blob: 09c144aba6a30f7a7c4e932a48afa1af799cf5d4 [file] [log] [blame]
Blocked access to external URL
This test runs the WebGL Test listed below in an iframe and reports PASS or FAIL.
Test: ../../../resources/webgl_test_files/conformance/textures/misc/origin-clean-conformance.html
[ 1: FAIL ] img was loaded
[ 2: PASS ] img domain ( and page domain (:80) are not the same.
[ 3: FAIL ] texImage2D with cross-origin image should throw exception.
[ 4: FAIL ] texSubImage2D with cross-origin image should throw exception.
[ 5: PASS ] readPixels should never throw exception -- not possible to dirty origin of WebGL canvas.
[ 6: PASS ] should not throw exception by toDataURL for WebGL canvas, which should stay origin clean.
[ 7: FAIL ] should throw exception by toDataURL for NON origin clean canvas.
[ 8: FAIL ] texImage2D with NON origin clean canvas should throw exception.
[ 9: FAIL ] texSubImage2D with NON origin clean canvas should throw exception.
[ 10: PASS ] readPixels should never throw exception -- not possible to dirty origin of WebGL canvas.
[ 11: PASS ] should not throw exception by toDataURL for WebGL canvas, which should stay origin clean.
[ 12: PASS ] successfullyParsed is true
[ FAIL ] 6 failures reported