blob: c1b2f6381023a97b977300b50a5e41da4afd9963 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Harri Porten (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
#include "config.h"
#include "date_object.h"
#include "date_object.lut.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "error_object.h"
#include "operations.h"
#include "DateMath.h"
#include <wtf/ASCIICType.h>
#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
#include <wtf/StringExtras.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
using namespace WTF;
namespace KJS {
static double parseDate(const UString&);
static double timeClip(double);
inline int gmtoffset(const GregorianDateTime& t)
return t.utcOffset;
* @internal
* Class to implement all methods that are properties of the
* Date object
class DateObjectFuncImp : public InternalFunctionImp {
DateObjectFuncImp(ExecState *, FunctionPrototype *, int i, int len, const Identifier& );
virtual JSValue *callAsFunction(ExecState *, JSObject *thisObj, const List &args);
enum { Parse, UTC };
int id;
static CFDateFormatterStyle styleFromArgString(const UString& string, CFDateFormatterStyle defaultStyle)
if (string == "short")
return kCFDateFormatterShortStyle;
if (string == "medium")
return kCFDateFormatterMediumStyle;
if (string == "long")
return kCFDateFormatterLongStyle;
if (string == "full")
return kCFDateFormatterFullStyle;
return defaultStyle;
static UString formatLocaleDate(ExecState *exec, double time, bool includeDate, bool includeTime, const List &args)
CFDateFormatterStyle dateStyle = (includeDate ? kCFDateFormatterLongStyle : kCFDateFormatterNoStyle);
CFDateFormatterStyle timeStyle = (includeTime ? kCFDateFormatterLongStyle : kCFDateFormatterNoStyle);
bool useCustomFormat = false;
UString customFormatString;
UString arg0String = args[0]->toString(exec);
if (arg0String == "custom" && !args[1]->isUndefined()) {
useCustomFormat = true;
customFormatString = args[1]->toString(exec);
} else if (includeDate && includeTime && !args[1]->isUndefined()) {
dateStyle = styleFromArgString(arg0String, dateStyle);
timeStyle = styleFromArgString(args[1]->toString(exec), timeStyle);
} else if (includeDate && !args[0]->isUndefined()) {
dateStyle = styleFromArgString(arg0String, dateStyle);
} else if (includeTime && !args[0]->isUndefined()) {
timeStyle = styleFromArgString(arg0String, timeStyle);
CFLocaleRef locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
CFDateFormatterRef formatter = CFDateFormatterCreate(0, locale, dateStyle, timeStyle);
if (useCustomFormat) {
CFStringRef customFormatCFString = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(0, (UniChar *), customFormatString.size());
CFDateFormatterSetFormat(formatter, customFormatCFString);
CFStringRef string = CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithAbsoluteTime(0, formatter, time - kCFAbsoluteTimeIntervalSince1970);
// We truncate the string returned from CFDateFormatter if it's absurdly long (> 200 characters).
// That's not great error handling, but it just won't happen so it doesn't matter.
UChar buffer[200];
const size_t bufferLength = sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(buffer[0]);
size_t length = CFStringGetLength(string);
ASSERT(length <= bufferLength);
if (length > bufferLength)
length = bufferLength;
CFStringGetCharacters(string, CFRangeMake(0, length), reinterpret_cast<UniChar *>(buffer));
return UString(buffer, length);
enum LocaleDateTimeFormat { LocaleDateAndTime, LocaleDate, LocaleTime };
static JSCell* formatLocaleDate(const GregorianDateTime& gdt, const LocaleDateTimeFormat format)
static const char* formatStrings[] = {"%#c", "%#x", "%X"};
// Offset year if needed
struct tm localTM = gdt;
int year = gdt.year + 1900;
bool yearNeedsOffset = year < 1900 || year > 2038;
if (yearNeedsOffset) {
localTM.tm_year = equivalentYearForDST(year) - 1900;
// Do the formatting
const int bufsize=128;
char timebuffer[bufsize];
size_t ret = strftime(timebuffer, bufsize, formatStrings[format], &localTM);
if ( ret == 0 )
return jsString("");
// Copy original into the buffer
if (yearNeedsOffset && format != LocaleTime) {
static const int yearLen = 5; // FIXME will be a problem in the year 10,000
char yearString[yearLen];
snprintf(yearString, yearLen, "%d", localTM.tm_year + 1900);
char* yearLocation = strstr(timebuffer, yearString);
snprintf(yearString, yearLen, "%d", year);
strncpy(yearLocation, yearString, yearLen - 1);
return jsString(timebuffer);
#endif // PLATFORM(WIN_OS)
static UString formatDate(const GregorianDateTime &t)
char buffer[100];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %s %02d %04d",
weekdayName[(t.weekDay + 6) % 7],
monthName[t.month], t.monthDay, t.year + 1900);
return buffer;
static UString formatDateUTCVariant(const GregorianDateTime &t)
char buffer[100];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s, %02d %s %04d",
weekdayName[(t.weekDay + 6) % 7],
t.monthDay, monthName[t.month], t.year + 1900);
return buffer;
static UString formatTime(const GregorianDateTime &t, bool utc)
char buffer[100];
if (utc) {
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%02d:%02d:%02d GMT", t.hour, t.minute, t.second);
} else {
int offset = abs(gmtoffset(t));
char tzname[70];
struct tm gtm = t;
strftime(tzname, sizeof(tzname), "%Z", &gtm);
if (tzname) {
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%02d:%02d:%02d GMT%c%02d%02d (%s)",
t.hour, t.minute, t.second,
gmtoffset(t) < 0 ? '-' : '+', offset / (60*60), (offset / 60) % 60, tzname);
} else {
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%02d:%02d:%02d GMT%c%02d%02d",
t.hour, t.minute, t.second,
gmtoffset(t) < 0 ? '-' : '+', offset / (60*60), (offset / 60) % 60);
return UString(buffer);
// Converts a list of arguments sent to a Date member function into milliseconds, updating
// ms (representing milliseconds) and t (representing the rest of the date structure) appropriately.
// Format of member function: f([hour,] [min,] [sec,] [ms])
static void fillStructuresUsingTimeArgs(ExecState *exec, const List &args, int maxArgs, double *ms, GregorianDateTime *t)
double milliseconds = 0;
int idx = 0;
int numArgs = args.size();
// JS allows extra trailing arguments -- ignore them
if (numArgs > maxArgs)
numArgs = maxArgs;
// hours
if (maxArgs >= 4 && idx < numArgs) {
t->hour = 0;
milliseconds += args[idx++]->toInt32(exec) * msPerHour;
// minutes
if (maxArgs >= 3 && idx < numArgs) {
t->minute = 0;
milliseconds += args[idx++]->toInt32(exec) * msPerMinute;
// seconds
if (maxArgs >= 2 && idx < numArgs) {
t->second = 0;
milliseconds += args[idx++]->toInt32(exec) * msPerSecond;
// milliseconds
if (idx < numArgs) {
milliseconds += args[idx]->toNumber(exec);
} else {
milliseconds += *ms;
*ms = milliseconds;
// Converts a list of arguments sent to a Date member function into years, months, and milliseconds, updating
// ms (representing milliseconds) and t (representing the rest of the date structure) appropriately.
// Format of member function: f([years,] [months,] [days])
static void fillStructuresUsingDateArgs(ExecState *exec, const List &args, int maxArgs, double *ms, GregorianDateTime *t)
int idx = 0;
int numArgs = args.size();
// JS allows extra trailing arguments -- ignore them
if (numArgs > maxArgs)
numArgs = maxArgs;
// years
if (maxArgs >= 3 && idx < numArgs)
t->year = args[idx++]->toInt32(exec) - 1900;
// months
if (maxArgs >= 2 && idx < numArgs)
t->month = args[idx++]->toInt32(exec);
// days
if (idx < numArgs) {
t->monthDay = 0;
*ms += args[idx]->toInt32(exec) * msPerDay;
// ------------------------------ DateInstance ------------------------------
const ClassInfo DateInstance::info = {"Date", 0, 0, 0};
DateInstance::DateInstance(JSObject *proto)
: JSWrapperObject(proto)
bool DateInstance::getTime(GregorianDateTime &t, int &offset) const
double milli = internalValue()->getNumber();
if (isnan(milli))
return false;
msToGregorianDateTime(milli, false, t);
offset = gmtoffset(t);
return true;
bool DateInstance::getUTCTime(GregorianDateTime &t) const
double milli = internalValue()->getNumber();
if (isnan(milli))
return false;
msToGregorianDateTime(milli, true, t);
return true;
bool DateInstance::getTime(double &milli, int &offset) const
milli = internalValue()->getNumber();
if (isnan(milli))
return false;
GregorianDateTime t;
msToGregorianDateTime(milli, false, t);
offset = gmtoffset(t);
return true;
bool DateInstance::getUTCTime(double &milli) const
milli = internalValue()->getNumber();
if (isnan(milli))
return false;
return true;
static inline bool isTime_tSigned()
time_t minusOne = (time_t)(-1);
return minusOne < 0;
// ------------------------------ DatePrototype -----------------------------
const ClassInfo DatePrototype::info = {"Date", &DateInstance::info, &dateTable, 0};
/* Source for date_object.lut.h
We use a negative ID to denote the "UTC" variant.
@begin dateTable 61
toString DateProtoFunc::ToString DontEnum|Function 0
toUTCString -DateProtoFunc::ToUTCString DontEnum|Function 0
toDateString DateProtoFunc::ToDateString DontEnum|Function 0
toTimeString DateProtoFunc::ToTimeString DontEnum|Function 0
toLocaleString DateProtoFunc::ToLocaleString DontEnum|Function 0
toLocaleDateString DateProtoFunc::ToLocaleDateString DontEnum|Function 0
toLocaleTimeString DateProtoFunc::ToLocaleTimeString DontEnum|Function 0
valueOf DateProtoFunc::ValueOf DontEnum|Function 0
getTime DateProtoFunc::GetTime DontEnum|Function 0
getFullYear DateProtoFunc::GetFullYear DontEnum|Function 0
getUTCFullYear -DateProtoFunc::GetFullYear DontEnum|Function 0
toGMTString -DateProtoFunc::ToGMTString DontEnum|Function 0
getMonth DateProtoFunc::GetMonth DontEnum|Function 0
getUTCMonth -DateProtoFunc::GetMonth DontEnum|Function 0
getDate DateProtoFunc::GetDate DontEnum|Function 0
getUTCDate -DateProtoFunc::GetDate DontEnum|Function 0
getDay DateProtoFunc::GetDay DontEnum|Function 0
getUTCDay -DateProtoFunc::GetDay DontEnum|Function 0
getHours DateProtoFunc::GetHours DontEnum|Function 0
getUTCHours -DateProtoFunc::GetHours DontEnum|Function 0
getMinutes DateProtoFunc::GetMinutes DontEnum|Function 0
getUTCMinutes -DateProtoFunc::GetMinutes DontEnum|Function 0
getSeconds DateProtoFunc::GetSeconds DontEnum|Function 0
getUTCSeconds -DateProtoFunc::GetSeconds DontEnum|Function 0
getMilliseconds DateProtoFunc::GetMilliSeconds DontEnum|Function 0
getUTCMilliseconds -DateProtoFunc::GetMilliSeconds DontEnum|Function 0
getTimezoneOffset DateProtoFunc::GetTimezoneOffset DontEnum|Function 0
setTime DateProtoFunc::SetTime DontEnum|Function 1
setMilliseconds DateProtoFunc::SetMilliSeconds DontEnum|Function 1
setUTCMilliseconds -DateProtoFunc::SetMilliSeconds DontEnum|Function 1
setSeconds DateProtoFunc::SetSeconds DontEnum|Function 2
setUTCSeconds -DateProtoFunc::SetSeconds DontEnum|Function 2
setMinutes DateProtoFunc::SetMinutes DontEnum|Function 3
setUTCMinutes -DateProtoFunc::SetMinutes DontEnum|Function 3
setHours DateProtoFunc::SetHours DontEnum|Function 4
setUTCHours -DateProtoFunc::SetHours DontEnum|Function 4
setDate DateProtoFunc::SetDate DontEnum|Function 1
setUTCDate -DateProtoFunc::SetDate DontEnum|Function 1
setMonth DateProtoFunc::SetMonth DontEnum|Function 2
setUTCMonth -DateProtoFunc::SetMonth DontEnum|Function 2
setFullYear DateProtoFunc::SetFullYear DontEnum|Function 3
setUTCFullYear -DateProtoFunc::SetFullYear DontEnum|Function 3
setYear DateProtoFunc::SetYear DontEnum|Function 1
getYear DateProtoFunc::GetYear DontEnum|Function 0
// ECMA 15.9.4
DatePrototype::DatePrototype(ExecState *, ObjectPrototype *objectProto)
: DateInstance(objectProto)
// The constructor will be added later, after DateObjectImp has been built.
bool DatePrototype::getOwnPropertySlot(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
return getStaticFunctionSlot<DateProtoFunc, JSObject>(exec, &dateTable, this, propertyName, slot);
// ------------------------------ DateProtoFunc -----------------------------
DateProtoFunc::DateProtoFunc(ExecState* exec, int i, int len, const Identifier& name)
: InternalFunctionImp(static_cast<FunctionPrototype*>(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinFunctionPrototype()), name)
, id(abs(i))
, utc(i < 0)
// We use a negative ID to denote the "UTC" variant.
putDirect(exec->propertyNames().length, len, DontDelete|ReadOnly|DontEnum);
JSValue *DateProtoFunc::callAsFunction(ExecState *exec, JSObject *thisObj, const List &args)
if (!thisObj->inherits(&DateInstance::info))
return throwError(exec, TypeError);
DateInstance* thisDateObj = static_cast<DateInstance*>(thisObj);
JSValue *result = 0;
UString s;
JSValue *v = thisDateObj->internalValue();
double milli = v->toNumber(exec);
if (isnan(milli)) {
switch (id) {
case ToString:
case ToDateString:
case ToTimeString:
case ToGMTString:
case ToUTCString:
case ToLocaleString:
case ToLocaleDateString:
case ToLocaleTimeString:
return jsString("Invalid Date");
case ValueOf:
case GetTime:
case GetYear:
case GetFullYear:
case GetMonth:
case GetDate:
case GetDay:
case GetHours:
case GetMinutes:
case GetSeconds:
case GetMilliSeconds:
case GetTimezoneOffset:
return jsNaN();
double secs = floor(milli / msPerSecond);
double ms = milli - secs * msPerSecond;
GregorianDateTime t;
msToGregorianDateTime(milli, utc, t);
switch (id) {
case ToString:
return jsString(formatDate(t) + " " + formatTime(t, utc));
case ToDateString:
return jsString(formatDate(t));
case ToTimeString:
return jsString(formatTime(t, utc));
case ToGMTString:
case ToUTCString:
return jsString(formatDateUTCVariant(t) + " " + formatTime(t, utc));
case ToLocaleString:
return jsString(formatLocaleDate(exec, secs, true, true, args));
case ToLocaleDateString:
return jsString(formatLocaleDate(exec, secs, true, false, args));
case ToLocaleTimeString:
return jsString(formatLocaleDate(exec, secs, false, true, args));
case ToLocaleString:
return formatLocaleDate(t, LocaleDateAndTime);
case ToLocaleDateString:
return formatLocaleDate(t, LocaleDate);
case ToLocaleTimeString:
return formatLocaleDate(t, LocaleTime);
case ValueOf:
case GetTime:
return jsNumber(milli);
case GetYear:
// IE returns the full year even in getYear.
if (exec->dynamicInterpreter()->compatMode() == Interpreter::IECompat)
return jsNumber(1900 + t.year);
return jsNumber(t.year);
case GetFullYear:
return jsNumber(1900 + t.year);
case GetMonth:
return jsNumber(t.month);
case GetDate:
return jsNumber(t.monthDay);
case GetDay:
return jsNumber(t.weekDay);
case GetHours:
return jsNumber(t.hour);
case GetMinutes:
return jsNumber(t.minute);
case GetSeconds:
return jsNumber(t.second);
case GetMilliSeconds:
return jsNumber(ms);
case GetTimezoneOffset:
return jsNumber(-gmtoffset(t) / minutesPerHour);
case SetTime:
milli = timeClip(args[0]->toNumber(exec));
result = jsNumber(milli);
case SetMilliSeconds:
fillStructuresUsingTimeArgs(exec, args, 1, &ms, &t);
case SetSeconds:
fillStructuresUsingTimeArgs(exec, args, 2, &ms, &t);
case SetMinutes:
fillStructuresUsingTimeArgs(exec, args, 3, &ms, &t);
case SetHours:
fillStructuresUsingTimeArgs(exec, args, 4, &ms, &t);
case SetDate:
fillStructuresUsingDateArgs(exec, args, 1, &ms, &t);
case SetMonth:
fillStructuresUsingDateArgs(exec, args, 2, &ms, &t);
case SetFullYear:
fillStructuresUsingDateArgs(exec, args, 3, &ms, &t);
case SetYear:
t.year = (args[0]->toInt32(exec) > 99 || args[0]->toInt32(exec) < 0) ? args[0]->toInt32(exec) - 1900 : args[0]->toInt32(exec);
if (id == SetYear || id == SetMilliSeconds || id == SetSeconds ||
id == SetMinutes || id == SetHours || id == SetDate ||
id == SetMonth || id == SetFullYear ) {
result = jsNumber(gregorianDateTimeToMS(t, ms, utc));
return result;
// ------------------------------ DateObjectImp --------------------------------
// TODO: MakeTime ( etc. ?
DateObjectImp::DateObjectImp(ExecState *exec,
FunctionPrototype *funcProto,
DatePrototype *dateProto)
: InternalFunctionImp(funcProto)
static const Identifier* parsePropertyName = new Identifier("parse");
static const Identifier* UTCPropertyName = new Identifier("UTC");
putDirect(exec->propertyNames().prototype, dateProto, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly);
putDirectFunction(new DateObjectFuncImp(exec, funcProto, DateObjectFuncImp::Parse, 1, *parsePropertyName), DontEnum);
putDirectFunction(new DateObjectFuncImp(exec, funcProto, DateObjectFuncImp::UTC, 7, *UTCPropertyName), DontEnum);
putDirect(exec->propertyNames().length, 7, ReadOnly|DontDelete|DontEnum);
bool DateObjectImp::implementsConstruct() const
return true;
// ECMA 15.9.3
JSObject *DateObjectImp::construct(ExecState *exec, const List &args)
int numArgs = args.size();
double value;
if (numArgs == 0) { // new Date() ECMA
value = getCurrentUTCTime();
} else if (numArgs == 1) {
if (args[0]->isObject(&DateInstance::info))
value = static_cast<DateInstance*>(args[0])->internalValue()->toNumber(exec);
else {
JSValue* primitive = args[0]->toPrimitive(exec);
if (primitive->isString())
value = parseDate(primitive->getString());
value = primitive->toNumber(exec);
} else {
if (isnan(args[0]->toNumber(exec))
|| isnan(args[1]->toNumber(exec))
|| (numArgs >= 3 && isnan(args[2]->toNumber(exec)))
|| (numArgs >= 4 && isnan(args[3]->toNumber(exec)))
|| (numArgs >= 5 && isnan(args[4]->toNumber(exec)))
|| (numArgs >= 6 && isnan(args[5]->toNumber(exec)))
|| (numArgs >= 7 && isnan(args[6]->toNumber(exec)))) {
value = NaN;
} else {
GregorianDateTime t;
int year = args[0]->toInt32(exec);
t.year = (year >= 0 && year <= 99) ? year : year - 1900;
t.month = args[1]->toInt32(exec);
t.monthDay = (numArgs >= 3) ? args[2]->toInt32(exec) : 1;
t.hour = args[3]->toInt32(exec);
t.minute = args[4]->toInt32(exec);
t.second = args[5]->toInt32(exec);
t.isDST = -1;
double ms = (numArgs >= 7) ? args[6]->toNumber(exec) : 0;
value = gregorianDateTimeToMS(t, ms, false);
DateInstance *ret = new DateInstance(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinDatePrototype());
return ret;
// ECMA 15.9.2
JSValue *DateObjectImp::callAsFunction(ExecState * /*exec*/, JSObject * /*thisObj*/, const List &/*args*/)
time_t t = time(0);
GregorianDateTime ts(*localtime(&t));
return jsString(formatDate(ts) + " " + formatTime(ts, false));
// ------------------------------ DateObjectFuncImp ----------------------------
DateObjectFuncImp::DateObjectFuncImp(ExecState* exec, FunctionPrototype* funcProto, int i, int len, const Identifier& name)
: InternalFunctionImp(funcProto, name), id(i)
putDirect(exec->propertyNames().length, len, DontDelete|ReadOnly|DontEnum);
// ECMA - 3
JSValue *DateObjectFuncImp::callAsFunction(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, const List& args)
if (id == Parse) {
return jsNumber(parseDate(args[0]->toString(exec)));
else { // UTC
int n = args.size();
if (isnan(args[0]->toNumber(exec))
|| isnan(args[1]->toNumber(exec))
|| (n >= 3 && isnan(args[2]->toNumber(exec)))
|| (n >= 4 && isnan(args[3]->toNumber(exec)))
|| (n >= 5 && isnan(args[4]->toNumber(exec)))
|| (n >= 6 && isnan(args[5]->toNumber(exec)))
|| (n >= 7 && isnan(args[6]->toNumber(exec)))) {
return jsNaN();
GregorianDateTime t;
memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t));
int year = args[0]->toInt32(exec);
t.year = (year >= 0 && year <= 99) ? year : year - 1900;
t.month = args[1]->toInt32(exec);
t.monthDay = (n >= 3) ? args[2]->toInt32(exec) : 1;
t.hour = args[3]->toInt32(exec);
t.minute = args[4]->toInt32(exec);
t.second = args[5]->toInt32(exec);
double ms = (n >= 7) ? args[6]->toNumber(exec) : 0;
return jsNumber(gregorianDateTimeToMS(t, ms, true));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Code originally from krfcdate.cpp, but we don't want to use kdecore, and we want double range.
static inline double ymdhmsToSeconds(long year, int mon, int day, int hour, int minute, int second)
double days = (day - 32075)
+ floor(1461 * (year + 4800.0 + (mon - 14) / 12) / 4)
+ 367 * (mon - 2 - (mon - 14) / 12 * 12) / 12
- floor(3 * ((year + 4900.0 + (mon - 14) / 12) / 100) / 4)
- 2440588;
return ((days * hoursPerDay + hour) * minutesPerHour + minute) * secondsPerMinute + second;
// We follow the recommendation of RFC 2822 to consider all
// obsolete time zones not listed here equivalent to "-0000".
static const struct KnownZone {
char tzName[4];
int tzOffset;
} known_zones[] = {
{ "UT", 0 },
{ "GMT", 0 },
{ "EST", -300 },
{ "EDT", -240 },
{ "CST", -360 },
{ "CDT", -300 },
{ "MST", -420 },
{ "MDT", -360 },
{ "PST", -480 },
{ "PDT", -420 }
inline static void skipSpacesAndComments(const char*& s)
int nesting = 0;
char ch;
while ((ch = *s)) {
if (!isASCIISpace(ch)) {
if (ch == '(')
else if (ch == ')' && nesting > 0)
else if (nesting == 0)
// returns 0-11 (Jan-Dec); -1 on failure
static int findMonth(const char* monthStr)
char needle[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (!*monthStr)
return -1;
needle[i] = static_cast<char>(toASCIILower(*monthStr++));
needle[3] = '\0';
const char *haystack = "janfebmaraprmayjunjulaugsepoctnovdec";
const char *str = strstr(haystack, needle);
if (str) {
int position = static_cast<int>(str - haystack);
if (position % 3 == 0)
return position / 3;
return -1;
static double parseDate(const UString &date)
// This parses a date in the form:
// Tuesday, 09-Nov-99 23:12:40 GMT
// or
// Sat, 01-Jan-2000 08:00:00 GMT
// or
// Sat, 01 Jan 2000 08:00:00 GMT
// or
// 01 Jan 99 22:00 +0100 (exceptions in rfc822/rfc2822)
// ### non RFC formats, added for Javascript:
// [Wednesday] January 09 1999 23:12:40 GMT
// [Wednesday] January 09 23:12:40 GMT 1999
// We ignore the weekday.
CString dateCString = date.UTF8String();
const char *dateString = dateCString.c_str();
// Skip leading space
long month = -1;
const char *wordStart = dateString;
// Check contents of first words if not number
while (*dateString && !isASCIIDigit(*dateString)) {
if (isASCIISpace(*dateString) || *dateString == '(') {
if (dateString - wordStart >= 3)
month = findMonth(wordStart);
wordStart = dateString;
} else
// Missing delimiter between month and day (like "January29")?
if (month == -1 && wordStart != dateString)
month = findMonth(wordStart);
if (!*dateString)
return NaN;
// ' 09-Nov-99 23:12:40 GMT'
char *newPosStr;
errno = 0;
long day = strtol(dateString, &newPosStr, 10);
if (errno)
return NaN;
dateString = newPosStr;
if (!*dateString)
return NaN;
if (day < 0)
return NaN;
long year = 0;
if (day > 31) {
// ### where is the boundary and what happens below?
if (*dateString != '/')
return NaN;
// looks like a YYYY/MM/DD date
if (!*++dateString)
return NaN;
year = day;
month = strtol(dateString, &newPosStr, 10) - 1;
if (errno)
return NaN;
dateString = newPosStr;
if (*dateString++ != '/' || !*dateString)
return NaN;
day = strtol(dateString, &newPosStr, 10);
if (errno)
return NaN;
dateString = newPosStr;
} else if (*dateString == '/' && month == -1) {
// This looks like a MM/DD/YYYY date, not an RFC date.
month = day - 1; // 0-based
day = strtol(dateString, &newPosStr, 10);
if (errno)
return NaN;
if (day < 1 || day > 31)
return NaN;
dateString = newPosStr;
if (*dateString == '/')
if (!*dateString)
return NaN;
} else {
if (*dateString == '-')
if (*dateString == ',')
if (month == -1) { // not found yet
month = findMonth(dateString);
if (month == -1)
return NaN;
while (*dateString && *dateString != '-' && *dateString != ',' && !isASCIISpace(*dateString))
if (!*dateString)
return NaN;
// '-99 23:12:40 GMT'
if (*dateString != '-' && *dateString != '/' && *dateString != ',' && !isASCIISpace(*dateString))
return NaN;
if (month < 0 || month > 11)
return NaN;
// '99 23:12:40 GMT'
if (year <= 0 && *dateString) {
year = strtol(dateString, &newPosStr, 10);
if (errno)
return NaN;
// Don't fail if the time is missing.
long hour = 0;
long minute = 0;
long second = 0;
if (!*newPosStr)
dateString = newPosStr;
else {
// ' 23:12:40 GMT'
if (!(isASCIISpace(*newPosStr) || *newPosStr == ',')) {
if (*newPosStr != ':')
return NaN;
// There was no year; the number was the hour.
year = -1;
} else {
// in the normal case (we parsed the year), advance to the next number
dateString = ++newPosStr;
hour = strtol(dateString, &newPosStr, 10);
// Do not check for errno here since we want to continue
// even if errno was set becasue we are still looking
// for the timezone!
// Read a number? If not, this might be a timezone name.
if (newPosStr != dateString) {
dateString = newPosStr;
if (hour < 0 || hour > 23)
return NaN;
if (!*dateString)
return NaN;
// ':12:40 GMT'
if (*dateString++ != ':')
return NaN;
minute = strtol(dateString, &newPosStr, 10);
if (errno)
return NaN;
dateString = newPosStr;
if (minute < 0 || minute > 59)
return NaN;
// ':40 GMT'
if (*dateString && *dateString != ':' && !isASCIISpace(*dateString))
return NaN;
// seconds are optional in rfc822 + rfc2822
if (*dateString ==':') {
second = strtol(dateString, &newPosStr, 10);
if (errno)
return NaN;
dateString = newPosStr;
if (second < 0 || second > 59)
return NaN;
if (strncasecmp(dateString, "AM", 2) == 0) {
if (hour > 12)
return NaN;
if (hour == 12)
hour = 0;
dateString += 2;
} else if (strncasecmp(dateString, "PM", 2) == 0) {
if (hour > 12)
return NaN;
if (hour != 12)
hour += 12;
dateString += 2;
bool haveTZ = false;
int offset = 0;
// Don't fail if the time zone is missing.
// Some websites omit the time zone (4275206).
if (*dateString) {
if (strncasecmp(dateString, "GMT", 3) == 0 || strncasecmp(dateString, "UTC", 3) == 0) {
dateString += 3;
haveTZ = true;
if (*dateString == '+' || *dateString == '-') {
long o = strtol(dateString, &newPosStr, 10);
if (errno)
return NaN;
dateString = newPosStr;
if (o < -9959 || o > 9959)
return NaN;
int sgn = (o < 0) ? -1 : 1;
o = abs(o);
if (*dateString != ':') {
offset = ((o / 100) * 60 + (o % 100)) * sgn;
} else { // GMT+05:00
long o2 = strtol(dateString, &newPosStr, 10);
if (errno)
return NaN;
dateString = newPosStr;
offset = (o * 60 + o2) * sgn;
haveTZ = true;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < int(sizeof(known_zones) / sizeof(KnownZone)); i++) {
if (0 == strncasecmp(dateString, known_zones[i].tzName, strlen(known_zones[i].tzName))) {
offset = known_zones[i].tzOffset;
dateString += strlen(known_zones[i].tzName);
haveTZ = true;
if (*dateString && year == -1) {
year = strtol(dateString, &newPosStr, 10);
if (errno)
return NaN;
dateString = newPosStr;
// Trailing garbage
if (*dateString)
return NaN;
// Y2K: Handle 2 digit years.
if (year >= 0 && year < 100) {
if (year < 50)
year += 2000;
year += 1900;
// fall back to local timezone
if (!haveTZ) {
GregorianDateTime t;
memset(&t, 0, sizeof(tm));
t.monthDay = day;
t.month = month;
t.year = year - 1900;
t.isDST = -1;
t.second = second;
t.minute = minute;
t.hour = hour;
// Use our gregorianDateTimeToMS() rather than mktime() as the latter can't handle the full year range.
return gregorianDateTimeToMS(t, 0, false);
return (ymdhmsToSeconds(year, month + 1, day, hour, minute, second) - (offset * 60.0)) * msPerSecond;
double timeClip(double t)
if (!isfinite(t))
return NaN;
if (fabs(t) > 8.64E15)
return NaN;
return trunc(t);