due to wrong hash
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-384 verification failure due to wrong hash
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-512 verification failure due to wrong hash
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-1 verification failure due to wrong hash
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-256 verification failure due to wrong hash
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-384 verification failure due to wrong hash
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-512 verification failure due to wrong hash
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 verification failure due to bad hash name
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 verification failure due to bad hash name
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-384 verification failure due to bad hash name
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-512 verification failure due to bad hash name
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-1 verification failure due to bad hash name
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-256 verification failure due to bad hash name
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-384 verification failure due to bad hash name
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-512 verification failure due to bad hash name
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-1 verification failure due to bad hash name
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-256 verification failure due to bad hash name
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-384 verification failure due to bad hash name
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-512 verification failure due to bad hash name
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 verification failure due to shortened signature
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 verification failure due to shortened signature
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-384 verification failure due to shortened signature
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-512 verification failure due to shortened signature
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-1 verification failure due to shortened signature
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-256 verification failure due to shortened signature
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-384 verification failure due to shortened signature
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-512 verification failure due to shortened signature
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-1 verification failure due to shortened signature
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-256 verification failure due to shortened signature
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-384 verification failure due to shortened signature
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-512 verification failure due to shortened signature
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 verification failure due to altered plaintext
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 verification failure due to altered plaintext
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-384 verification failure due to altered plaintext
PASS ECDSA P-256 with SHA-512 verification failure due to altered plaintext
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-1 verification failure due to altered plaintext
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-256 verification failure due to altered plaintext
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-384 verification failure due to altered plaintext
PASS ECDSA P-384 with SHA-512 verification failure due to altered plaintext
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-1 verification failure due to altered plaintext
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-256 verification failure due to altered plaintext
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-384 verification failure due to altered plaintext
PASS ECDSA P-521 with SHA-512 verification failure due to altered plaintext