| Testing WI.CSSQueryController |
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| == Running test suite: CSSQueryController |
| -- Running test case: FindSpecialCharacterIndices |
| PASS: The special characters in "margin" should match. |
| PASS: The special characters in "MARGIN" should match. |
| PASS: The special characters in "margin-right" should match. |
| PASS: The special characters in "-webkit-mask" should match. |
| PASS: The special characters in "--var-kebab-case" should match. |
| PASS: The special characters in "--varCamelCase" should match. |
| PASS: The special characters in "--varlowercase" should match. |
| PASS: The special characters in "--VARUPPERCASE" should match. |
| PASS: The special characters in "--var_snake_case" should match. |
| PASS: The special characters in "var(--name)" should match. |
| PASS: The special characters in "rgb(0, 0, 0)" should match. |
| PASS: The special characters in "rgb(0 0 0 / 100%)" should match. |
| PASS: The special characters in "rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1)" should match. |
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| -- Running test case: ExecuteQueryAgainstNoValues |
| PASS: Should return no results. |
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| -- Running test case: ExecuteWhitespaceQueryOrEmptyQuery |
| PASS: Whitespace query should return no results. |
| PASS: Whitespace query should return no results. |
| PASS: Whitespace query should return no results. |
| PASS: Whitespace query should return no results. |
| PASS: Empty query should return no results. |
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| -- Running test case: ExecuteQueryMatchNone |
| PASS: Query "abcde" shouldn't match "abcd". |
| PASS: Query "abcd-" shouldn't match "abcde". |
| PASS: Query "abcde" shouldn't match "abced". |
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| -- Running test case: ExecuteQueryMatchesExpectedCharacters |
| PASS: Query "abcd" should match "abcd" in "abcde". |
| PASS: Query "a-bcde" should match "a - bcde" in "abcde-abcde". |
| PASS: Query "abcde" should match "A B C D E" in "AaBbCcDdEe". |
| PASS: Query "abcde" should match "A B C De" in "AbcdBcdCdDe". |
| PASS: Query "abcdex" should match "A B C d ex" in "AxBxCxdxexDxyxEF". |
| PASS: Query "bc" should match " bC" in "abCd". |
| PASS: Query "bb" should match " bB" in "abBc". |
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| -- Running test case: ExecuteQueryGeneralRankings |
| PASS: Results should be ranked by descending relevancy. |
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| -- Running test case: ExecuteQueryPositionRankings |
| PASS: Results should be ranked by descending relevancy. |
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| -- Running test case: GetMatchingTextRanges |
| PASS: Result TextRanges should match the expected ranges. |
| PASS: Result TextRanges should match the expected ranges. |
| PASS: Result TextRanges should match the expected ranges. |
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