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<!doctype html><!-- webkit-test-runner [ IPCTestingAPIEnabled=true ] -->
<title>Test that IPC system can send and receive semaphores.</title>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
// NOTE: At the time we don't account for spurious wake-ups in IPC::Semaphore.
const defaultTimeout = 5000;
promise_test(async t => {
if (!window.IPC)
const bufferSize = 100;
const streamTesterID = 447;
for (const processTarget of IPC.processTargets) {
const semaphore = IPC.createSemaphore();
assert_equals(semaphore.waitFor(100), false);
IPC.sendMessage(processTarget, 0,, [
{ type: 'Semaphore', value: semaphore },
const reply = IPC.waitForMessage(processTarget, 0,, defaultTimeout);
assert_equals(reply[0].type, "Semaphore", `for ${ processTarget }`);
const replySemaphore = reply[0].value;
// Both semaphores can be waited on.
assert_equals(semaphore.waitFor(100), false);
assert_equals(replySemaphore.waitFor(100), false);
// Signal protocol is:
// 1) the other side waits for our semaphore
// 2) this side waits for the replySemaphore
// 3) the other side waits for our semaphore again (to prevent destruction race of replySemaphore).
assert_equals(replySemaphore.waitFor(1000), true);
semaphore.signal(); // Signal for done, so the other end will destroy the semaphore.
// Check that we did not get confused by the other test during implementation:
// Check that semaphore and replySemaphore are distinct objects, and the previous
// success was due to the signal protocol.
assert_equals(replySemaphore.waitFor(100), false);
}, "Sending and receiving a semaphore works");
promise_test(async t => {
if (!window.IPC)
const bufferSize = 100;
const streamTesterID = 447;
for (const processTarget of IPC.processTargets) {
const semaphore = IPC.createSemaphore();
IPC.sendMessage(processTarget, 0,, [
{ type: 'Semaphore', value: semaphore },
const reply = IPC.waitForMessage(processTarget, 0,, defaultTimeout);
assert_equals(reply[0].type, "Semaphore", `for ${ processTarget }`);
const replySemaphore = reply[0].value;
assert_equals(semaphore.waitFor(100), false);
assert_equals(replySemaphore.waitFor(100), false);
// The replySemaphore is the same as semaphore, so signaling one is visible in the another.
assert_equals(replySemaphore.waitFor(100), true);
}, "Sending and then receiving the same semaphore works");