| var SimpleObject = $vm.SimpleObject; |
| |
| load("./driver/driver.js"); |
| |
| function hasDifferentSizeNodes(nodes) { |
| let seenSize = nodes[0].size; |
| for (let node of nodes) { |
| if (node.size !== seenSize) |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| function hasAllInternalNodes(nodes) { |
| for (let node of nodes) { |
| if (!node.internal) |
| return false; |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| function sorted(nodes) { |
| return nodes.sort((a, b) => a.id - b.id); |
| } |
| |
| let simpleObject1NodeId; |
| let simpleObject2NodeId; |
| |
| (function() { |
| let snapshot = createCheapHeapSnapshot(); |
| assert(snapshot.nodesWithClassName("global").length === 1, "Snapshot should contain a single 'global' node"); |
| assert(snapshot.nodesWithClassName("Structure").length > 0, "Snapshot should contain 'Structure' nodes"); |
| assert(snapshot.nodesWithClassName("ThisClassNameDoesNotExist").length === 0, "Snapshot should not contain 'ThisClassNameDoesNotExist' nodes"); |
| |
| let strings = snapshot.nodesWithClassName("string"); |
| assert(strings.length > 0, "Snapshot should contain 'string' nodes"); |
| assert(hasDifferentSizeNodes(strings), "'string' nodes should have different sizes"); |
| |
| let nativeExecutables = snapshot.nodesWithClassName("NativeExecutable"); |
| assert(nativeExecutables.length > 0, "Snapshot should contain 'NativeExecutable' nodes"); |
| assert(!hasDifferentSizeNodes(nativeExecutables), "'NativeExecutable' nodes should all be the same size"); |
| assert(hasAllInternalNodes(nativeExecutables), "'NativeExecutable' nodes should all be internal"); |
| |
| assert(snapshot.nodesWithClassName("SimpleObject").length === 0, "Snapshot should not contain a 'SimpleObject' instance"); |
| })(); |
| |
| let simpleObject1 = new SimpleObject; |
| |
| (function() { |
| let snapshot = createCheapHeapSnapshot(); |
| let nodes = sorted(snapshot.nodesWithClassName("SimpleObject")); |
| let [simpleObject1Node] = nodes; |
| simpleObject1NodeId = nodes[0].id; |
| assert(nodes.length === 1, "Snapshot should contain 1 'SimpleObject' instance"); |
| assert(simpleObject1Node.outgoingEdges.length === 1, "'simpleObject1' should only reference its structure"); |
| assert(simpleObject1Node.outgoingEdges[0].to.className === "Structure", "'simpleObject1' should reference a Structure"); |
| })(); |
| |
| let simpleObjectList = []; |
| for (let i = 0; i < 1234; ++i) |
| simpleObjectList.push(new SimpleObject); |
| |
| (function() { |
| let snapshot = createCheapHeapSnapshot(); |
| let nodes = sorted(snapshot.nodesWithClassName("SimpleObject")); |
| simpleObject1NodeId = nodes[0].id; |
| simpleObject2NodeId = nodes[1].id; |
| assert(nodes.length === 1235, "Snapshot should contain 1235 'SimpleObject' instances"); |
| assert(nodes[0].id === simpleObject1NodeId, "'simpleObject1' should maintain the same identifier"); |
| assert(simpleObject1NodeId < simpleObject2NodeId, "node identifiers should always increase across snapshots"); |
| })(); |
| |
| simpleObject1 = null; |
| simpleObjectList.fill(null); |
| |
| (function() { |
| let snapshot = createCheapHeapSnapshot(); |
| let nodes = snapshot.nodesWithClassName("SimpleObject"); |
| assert(nodes.length === 0, "Snapshot should not contain a 'SimpleObject' instance"); |
| })(); |