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<h1 class="logo"><img src="ARES-6.svg" title="ARES-6" alt="ARES-6"></h1>
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<p>ARES-6 measures the execution time of JavaScript's newest features. <a href="#about">Read more details &#9658;</a></p>
<div id="about" class="flip">
<div class="testing">
<div class="overall">
<div class="score">
<span id="Geomean">
<span class="value">&#10074;&#10074;.&#10074;&#10074;</span><span class="units">ms</span>
<div class="tests">
<div class="air test">
<div id="AirMessage" class="indicator">.</div>
<div class="score">
<label>First Iteration</label>
<span id="AirFirstIteration">
<span class="value">&#10074;&#10074;.&#10074;&#10074;</span><span class="units">ms</span>
<div class="score">
<label>Worst 2%</label>
<span id="AirAverageWorstCase">
<span class="value">&#10074;&#10074;.&#10074;&#10074;</span><span class="units">ms</span>
<div class="score">
<span id="AirSteadyState">
<span class="value">&#10074;&#10074;.&#10074;&#10074;</span><span class="units">ms</span>
<div class="basic test">
<div id="BasicMessage" class="indicator">.</div>
<div class="score">
<label>First Iteration</label>
<span id="BasicFirstIteration">
<span class="value">&#10074;&#10074;.&#10074;&#10074;</span><span class="units">ms</span>
<div class="score">
<label>Worst 2%</label>
<span id="BasicAverageWorstCase">
<span class="value">&#10074;&#10074;.&#10074;&#10074;</span><span class="units">ms</span>
<div class="score">
<span id="BasicSteadyState">
<span class="value">&#10074;&#10074;.&#10074;&#10074;</span><span class="units">ms</span>
<div class="about">
<p>ARES-6 measures the execution time of JavaScript&#8217;s newest features, including symbols, for-of, arrow functions, Map/Set/WeakMap, let/const, classes, proxies, string interpolation, destructuring, default arguments, spread, tail calls, and generators.</p>
<p>Air is an ES2015 port of the <a href="">WebKit B3 JIT</a>&#8217;s <a href=""><code>Air::allocateStack</code> phase</a>. This code is a heavy user of Map, Set, classes, spread, and for-of. The benchmark runs <code>allocateStack</code> on hot function bodies from other popular JavaScript benchmarks: <code>executeIteration</code> from Octane/Gameboy, <code>gaussianBlur</code> from Kraken, and <code>scanIdentifier</code> from Octane/Typescript. Because metacircularity, the benchmark also runs <code>allocateStack</code> on the largest hot function in Air.</p>
<p>Basic is an <a href="">ES2015 implementation of the ECMA-55 BASIC standard</a>. BASIC was an interactive language from the start, so our implementation uses generator functions for the entire interpreter. When the BASIC program says <code>INPUT</code>, our interpreter says <code>yield</code>. This allows users of the interpreter to easily integrate it into a runloop. Basic also uses classes, Map, and WeakMap. The benchmark runs a handful of simple programs, the most complex of which finds prime numbers.</p>
<p>We like making JavaScript run faster, but we didn&#8217;t have any ES2015 code to optimize. ARES-6 is a collection of sample ES2015 code written by the WebKit JavaScript team, which we used to bootstrap our ES2015 optimization efforts.</p>
<p><a href="#">&#9700; Return to Testing</a></p>
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