| SVG 1.1 dynamic update tests |
| Tests dynamic updates of the 'in' attribute of the SVGFEBlendElement object |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS normalBlend.getAttribute('in2') is "lightenImg" |
| PASS multiplyBlend.getAttribute('in2') is "normalImg" |
| PASS screenBlend.getAttribute('in2') is "multiplyImg" |
| PASS darkenBlend.getAttribute('in2') is "screenImg" |
| PASS lightenBlend.getAttribute('in2') is "darkenImg" |
| PASS normalBlend.getAttribute('in2') is "normalImg" |
| PASS multiplyBlend.getAttribute('in2') is "multiplyImg" |
| PASS screenBlend.getAttribute('in2') is "screenImg" |
| PASS darkenBlend.getAttribute('in2') is "darkenImg" |
| PASS lightenBlend.getAttribute('in2') is "lightenImg" |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |