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* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef SVGListPropertyTearOff_h
#define SVGListPropertyTearOff_h
#include "SVGListProperty.h"
namespace WebCore {
template<typename PropertyType>
class SVGListPropertyTearOff : public SVGListProperty<PropertyType> {
typedef SVGListProperty<PropertyType> Base;
typedef SVGListPropertyTearOff<PropertyType> Self;
typedef typename SVGPropertyTraits<PropertyType>::ListItemType ListItemType;
typedef SVGPropertyTearOff<ListItemType> ListItemTearOff;
typedef PassRefPtr<ListItemTearOff> PassListItemTearOff;
typedef SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearOff<PropertyType> AnimatedListPropertyTearOff;
typedef typename SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearOff<PropertyType>::ListWrapperCache ListWrapperCache;
using Base::m_role;
using Base::m_values;
using Base::m_wrappers;
static PassRefPtr<Self> create(AnimatedListPropertyTearOff* animatedProperty, SVGPropertyRole role, PropertyType& values, ListWrapperCache& wrappers)
return adoptRef(new Self(animatedProperty, role, values, wrappers));
int findItem(ListItemTearOff* item) const
unsigned size = m_wrappers->size();
ASSERT(size == m_values->size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (item == m_wrappers->at(i))
return i;
return -1;
void removeItemFromList(size_t itemIndex, bool shouldSynchronizeWrappers)
ASSERT(m_values->size() == m_wrappers->size());
ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(itemIndex < m_wrappers->size());
RefPtr<ListItemTearOff>& item = m_wrappers->at(itemIndex);
if (shouldSynchronizeWrappers)
// SVGList API
void clear(ExceptionCode& ec)
PassListItemTearOff initialize(PassListItemTearOff passNewItem, ExceptionCode& ec)
return Base::initializeValuesAndWrappers(passNewItem, ec);
PassListItemTearOff getItem(unsigned index, ExceptionCode& ec)
return Base::getItemValuesAndWrappers(m_animatedProperty.get(), index, ec);
PassListItemTearOff insertItemBefore(PassListItemTearOff passNewItem, unsigned index, ExceptionCode& ec)
return Base::insertItemBeforeValuesAndWrappers(passNewItem, index, ec);
PassListItemTearOff replaceItem(PassListItemTearOff passNewItem, unsigned index, ExceptionCode& ec)
return Base::replaceItemValuesAndWrappers(passNewItem, index, ec);
PassListItemTearOff removeItem(unsigned index, ExceptionCode& ec)
return Base::removeItemValuesAndWrappers(m_animatedProperty.get(), index, ec);
PassListItemTearOff appendItem(PassListItemTearOff passNewItem, ExceptionCode& ec)
return Base::appendItemValuesAndWrappers(passNewItem, ec);
SVGListPropertyTearOff(AnimatedListPropertyTearOff* animatedProperty, SVGPropertyRole role, PropertyType& values, ListWrapperCache& wrappers)
: SVGListProperty<PropertyType>(role, values, &wrappers)
, m_animatedProperty(animatedProperty)
virtual bool isReadOnly() const OVERRIDE
if (m_role == AnimValRole)
return true;
if (m_animatedProperty && m_animatedProperty->isReadOnly())
return true;
return false;
virtual void commitChange() OVERRIDE
// Update existing wrappers, as the index in the values list has changed.
unsigned size = m_wrappers->size();
ASSERT(size == m_values->size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
ListItemTearOff* item = m_wrappers->at(i).get();
if (!item)
virtual bool processIncomingListItemValue(const ListItemType&, unsigned*) OVERRIDE
return true;
virtual bool processIncomingListItemWrapper(RefPtr<ListItemTearOff>& newItem, unsigned* indexToModify) OVERRIDE
SVGAnimatedProperty* animatedPropertyOfItem = newItem->animatedProperty();
// newItem has been created manually, it doesn't belong to any SVGElement.
// (for example: "textElement.x.baseVal.appendItem(svgsvgElement.createSVGLength())")
if (!animatedPropertyOfItem)
return true;
// newItem belongs to a SVGElement, but its associated SVGAnimatedProperty is not an animated list tear off.
// (for example: "textElement.x.baseVal.appendItem(rectElement.width.baseVal)")
if (!animatedPropertyOfItem->isAnimatedListTearOff()) {
// We have to copy the incoming newItem, as we're not allowed to insert this tear off as is into our wrapper cache.
// Otherwhise we'll end up having two SVGAnimatedPropertys that operate on the same SVGPropertyTearOff. Consider the example above:
// SVGRectElements SVGAnimatedLength 'width' property baseVal points to the same tear off object
// that's inserted into SVGTextElements SVGAnimatedLengthList 'x'. textElement.x.baseVal.getItem(0).value += 150 would
// mutate the rectElement width _and_ the textElement x list. That's obviously wrong, take care of that.
newItem = ListItemTearOff::create(newItem->propertyReference());
return true;
// Spec: If newItem is already in a list, it is removed from its previous list before it is inserted into this list.
// 'newItem' is already living in another list. If it's not our list, synchronize the other lists wrappers after the removal.
bool livesInOtherList = animatedPropertyOfItem != m_animatedProperty;
AnimatedListPropertyTearOff* propertyTearOff = static_cast<AnimatedListPropertyTearOff*>(animatedPropertyOfItem);
int indexToRemove = propertyTearOff->findItem(newItem.get());
ASSERT(indexToRemove != -1);
// Do not remove newItem if already in this list at the target index.
if (!livesInOtherList && indexToModify && static_cast<unsigned>(indexToRemove) == *indexToModify)
return false;
propertyTearOff->removeItemFromList(indexToRemove, livesInOtherList);
if (!indexToModify)
return true;
// If the item lived in our list, adjust the insertion index.
if (!livesInOtherList) {
unsigned& index = *indexToModify;
// Spec: If the item is already in this list, note that the index of the item to (replace|insert before) is before the removal of the item.
if (static_cast<unsigned>(indexToRemove) < index)
return true;
// Back pointer to the animated property that created us
// For example (text.x.baseVal): m_animatedProperty points to the 'x' SVGAnimatedLengthList object
RefPtr<AnimatedListPropertyTearOff> m_animatedProperty;
#endif // ENABLE(SVG)
#endif // SVGListPropertyTearOff_h